《Stay With Me Always》Twenty Eight


I reached home but my door was already unlocked which was suspicious because I clearly remember locking it and checking it twice.

I opened the door carefully not to startled anyone, whoever that might be.

"Mom!" I recognize as soon as I saw her back.

She was startled by my voice. "You scared me. Geez."

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I came by to see you. You've been working too much lately. I wanted to see if you're eating alright or not."

"I'm fine, Mom. Not a baby anymore."

"You'll always be my baby. You can't convince me otherwise."

"Ava! I got your stuff" I heard a voice before I could say something. It was awfully familiar.

I turned to see David standing at the entrance with a bag of groceries in his hand.

He turned towards me "Hi Ashley!"

I narrowed my eyes and asked "What are you doing here?"

"Honey, he's helping me. I bumped into him in the hallway. He thought I was picking your lock."

"No. No.. it's just.. Ashley never comes home early and you look awfully lot like her sister, I must have mistook you for Ashley. I thought she lost her key." He winked at my mother who smiled like a school girl and I barfed.

"Again, what are you doing at my house?" I was annoyed. It wasn't a good day at all.

"Like your mother said, helping her out."

"Thank you, David. You're a peach."

He smiled and dropped the groceries on my kitchen counter.

"I'll leave you to alone. Good to meet you, Ava."

"What? You aren't going to join us for dinner?"

"No, he probably has some work more important than this." I injected before he could say yes.


He rolled his eyes at me before turning to my mother. "I would love to but I already have plans for the evening. Next time."

"Ohh!" Mom said sadly.

I looked at him and noticed he was dressed. I kept asking myself was he dressed to go on a date? And if he is, I shouldn't be brothered, right? I like him but I never told him that and I won't tell him that because I'm a coward terrified of confronting my own feelings.

"Don't pout, Ava. We'll always have another time." David said and my mother chuckle.

"Which reminds me, you should come to our anniversary party. Ashley did you add David to the guest list?"

"Liam is doing that. He told you about the party?"

"No but I'm a mother, I figured it out."

"Do you have any plus one?" mom asked David

He raised an eyebrow "Do I need one?"

"You're a young man, you should have a beautiful lady by your side"

The thought of entering the party with another woman on his arm made my stomach turn but then again who am I to stop or raise questions.

This conversation felt like a waste of time so I decided to leave but David decided to drop a bomb instead.

"Ashley could be my plus one of thats alright."

"Huh? No." I said immediately but didn't know why. Isn't this what I wanted?

"Yes, she'll love to." My mom gave a better answer than I did.

"But mom-"

"What, do you have a date to this thing?" I shook my head no "then, problem solved. You're perfect for each other."

I wanted to deny it but David was smiling and genuinely happy with my mother's statement. I didn't have it in me to be mean and disrespectful to my mother or David for that matter so I agreed.


After agreeing to go to the party as David's date, I was beyond conscious to stay there under my mother's scrutiny so I excused myself to change into something comfortable.

I changed into my yoga pants and sweatshirt. I noticed a box on my bed which I ignored earlier. I opened the box and saw a beautiful dress. I know that it was from my mom.

I came out and saw David and mom talking. I was happy to see David still here and not gone on his date, if it is a date.

"I think I should be going. I'm already late for my other commitment." David said got up. He hugged mom and gave her a kiss on cheek.

I was sure that he was going on a date. He is happy because he's meeting her and he doesn't want her to be waiting for him. My face fell on the thought of that.

"Ash! Escort him out, please"

I was in no mood to get into an argument so I simply nodded.

He kept looking at his watch and checking his phone to see if he missed a call or something. I felt stupid for thinking that we've something. I mean why would he wait around for someone who has a tendency to push people away.

"Ashley?" He called out.

"Hmm" I murmured.

"Look at me"

I didn't reply, neither did I look up.

"I'm meeting my brother. Not what you think."

I looked up "it doesn't matter."

He smiled "it might."

"It won't."

His smiled turned into a smirk "don't be so sure."

I didn't know how to counter that. I stood there like an idiot thinking how he reads me so well, I don't even understand myself that well. He's something special.

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