《Stay With Me Always》Eight


Ashley's POV

I was sitting in my living room, reading a book, having a light morning for myself when I heard the doorbell. I frowned as I wasn't really expecting any guests or visitors. My weekends are generally quiet and uneventful.

I got up and saw from the peephole. Liam was standing outside. I opened the door and gave him a quick hug. He came in and went straight to the fridge to get himself something to drink.

"What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming over."

He gulped a long sip and spoke "I wasn't coming over to meet you. I'm meeting a friend, an acquaintance more likely."

I sat down and so did he "What friend? I didn't know you had a friend living here."

"I don't, he just moved. You remember how I was looking for an architect to design my psychiatrist wing and cancer wing in that little space we've behind the hospital to expand." I nodded. He has been whining about it for months "And you know I couldn't find anyone who was willing to try. Every architect I met said the space is too small or he'll have to take space from the hospital. So, I met this guy, in an unexpected place but I causally discussed it with him and he gave me an excellent solution. His design fit both the wards perfectly."

"So you hired him. Got it. What is it with you visiting a friend here? Or are you telling me this because Jenny told you I'm looking for a architect myself?"

"No. No. Jenny said you found one but anyway, he was looking for a new place so I suggested him this building and the one near the lamp post but he got this one earlier. He moved a few days ago. I'm visiting him"

"So you're here to drop a house warming gift?"

His eyebrows furrowed "No. I'm just visiting. Seeing if he's all set up and everything."

I nodded but didn't say anything. We sat quietly until I spoke again "is your guy that good? Cause I need an architect so badly."

"What happened to the one you hired yesterday? Not good?"


"He's good but he can't seem to relate to my vision as much as I would want. I've to talk to him too much."

He got up and I looked up "Why don't you come with me? I can introduce you and you can see for yourself."

"No. No. It'll be weird. Just dropping by like that when I haven't even introduce myself considering he moved in my building."

"Oh relax, it's no biggie. Guys don't think this much. We're cool people"

I got up "are you sure?"

"Yes, positive. Now come"

I locked my door behind and followed Liam. The friend, he was talking about is practically my neighbor and yet I never met him but in his defense I don't care about my neighbors that much. I don't like to make the polite small talk.

His door was slightly open so we entered. He was bend over some furniture he was trying to build, or something. He was very occupied to notice anyone's presence.

Liam took a step forward and blocked my view. I looked around, there were boxes everywhere. Most of them were half unpacked. The place was a mess.

"Hey, what's up?" Liam said to the guy while my eyes wander around everywhere.

"Oh, hey, Liam. Good to see you." I heard the guy's voice and stood frozen. I know that voice so clearly. I can identify that voice anywhere.

"How's the move going?" Liam asked as I hide behind him.

"Oh it's a bitch. I've no idea where to start or what to do first. I'm so in over my head here."

"Well, good luck with that." I was turning around to leave when Liam held my hand and brought me into the sight. "This is my friend, really close friend-"

"Ashley" David said.

"Hey" I said in a low inaudible voice.

"You know each other? Wait, are you the one she fired?" David nodded and I rolled my eyes.

Before Liam could initiate the conversation anymore he got a page from the hospital about an emergency.

"Sorry guys, I got to go. You guys can figure it out, right?" I was going to say no but looking at his urgency I nodded "Cool, see you guys" and he left, leaving me alone with David, who was smirking. I hate that smirk.


"You didn't get me a 'welcome to the building' basket. It's polite." David said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"I didn't know someone moved here. Moreover, I don't do that."

"Not a people's person, I see!"

I looked at him. For the first time I looked straight into his eyes and held his gaze. I didn't look away or hide rather I let him look into soul. It was as if I was challenging him or wanting him. My mind kept telling me to not engage but somehow my eyes seemed to have clued. Those few moments felt like forever to me.

My eyes slowly travelled to his lips and a familiar but a long lost feeling travelled through my spine. I wanted to be close to him. I wanted to be in proximity of him, something I haven't wanted in a really long time. I automatically blinked and kept blinking, terrified of what I just felt.

I took a step backward trying to escape when I knocked over the vase on the table. I don't know why I'm clumsy around him. I took another step but couldn't balance myself and fell with my hand right on the broken vase.

"Ashley" David came running as I sat on the floor. I looked at hand and saw blood. It wasn't a very big cut but it was bleeding.

David slide right beside me to examine what happened but all could think of was the blood flowing from my hand.

"Blood" I whispered.

I became completely unaware of my surroundings. I was having a panic attack or an anxiety attack, I couldn't tell. Every memory, every pain, everything came rushing down. I'm generally always in control, my therapist taught me but at that moment everything felt uncontrollable. I couldn't comprehend the situation or what was happening.

I crawled into a ball and shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't breathe, or maybe I was breathing too fast, I couldn't tell. I tried to count slowly like I read in those self help books but nothing seemed to work. I couldn't get a grip on myself.

All of sudden, in the chaos, David shook me. He gripped me hard and shook me. "Ashley" he shouted to get my attention. I looked at him, I finally found something to focus on. I counted my breath as I watched him imitate the action. I felt controlled, settled now.

I didn't what possessed me but I hugged him. I threw my arms around his neck and threw myself at him, taking support of his body. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "It's okay. I got you" he whispered softly and I believe him. He held me so tightly yet comfortably that I wanted to stay there for as long as I could. It was uncharacteristic of me to hug someone, let alone a person I hardly knew but I was afraid that if I would let go, I would fall apart. In that moment, he was the one holding me together.

After what felt like forever, I pulled away. I couldn't meet his eyes but his eyes were searching for my mine. I didn't know what to say or do. How to explain what just happened, I was at loss of words.

He took my hand gently and held me as I stood up. "I'll get the first aid" he said and I nodded. I didn't want him to see me like this but I was too scared that if I would open my mouth, nothing would come out.

I sat on the couch as she fixed my hand. His eyes were focused on what he was doing, mine as well. I couldn't look away.

"I should go" I said, in a timid tone as I got up to leave.

"I should escort you, I can-"

"I can go by myself. Thank you."

"But-" I looked at him, pleading silently not to say more and he nodded, understanding.

I stopped by the door and turned to see him watching me leave. "About what happened today. I..." I trailed not knowing how to complete the sentence.

"Ashley, don't worry. I get it." He smiled. I gave him one last look and left.

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