《Stay With Me Always》Seventeen


It's been almost two weeks since the dinner at my parent's house and ever since then I've been avoiding David as much as I can. It is hard considering we live in the same building and also same floor. I hate Liam so much for suggesting this place, it is like he wanted to torture me.

It has been difficult and lot of work since sometimes I see him waiting for the elevator and then I've to take the stairs to avoid talking to him. It isn't an ideal plan and sometimes I do end up sharing an elevator or meeting in the hallway or something, I do the most lame thing I can think of, I pretend to be busy on my phone.

Some days he looks so handsome that I could feel myself wanting to run up to him and talk. It is a feeling I can't seem to shake off. He just somehow gotten under my skin and it bothers me to an unimaginable extend. I don't want to feel like that about him. He's driving me crazy, I feel like a little school girl having a crush on a boy. I'm not that person, I do not want to but I keep imagining how wonderful it would be to be with him.

It's Friday night and people with a social life go out and have fun, I myself like to curl up with a nice book and avoid any physical contact till the weekend is over. It has been this way for the longest I can remember.

I came out of the elevator and saw David leaning by the side of my house with his arms folded as if he was waiting for me. He wore rugged denim with a loose t-shirt. His hair were messy still he looked so hot. I couldn't believe I was checking him out, I haven't looked at any guy this way ever since my husband. It freaked me out, I lowered my eyes and my made my way to my home.


He saw me approaching and he stood straight in front of my door blocking me. I had to look up, into his gorgeous eyes.

"I was waiting for you" he said


"Wanted to ask you something"


"Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something?"

"I'm not"

"Yeah, you are. Why?"

"No. I've been busy."

"Okay. Wanna go out?"


"It's Friday night"



"Okay. Before you ask another question and we continue the world's weirdest conversation I should tell you, I'm not interested. I'm not even interested in playing this weird twenty question conversation. Just get out of my way, I wanna go home." I said with my regular poker face. He was standing close to me and he was pissing me off, I just wanted out of there.

He took another step towards me but before I could take a step back he held my shoulders and kept me steady.

He looked straight into my eyes. His eyes too intense. I was feeling hot all of sudden, like I was standing under the sun or something.

"I'm gonna wait outside until you agree." He turned me around, making me stand in front of my door and released me. I couldn't even breath, I was too hot and bothered.

"I won't hold my breath on it" I said, even though I was in a trance I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction that he effects me.

I changed into my comfortable clothes and curled up with a book but my mind and my eyes kept drifting towards David. I finally got up after an hour of restlessness and peaked through the peephole and saw him still waiting. I felt bad but there is nothing I can do, it is his decision.


I spend the next two hours pacing and deflecting but I couldn't get over the fact that he was still waiting for me, holding out hope that I'll agree to his stupid offer. I didn't even knew where he wanted to take me.

I finally opened the door and saw him sitting on the floor. He got up as soon as he saw me.

"Ready to go? Although, you're a little underdress" he said checking me out which made me conscious.

"No, I'm not going. I thought I made that clear."

"So, why did you come out? Felt guilty or are you inviting me in for a slumber party? Because I'm up for the latter" he winked at me.

I scoffed "What are you, fifteen? I was want this crazy behavior out of my sight. I'm not going anywhere with you."

"It's a club. Nice music. Cool place to unwind and God knows how you need that"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He chuckled "never mind. Just come along, I want you to"

"You're doing it again. Pushing me."

"Maybe I'm but that's what friends supposed to do. Push you to have fun when you don't want to."

"You're not my friend"

"I qualify as one of your friends since we've had dinners together and you were there when I moved in. I call it friendship." He grinned as he spoke.

"I-I- no. I'm not going" I couldn't think of any better comeback.

"Oh come on. Don't be a spoilsport. We'll go out, as friends, obviously. Have some fun, drink some cheap beer. It'll be nice or else, I'm gonna stay outside. I'm gonna wait forever for ya" he made a sad puppy face.

I groaned "You're such a child. I'll go, just to get you out of my face."

"Yay! Although you'll be seeing my face for the rest of the evening since I'm the one taking you out."

I groaned and slammed the door in his face as I went inside to get dressed. I don't like such crowded places but that seems the way I can shut him up.

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