《Stay With Me Always》Thirty One


"I met my wife when I was eighteen years old. I fell in love with her instantly, how could I not? She is beautiful. When I told my friends that I would marry this girl, they laughed and joked saying I'm a stupid boy thinking I'll be spending the rest of my life with one woman. I wanted to smack them, honestly but instead I decided to show them how honest I was. You see losers" my dad pointed at his highschool friends. Everybody laughed, my mom giggled "I'm still in love with her. The truth is that I didn't spend my entire life with only one woman. I fell in love with a crazy seventeen year old teenager, married a sorted and successful woman, had kids with an amazing mother and build my life with this elegant woman. She has been the pillar of my life for as long as I can remember and I can't imagine it any other way. Ava Walker, I'm still in as much love as I was when I first saw you. Being married to you has been the most wonderful decision of my life. I love you, honey."

After my dad finished his speech my mom walked upto him and kissed him. Everyone applauded. She was in tears and so was I. I cant imagine a better story than my parent's for me. They're my goals.

My mom looked at me, I could see the concern in her eyes, so evident. I could tell she was worried that I might be hurting, which I was but I didn't want her to know that.

I smiled and gave a small nod reassuring I was okay even if I wasn't. I didn't want my mother spending the rest of her party worrying about me.

I quietly slipped from the crowd and made my way to the bar where it was quiet and was away from my parent's. I didn't want them to see the sadness in my eyes and feel guilty for being happy.


"Hey Ashley!" I heard someone great me.

I turned to see Mia Cook standing in front of me with a smile plastered on her face. She's probably the last person I wanted to see on this planet.

"Great speech, huh?" She said.

I snorted "what are you doing here?"

"I came to greet an old friend. Ask how you doing. So, what's up?"

"I'm not your friend. I thought you made that very clear."

"Come on, Ashley, we were such good friends once upon time. Don't you remember the good old days?" Her smile was unflattering. I wanted to smack it off.

"Yeah I do remember you sleeping with my husband. Oh, good old days" I snorted.

"You still carrying a grudge about it?"

I didn't say anything. Honestly, I didn't care he slept with him, I care that she had the audacity to show her slut face to me again.

"Fine. You know what? You should learn a thing or two from your parents if you don't wanna end up alone and bitter. If you had been a better wife, he never would've come looking for me." She smirked at me "I was much more satisfying to him that you ever were."

She walked away but I was hurt and angry. I didn't want to hear that, I never wanted to hear that. I am aware how miserable my marriage was but I was never a bad wife. I never hurt him or drove him away. I didn't ruin my marriage.

I see my parents all the time and I wish I was lucky enough to have what they have but I'm not. I'm a miserable person who has stuck in her past.

I took the shot in front of me and drank it. I could feel the bitterness hit my throat. I was angry, sad and most importantly pent up. I knew what I was going to do is going to ruin this wonderful night for my parents but I couldn't stop myself.


"Hey, you bitch." I yelled. Everyone's attention turned to me, I was getting anxious but I didn't care. Mia looked at me too.

"Yup. You're right. I had a shitty marriage and even a more crappy divorce but I wasn't a bad wife. I never was a bad wife." I got up from the bar stool but my foot got stuck in my long gown. The mad next to me tried to help but I shove him off. I finally stood up and walked upto her. "My miserable life was no excuse for you to whore yourself. You of all do not get to comment on my state of life."

Everybody was looking at me. I could feel my nerves but i had to get it out. I wanted to so badly.

"Why is it that if a woman is divorced, she's miserable? Or that it is her fault? Why is it that every goddamn person looks at a divorce woman as if she's broken?"

I can see my mother on the verge of crying. I could see Jenny holding Liam back. I was aware how I was hurting the people I care about but sadly I didn't care.

"Well, guess what? I wanted to be happy and he didn't. It was a diaster marriage. I'm alone and miserable and yes, bitter but I'm out of that shithole."

I was aware I was going to faint from all the anxiety I was feeling but I had to say it. Before I could hit the ground a pair of strong familiar arms grabbed me. He held me tight stopping me from making more fool of myself. The last thing I remember before blacking out was his worry filled eyes.

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