《Stay With Me Always》Twelve


Ashley's POV

It was the weekend and I was supposed to go to dinner at my parent's. I slipped into a comfortable black lace dress.(A/N: Picture of the outfit at the beginning) I slid into matching heels and applied a little makeup. I took my keys on the way out. I glanced at David's door wondering what he is upto but shook the thought away immediately. I'm trying to stay away for a reason.

As I entered my parent's house I was greeted by the smell of wonderful food. I hugged my parents and we all got into the living room to settle down and talk about random stuff, while waiting for Liam and family.

"How is my darling daughter?" My dad asked.

"I'm doing good, Dad." I said sipping my white wine.

"You don't visit us anymore. I'm always asking George to get you home but you always end up making excuses." Mom said as she seated next to me. She's always worried about me.

"Mom, you gotta stop worrying constantly. I'm doing okay, I'm living my life. Moreover, you live twenty minutes away from the office. You can drop by anytime."

"Sweetie.." she was cut off as Dad eyed her. I was thankful. I'm so tired of having this conversation again and again.

"The dinner smells delicious. You've definitely outdone yourself, Mom" I tried to change the subject.

The conversation drifted to food and work and other generic stuff.

"Where is Liam and Jennifer?" I asked

"They're picking a friend for dinner. Liam said he wanted his friend to join us. I said okay" I nodded

I sat down in front of the tv. I was flipping the channels when I heard Liam's voice and another familiar voice.

I got up from my seat and saw the person I was trying to avoid so desperately. He was wearing a nice crisp white shirt with a few buttons undone and sleeves rolled up with a pair of dress pants. It was formal or casual, he fit into the occasion right away. I was admiring him, something I haven't done in years. I haven't looked or noticed any guy the way I was doing to him but I couldn't stop.


My eyes meet his eyes and he smirked. His eyes shinning and all of sudden I was nervous. I gave him a glare before turning to Jenny who gave me an smile and mouthed 'sorry'.

"This is your friend? Liam, this is supposed to be a family dinner." I snapped at Liam.

He frowned "You know he just moved here, he's eating out everyday. I thought it would be nice to have a home cooked meal for once."

"Yes ofcourse, dear. Come on in. Make yourself home." My mom chimed in to stop me.

"Don't" I glared David who just smiled as if he was amused.

"I don't want to impose. I can understand it is a family affair. I'll be out of here, immediately" David said and I agreed in silence.

"Oh what? No. You're not spoiling anything and we always welcome guests. Also, I've made more than enough dinner. You can also take the leftovers." My mom said and I rolled my eyes.

David smiled and took off his coat to make him more home.

"Where are the kids, Liam?" Dad asked

"Jenny's sister is in town and she wanted some alone time with them."

"We thought we could talk about some adult things rather than what Disney princess is the best or what to swallow to make a kid superhero." Jenny added and we all laughed. I did too, David was looking at me. It made me self-conscious.

"Come now, dinner is ready!" Mom yelled from the dinning area.

We all started walking towards the dinning room. The food looked delicious. I miss mom's cooking the most. It is amazing how great cook she is. She makes everything so delicious. Even as a kid she would make me vegetables without tasting like vegetables.


I sat down next to Dad and Jenny. David sat right in front of me staring at me. He then turned to Mom and spoke "Could you wait? I brought something. I'll get it from the car." He got up and left.

He came back with a bottle in his hand "It is a great red wine. My aunt owns a vineyard. You'll love it."

My mom opened the bottle and pour herself a glass while David took his seat and we all served yourselves food. My mom is a big wine lover. She enjoys it alot.

"Wow.. this wine is delicious. The color, the fragrance, texture.. amazing." Mom complimented.

"Thank you. I'll make sure my aunt knows."

"Definitely. You know, before Ashley got married she loved red wine but then after her marriage-" my mom stopped realising she has gone too far.

I stopped eating and put the fork down as all the eyes turn towards me. Talking about something relating to marriage is not exactly welcomed especially with strangers present.

My past something I can never take my mind off but I like to keep myself distracted. Everybody close to me knows how delicate that subject is and even though my mother didn't mean it, she said it.

"Sweetie.. I.." as she trailed to find words to say I got up and started walking.

All the attention was on me, on my marriage, all of a sudden the big enormous room felt suffocating. Of all the things the fact that story is a version of 'i used to be happy' version of my life was heartbreaking. It is about a time when life was simpler and I was happier.

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