《Stay With Me Always》Thirty Eight


I was pacing and waiting for David so we can leave for the trip. I was so nervous. I didn't know anything about her mother. I kept thinking what if she doesn't like me, will that effect our relationship or-

"Stop it." David yelled.


"You're panicking. My mom is going to love you. Could you please relax?"

"I'm trying, yeah."

I kept distracting myself throughout the journey. David was very helpful. He told me stories about his childhood and how his mom would always bail him out of a tough situation. He was a happy kid. Just like now.

"Why does your mom live on the farm? You grew up in the city, right?"

"Oh yeah. So does she. Well, when my grandfather got sick he decided to liquidate all of his assets and investments. Most of them anyway, expect this farm and a winery. He gave the farm to my mother and the winery to my aunt. It was his parting gift. Layla and I thought Mom would eventually sell the farm because it was getting difficult to manage. One day she took a trip to the farm to decide what she was going to do. She met a horse, fell in love with that horse and became a farm girl. We tried to get her back but she said she was happy there and after my aunt lost her husband, she came to live with my mother as well. I think in a way those animals help them cope with their own problems."

I smiled. "What about your dad? He's okay with the whole setting?"

His face turned emotionless. "He doesnt care. He left my mom when I was fourteen."

I had no idea. He never talks about his father, I figured he doesn't like to. I didn't know his dad left him. "I'm so sorry. I-I- am sorry."


He gave me a small smile and nodded. It was uncomfortable and weird all of a sudden. I could tell the vibe had changed.

"So, your mom has pigs or just horses?"

"Pigs, chicken, goats. I don't know. Lots of horses though. She loves them."

We were standing in front of a big house. I wasn't expecting such a beautiful white house when David said farm. I could see the stable and some chicken running around. I've never really been a farm girl but it was nice. On the outskirts of the city, away from all the chitter chatter. It seems peaceful.

"An old cow. That's what you're calling me now. Unbelievable." I heard a woman scream as we entered the house.

There we childhood pictures of David. He was a cute kid. I could also spot Layla and I'm thinking Rafael, David's cousin.

"Why unbelievable? Are you not old? You think you can beat me in scrabble by cheating and I would just let it go."

"I didn't cheat. You're just stupid."

"Stupid! You ign-"

"Ladies. Quiet." David yelled and both women turn to look at us.

David's mom's eyes lit up as he saw him. She looked younger than her age and very fit. David has her eyes. Only her eyes so I'm guessing he resembles to his father more. She stepped forward and hugged him.

"You must me Ashley. The girl my kids can't stop talking about." She said as she pulled me in for a hug as well. I see why Layla is a hugger.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Vince" I said not knowing what to say. David flinched beside me but I ignored it. I myself was in an awkward position.

"Just call me Serena."

"And call me Emily. Nice to finally meet you." David's aunt stepped in.


"So I heard Mom beat you again in scrabble." David said putting our bags away. I sat down next to him on the couch.

"Right. We all know what a cheater your mother is."

"Oh hush. So my dearest daughter not coming? Too busy for a visit." Serena asked.

"Something with the kid's school. She'll visit you next month with Rafael. She promised."

"Rafael is coming in? I swear, you kids, you're still pain in our asses." Emily said and we laughed.

David got up and straightened himself. "It is late and it was a long drive. We should get some rest."

"Yes, I'll get the rooms ready." Emily said and left.

David kissed her mom and left leaving me with his mother.

"I don't mean to be narrow minded but you wouldn't mind sleeping seperately, would you?"

"No. I'm okay with whatever."

"I don't want you to think I'm old school but this a tight knitted community with limited people around here and some of them have orthodox mentality. I just don't want to be the topic of the month."

"I understand. Completely. No worries."

"Thank you. You're a nice girl. My son is lucky."

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