《Stay With Me Always》Thirty Two


Ashley's POV

I was sitting alone in our big house waiting for my husband, again. He has been working late for the past couple of days and now I'm thinking it might be more than just work. I've tried to talk to him but he doesn't answer my questions without insults and disrespect.

I hear the door unlock. He steps inside. He puts his stuff on the table and loosens his tie.

I can see how this is not a good time to talk but I can't keep delaying. There's never a good time.

"What?" He asked, irritation evident in his voice.

"You're late again." I said calmly.

"Some of us have to work to survive. Not everybody has a rich Daddy and fancy husband to depend upon."

"You're the one who asked me to quit my job."

"What is this? I come home tired and instead of making me comfortable, you're parading me. What is your problem?"

"My problem? You're lying."

He groaned "Oh goddamn. What the hell are you talking about?"

"My mother saw you with Mia today. At a restaurant. You guys were on a date."

"You are having your mother spy on me?" I could see he was getting angry. I knew I should stop but I can't keep living like this.

"You're cheating on me. You're lying and sneaking. I'm not spying on you. I'm miserable. You're making my life miserable. Tell me, did you sleep with her or not?"

"I don't owe you an explanation."

"You don't owe me an explanation? You can't be serious. I AM YOUR GODDAMN WIFE. I-" He slapped me right across the face. I couldn't contemplate it. It was so sudden. I knew this would happen, I'm aware of my situation yet I didn't stop. I'm responsible for what is happening.


"You do not get to yell at me. Am I clear?" I didn't say anything. I was still shaken by the slap "AM I CLEAR?" I nodded.

He said something but I didn't listen. I didn't care enough to listen. I just stood there, frozen, waiting for him to leave so I can sob on the floor. I didn't want cry in front of him. That gives him an excuse to insult me further.

"Sleep here. I don't want you near me tonight." And he left.

David's POV

I placed Ashley on the bed, removed her heels and adjusted her dress so that she could sleep peacefully. I sat their and admired her beautiful face.

She looked so relaxed, most relaxed I've seen her tonight. Tonight started so wonderfully but took such a drastic turn. I could see how much she hated being the center of attention in that moment but she didn't stop.

I'm glad she got it all out. It was brave. I don't think I'll ever be able to do what she did, I don't know if she was wasted but what she said, was brave. She admitted to the flaws of her life and that is big.

I also got to know how much she despises her ex husband. I still don't know the full story but from the amount of pain he has inflicted on Ashley, I don't think there's any version of that story that supports his side. He sounds like a complete dick.

I removed my shows and climbed next to her. I left sufficient space between us, not crowding her personal space. After a little while she turned and curled up in my arm. I smiled, she looked so innocent.

I kept stroking her hair, her speech still ringing in my ears. I know she is going to feel extremely guilty tomorrow morning for ruining her parent's night. It is going to suck and I wish I could take that guilt away. I wish I could take her sadness away. I never believed in the romantic aspect of pain and the words that describe them until I felt it. I'm still confused most days about it but what I'm certain about is if anyone offers me to trade her sufferings for happiness for her I would do it in a heartbeat.


I was deep in thoughts when I saw her moving and getting restless. Her eyebrows were furrowed. She was having a dream, a bad dream.

"I'm sorry. No..no.." she whispered.

"Ashley.." I trailed "Ashley" I called again seeing how restless she was.

She woke up. I saw tears in her eyes. It was a bad dream. She started crying. I didn't know what words to say so instead I wrapped my arms around her. I didn't say anything, I didn't want it to be awkward for her. I wanted her to be comfortable.

"I-I-" she struggled to find words to say what she wanted to say. I had no idea what it was but I was afraid of leaving her alone.

"I'm going to stay tonight." It wasn't a question, it was a statement and she agreed instantly.

I held her gently and we both laid down together.

"Don't hurt me, please." She whispered. I know she didn't mean for me to hear but I did. I didn't say anything considering it isn't the right time to discuss it.

I kept stroking her hair. It was nice and comfortable. It was kind of adorable if we don't consider the situation. I felt something I haven't in a long time. I felt a sense of belonging.

This was the most unexpected moment and yet I felt that I belonged. I couldn't explain it, I wouldn't know how to but I felt uplifted. It was crazy and scary yet I couldn't get enough. I want to feel this way forever.

I bend down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. I let my lips linger a little longer. She was fast asleep and completely unaware. It wasn't like any other kiss, it was so much different. What I felt in that moment was infinite and I want remember it for as long as I can.

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