《Stay With Me Always》Thirty Seven


Ashley's POV

I've been incredibly happy for the past two months. I didn't know I could feel this good. We've happy together. I'm still terrified that this bliss won't last and everything will come crashing down but David keeps me sane.

He's still just as charming as he always was. He makes up for my lack of optimism. Like promised, he doesn't push me or forces me to tell him anything. I've told him about my messy divorce and some things about my ex boyfriend but there's alot more to it than I've told but it still counts for something.

I keep overthinking about it but David always tells me, it is your life, your story, you should feel ready before anyone else. It is your right.

I dismissed my alarm trying not to wake David up. He was sleeping next to me, looking absolutely adorable. I slipped out the bed quietly to get ready for work.

As I was rushing to get to work, I bumped into David's sister. The resemblance was uncanny. They both have the same eyes and same nose. It was the forehead that made the difference.

"Ashley, right?" Layla asked. I nodded.

She pulled into a bone crushing hug. She is a hugger.

"I see why my bother is so smitten. You're a catch." She chuckled and I smiled.

We stood there for an awkward minute. I didn't know how to or what to say to my boyfriend's sister. I've heard about her and I wanted to meet her but not awkwardly bump into her in the hallway.

"Oh, hey, I'm sorry. You're going to work. I'm just here to meet David. Don't let me hold you up."

"Don't worry. Um.. David is asleep. You can go in. Keys.." I trailed but she showed me the keys she already had. "It was really nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I hope he doesn't screw this up like his past relationships." She said and left me with questions.


What screw up? What past relationships? I've been so occupied with myself that I never really questioned him. I knew nothing about his past or anything substantial. I've been living in this blissful world where I know nothing about my boyfriend.

I was freaking out. The entire car ride I kept thinking about it and questioning everything. I didn't even know about his family clearly. I know he doesn't like to talk about it but why? All of a sudden, I felt like a crappy girlfriend.

Work was awful. I was spiralling and nothing could distract me. I kept thinking what is it that she meant about screwing up? Is he afraid of something real? Will he bail when he'll know about my past?

We still haven't had sex. It's been two months and we've been on countless dates but still haven't slept together. I'm not ready for him to see me naked yet. I've scars that tell stories that I'm not yet ready to tell. I couldn't help but imagine, what if I'm not enough? Is he going to get tired of waiting?

I entered and found him standing in the kitchen. He was cooking. He noticed my presence and gave me his charming smile. That grin of his is such a treat. He placed the spatula down and came to hug me.

Even though my mind was running wild, his touch slowed everything down. He hugged me and kept me close, it felt like home.

I came out after changing clothes with my laptop tugged under my arm. David was sitting on the couch. I sat on the couch and put my feet on his lap. I decided the best not to go crazy with my thoughts would be to distract myself with work.

"You came back from work early today?" I asked

"I didn't go. I was home"


"It was late. Layla showed up. She wanted to talk about something then I decided to rather stay and cook for you."


I nodded. The mention of Layla brought the thoughts at bay rushing back. Her words kept ringing in my head.

"She told me she met you."

"Yeah. We bumped into each other in the hallway." I said. I didn't say anything else but David kept looking at me for more. "She's great." I added.

"Yeah, okay, what's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing."

He shut my laptop and put it on the coffee table. He held my hand and pulled me closer. "I can tell there is something. What is it?"

"It's just.. Layla mentioned how you screwed up your past relationships and I realised how I know nothing about it."

He frowned "my sister was tattling on me?"

"No. God, no. She meant that she's happy and wishes you don't screw up. Why didn't you tell me about your past relationships?"

"They were hardly relationships. I bailed before anything could get serious."

"You're not helping your case."

He chuckled at my attempt on sarcasm. "It was a long time ago, okay? I'm not proud of the person I was but I guess it is my story. I was young and stupid and angry and I was taking it out on the world. I didn't want commitments and responsibilities. I was just going through motions." I nodded. I can understand it. Sure listening to all of it made my insecurities flair even more but I didn't say anything. I can't be mad at him for having a past. "I know it is worrisome but I'm not that person anymore. It is not the same thing."

"Look, I understand. You got a past. I know we haven't been intimate yet and it is not your problem, you've been very patient and amazing throughout the whole thing. I get that it is important and I might not-"

"Oh come on, it's not about sex. I like you. I want to be with you. Sex or no sex. Do I want you? Yes, definitely yes but what I want more is for you to know our relationship is more than just sex. I can tell you're questioning everything, don't. I'm not that person anymore. I wanna be with you."

I smiled. It is all I ever want to hear. "I like you very much" I couldn't help but notice how much I wanted to say love.

He pulled me closer and kissed me on the corner of my mouth.

"So.. you've noticed how I've been a little on edge lately?"

"Yeah. I figured it has something to with work."

"Not really."

"What is it?"

"My mom wants me to visit her. She called me few days ago. There is a whole thing but you know, gist, wants me there."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Couple of days, give or take."

"Okay. What is so stressful about it?"

"I want you to come with me as well. To meet my mother"

"Okay.. that's it? You've met my mother. It wasn't stressful."

"Yes but not officially. I haven't met her as your boyfriend. I said I didn't want to push you and I meant that. If you feel this is too much, you don't have to agree. I don't wanna scare you away."

"Is this what happened in the past? Did you scare your girlfriends away?"

He scoffed "it barely reached that point. Anyway, will you come?"

"Yes, I would love to."

He smiled and kissed my palm.

"Now that this is settled, how about that delicious dinner I cooked you."

He pulled me up and I laughed as we made way to the dinner table. I was a really lucky girl.

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