《Stay With Me Always》Eighteen


Ashley's POV

I got dressed in a black and white lace dress with a little deep back (A/N: Picture of the outfit at the beginning). It wasn't exactly club appropriate but I didn't have anything shinny or slutty to wear anymore. Also considering the fact I wasn't interested in going, I decided to dress accordingly.

David saw me and gave me his infamous grin.

"Come on, let's get it over with" I said, clearly uninterested.

"Your enthusiasm inspires me."

I didn't say anything I just started walking ahead of him. I pushed the elevator's button and waited for it.

As I was waiting for the elevator I felt David's presence. He was standing right behind. I could smell his light cologne and it was captivating. I felt his breath on my neck and I closed my eyes to get a grip before I turn into a mush.

As I stood there, frozen, I felt the entire world disappear. It was that feeling that I wanted to feel for so long. It was as if I had let go of everything, it felt real. It felt right. I can't remember the last time I was this close to someone without losing my mind. He makes it easy somehow, in all the chaos and confusion, he makes sense and that terrifies me.

"You look amazing" he whispered in my ears and I clutched my hands to get a grip to stand straight. Even though I couldn't see him I knew he meant it. His words were honest and straight forward. I can never know how it is so easy for him to say things out loud and for me, it is so damn difficult.

The elevator door opened and he step back. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. As we got on the elevator I stood as far from him as possible. It was becoming impossible being near him.

We drove to the club together in complete silence. I was scared my voice would betray me and make it more evident as to how much control he has over me.


We entered the club and I was already hating it. There were so many people, dancing and grinding with each other. I remembered there was a reason I try to avoid clubs. There are too many people with no personal space. I found a secluded corner table and settled myself as David said he's bringing me something to drink.

He placed some fancy fruity drink in front of me and slid next to me. I frowned looking at the little umbrella on my fruity drink while he gave me a cheeky smile.

"Let's dance" he said

"I don't dance"

He smirked and leaned into. Due to the limited space in the booth we were sitting, I couldn't move away or run away. His lips brushed against my ear and my cheek became warm all of sudden. "Please.." he whispered and I agreed instantly just to get out of that situation.

He held me hand gently and lead me to the dance floor. I didn't know what I was supposed to do or how am I supposed to dance. I can't dance with so many people around, with him around. I was nervous.

As we stepped into the dance floor he held me. His hand laid gently on my tiny waist as I raised my hands and put it on his shoulder. He knew how nervous I was so he made sure there was enough space between us and I was thankful. This was already way out my comfort zone and I didn't want to do anything more wild or crazy that I lose complete control.

As the music played in the background we swayed our bodies to it but our eyes were locked into each other. His gaze so intense and so confidence, like he knew exactly what he was doing. The sense of certainty in his eyes gave me a sense of security and even though I knew this feeling won't last, I wanted to savour it. I felt safe and wanted.

His hand tenderly travelled upto my back. I felt a shiver as his cold hand touch my back. I lowered my eyes afraid he would see how transperent I am being. I was shy and I felt emotionally naked. My guards came down and the feeling was so new, so raw. My head keeps telling me to hold it back but my heart and body simply disagree. I couldn't let go of him.


I don't even remember the last time I was excited to be alive. I've lived so long with this sinking feeling that I can't have a normal life, terrified of having fun that I forget how liberating it is. I didn't care about my past or my screwed up marriage or things that went horribly wrong, I cared that the music was playing and I was dancing to it, enjoying it with someone I really want to.

He held me so tenderly as if I am the most precious person. Knowing that you can be special and actually finding someone who makes you special are two completely different things. I can tell myself I'm special all I want but in his arms, with the music playing behind, I felt special and it is a true feeling.

I closed my eyes to let it all in. This moment may never come back. I may never feel this happy again. All of this can disappear the next second. I want to remember it all, I closed my eyes and took it all in. This is one of those significant moment that I would want to remember forever.

As soon as I opened my eyes, it fell on a person I didn't expect to see again. A person I never wanted to see. He couldn't see me, David was blocking his view and I would very much like to keep it that way. He could hurt me, he can hurt David and I can't let that happen. I can't have him back into my life, I won't.

I pushed David. He looked at me with wide eyes asking what's wrong but I didn't answer. I just had to get out of there without him noticing me. I rushed out that place as soon as I can.

I came out for fresh air and to actually breath. Looking at him made me forget how to breath. I couldn't think of anything except as to how far I'm supposed to be from that person.

I wanted to cry, shout, scream, do something to let it all out. My heart felt so heavy all of sudden and my mind kept playing the memories of my past on repeat. No matter how far I think I'm from my past, I somehow end up near it. I can't escape something that is so real. I can't pretend that my life is not messy. It was easy to forget for a minute but in the real world, I'm broken beyond repair.

"Ashley? What happened back there? It's like you saw a ghost or something. Are you okay?"

"I need to get out of here" my voice was barely audible. I was shaken and scared.

"Yeah, what? What is it?" He walked upto me.

He held my shoulder but I didn't let him. "I need to get out of here. Take me home" I said with my voice still low but audible and my eyes not meeting his.

"I'll take you home but could you please tell me what happened? Is it about the dance? Look-"

"For once in your stubborn life could you do what you're told to do without wanting to analysis it?" I snapped at him.

He didn't say anything, he just kept looking at me.

I sighed "fine. I'll take a cab."

"What? No. Fine. Let's go"

We walked to the car. The entire ride was silent and uncomfortable. I hear him thinking. I was aware he had about hundred questions he wanted answer to but I was also aware I had no answers.

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