《Stay With Me Always》Thirty Six


Ashley's POV

I was typing an important mail when Jenny barged into my office with a grin on her face.

"You work for me, you gotta knock."

"Yes. Right. Next time. I heard some fantastic news."

I narrowed my eyes. I wasn't having a good feeling about this something "What?"

"You're going on a date tonight, isn't it?"

"Wha-who told you that?"

She put her hand on the chest and pretended to be heart "I'm hurt you didn't tell me. We're friends."

"I didn't want to make a thing out of it. Who sold me out?"

"Nobody. I eavesdropped on Liam and David's conversation. Later I just bullied Liam into confirming."

"You eavesdropped and bullied Liam? Unbelievable."

"What? I married him. I've had his babies. I get that right. Anyway, that's not why I barged in. I wanted to tell you I got you a dress for your date tonight."

"I've dresses. I'll pick something from it."

"No, for all I know you'll go in pantsuit. Look, it is not too fancy or out of your comfort zone. If you don't like it, wear something else."

I sighed "fine. Okay"

She turned around and spoke "Have fun, Ash!" And winked at me.

It was date night and I was so nervous. I haven't been on a date in so long let alone with a guy whom I genuinely like. My nerves were tingling by the thought of it.

I couldn't help but overthink. David is so charming and I'm sure he has been on dates with many beautiful women who are good conversationalist, I'm not that. I can't even think about things we've in common.

I looked again at the mirror. I liked the dress Jenny selected for me. It was simple yet cute blue dress. I applied a little makeup and let my hair fall as they may. I didn't want to overdo. I didn't want to give the impression that I'm desperate or something.

After getting dressed, I was waiting for David and pacing at the same time. I have been out of the game for so long I was blanking as to how I'm supposed to behave on a date. I couldn't think of any topic to talk about, or any story that was funny enough for a date. I was starting to have a panic attack thinking how I was gonna screw this up. Luckily, the door bell rang on time.

I opened the door for David. He was dressed in a white pants with a navy blue shirt and sleeves rolled up looking absolutely amazing. I smiled at him. He looked relax and calm, I was complete mess.

His eyes kept staring at me which made me conscious and anxious. I wanted to look good tonight but is it too causal? Or too fancy? Was I supposed to wear jeans and t-shirt? Does he not like how I look? Oh G-


"You look beautiful" that one sentence calm all my nerves. The melody of his voice and his soothing face put my tension to rest. I was still nervous but I at least I knew he liked my dress.

I smiled, a genuine smile "Thank you"

He took to a beautiful restaurant. It wasn't too fancy or too causal. It was perfect.

The waiter came in and took our respective orders.

"Make sure there is no pine nuts in her dish. She's allergic"

"How did you know that?" I asked as soon the waiter left.

"I-I- observed when I was having dinner at your parent's place."

I smiled and nodded. I was amaze as how he remembers such a small insignificant detail. He cares about something normal people won't think twice about. It was so sweet.

The food came, without pine nuts. We had small talks and some normal conversations which weren't boring at all. I liked how between a conservation he would tell me that I look amazing and how he can't really take his eyes off.

After the dinner I was a little disappointed that date was over. I was having such a great time after ages, I didn't want it to end.

"You don't have to get home right away, do you?" David asked.

"No." I jumped at the idea of spending more time with him.

"Great. Let's go on a drive."

He kept driving and I admired the night. It was quiet and beautiful. I was curious as to where we were going but I didn't ask. I trust him.

He was driving on the highway route. It was the route to exit the city. I wasn't sure why he would bring me here but I kept my calm and reminded myself, I trust him.

He took a turn, he was uneven road into the woods. I'm not a fan of woods or animals, I don't hate it but I'm not big outside person either. I have never been camping.

He parked the car in middle of the woods. He got off the car and I followed. I wasn't sure what we were doing in the middle of nowhere but I've felt quietness as I felt in that moment. I could see the sky, clear with star twinkling. I felt the cold breeze. These were the things I've never felt in my entire life. It was so new to me yet so settling.

"What is this place?" I asked

"It's.. nowhere if I'm being honest. It is a shortcut to a cabin a couple own. This road is not on the maps or anywhere. It is a need to know basis kinda road."

"How did you find out?"

He chuckled "Oh man.. sheer luck if you believe. One day I wasn't feeling too well, I pulled over. I found this road, kept walking and found this cabin." He explained pointing at the rusty old cabin.


"Nobody lives here?"

"Nope. Which means, technically, you're off the grid. Nobody knows about this place. It isn't on any map or direction board. It's your time."

"Time for what?"

"To feel whatever you want to feel without the burden you carry." He took few steps towards me and stood close to me. I could smell his intoxicating cologne. "In real world, you've too much burden of your past to carry. You worry to much, I see how lost you feel sometime. Whatever it is that makes you hold back, it doesn't exist here. For this moment, you're free."

As the dim moonlight fell on his face, his beautiful eyes turn black. I never noticed that, I never knew it could turn black. It was so intense yet comforting. He was believable.

I was standing there feeling his breath on my face, the proximity so close it was difficult to breathe but I didn't move. I didn't push him away. Maybe this moment won't last forever, but the feeling of facing my feelings without the weights of my burden was uplifting. I wanted to hold him, kiss him, feel every square inch of his body. I was scared until now to want him but if nothing is holding me back, I know exactly what I want, I want him.

I wrapped my arms around him. I hugged him as if my life depended on him. I was so happy it felt that it would bust out of me. I've never been more peace with myself. I wanted him to know I was grateful, I was happy, I was feeling the freedom I kept thinking about.

I pulled away but he didn't let go. His hand on my waist. He held me steady cause god knows I was weak in my knees by the way he was looking at me. The look on his face was staggering. Warmth and comfort, was so evident. It felt so real that it terrified me.

He closed the frustrating distance between us before I could overthink about it. As soon as his lips touch mine, I was moved. He didn't push me or force me. He just rested his lips waiting for me to give him permission. His eyes were closed but I could feel how scared he was to get rejected.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. It was all the reassurance he needed. He smiled before deepening the kiss. It was everything poet describe. Kissing him felt like an adventure, something dangerous yet so satisfying. I was loving every second of it, so did he. All this time, I kept pushing him away but I wanted was to be so close to him.

We finally pulled away. Maybe it was because we were running out of oxygen. He looked at me with mischief in his eyes and a smile on his face. I could tell how much he liked it.

I laughed. I laughed so hard that it surprised me too. I haven't laughed this freely in such a long time. I was happy and I wanted to enjoy it. David's eyes were twinkling. He was surprised too.

He brought his mouth close to my ear, nibbling it. I stopped laughing and sucked a breath.

"I want you to be my girlfriend" he whispered.

I looked at him. I wasn't expecting this but then nothing that has happened tonight was expected. It has been a night of surprises.

"I know it sounds like I'm teenager professing my feelings and asking you to be my girlfriend but I don't care. I like you, alot. When I first met you I was intrigued but I kept telling myself you're just another person cause I was afraid of what my feelings might mean. Ever since then, I can't stop thinking about you." He held me and pull me closer. His eyes were wrinkled, I could tell he was serious about everything he was saying. "You need time, I know that. We'll take it slow, we'll do it your way but I can't stand not being with you. You can always say no, I'll understand. No pressure." He took a step back and smile reassuringly.

Things happen that shock you to your core. When you think it'll never get better, it does. When you think you'll never connect with anybody, some goofy stranger comes along and changes everything for you.

I was terrified of what my future holds. I was terrified that my past will haunt me. I was terrified of the immensity of my feelings for him but I was also ready. It wasn't anything big or grand but I could feel myself letting go some of that burden. It was a small step but step nonetheless.

I held his hand and kissed him. His lips so soft and his hands gently held my face. It was so gratifying. I whispered 'yes' in between the kisses. He looked at me, smiled and kissed me again.

I knew my life is not going to be same anymore. I was letting someone in, someone I like, someone I cherish. The right person will always find you, that's what my mother said after my divorce when I was alone. I didn't believe her, I didn't want to. I was standing on the edge waiting for someone to push me. I was alone and broken. David held my hand and now, I'm a step away from the edge. He makes me want to be better. He's the right person and he found me.

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