《Natasha Romanoff One Shots》I'm Tired - Pt. 2 ~ F





Part 2 was requested a couple of times and so here it is :D

-4 months later-

"Nat?", you shouted from your en suite bathroom out into your dorm room, though you got no response. With a sigh you yelled her name again, and yet again not a peep could be heard from your girlfriend. With a huff and narrowed eyes, you swivelled on the balls of your feet and looked towards the bathroom door expectedly, maybe Natasha had heard you and was about to walk into the room. However, your hopes did not come true.

Dramatically you ran a hand through your hair, "Tasha!", you yelled from your place, and immediately she popped her head around the corner with a disgruntled look. "Baby you know I hate that nickname", she pouted slightly with an amused glint in her eyes, causing you to laugh. In front of everyone else, Natasha was a closed book, she never wanted anyone to know what she was feeling. 'Showing emotions shows people you're vulnerable', she would always say whenever you brought it up. But with you, she never hid how she felt away.

The fact that she felt safe enough to be herself around you always made a warm feeling spread through your chest whenever you were reminded of it, such as now. The pet names and funny faces were a quick reminder that this was your Natasha. Or, 'your Tasha' as you liked to tease her. "I know but you weren't responding to your normal name!", you exasperated, it wasn't your fault that you had to resort to other measures to get her attention.

"Oh... sorry", Nat frowned, "I was just closing up one of your boxes and got distracted I guess", she shrugged, though the sudden change in demeanour jolted you. Due to you getting zero hours of sleep with Wanda and Vision continuing their usual antics, when you started dating Nat you basically spent all of your time in her room thanks to the spare bed. After four months of dating, she started to get sick of you having to leave and spend your time in between both rooms, so she suggested that you officially transfer dorms and move into her room.


It was a big step, but since you had basically been living there anyway it made sense for you to have all of your things in one place. Plus, you and Natasha were excited to be able to spend even more time with each other, if that was possible. The two have you had been very excited in the leadup to the transfer, so her sudden change worried you. "Hey, are you okay?", you took a few steps forward to reach where she was leaning on the doorframe and ran a soft hand down her arm, leading to interlock your fingers.

Nat seemed to hesitate, but the way that your eyes shone with adoration and seemingly stared into her soul made her feel like she could say what was wrong. It was you. She was safe. "I know I'm not easy to love, I don't show my feelings the same way that others do- I don't know I guess I'm just worried that you're going to get sick of me".

Your heart broke at her insecurities shining through, and anger bubbled up aimed at whoever had made her feel like that. "Woah, who told you that you're hard to love?", you said with wide eyes, genuinely shocked. You received an answer in the form of her jaw tightening and swallowing harshly. She didn't want to talk about it.

Sending a soft smile her way, you shook your head, "You're so easy to love sweetheart, so easy, I love everything about you. I could never get sick of you, you're my person".

"You're my person too", she whispered as unshed tears lined her eyes, and she dipped her head down slightly, brushing her lips against yours before you took the next step and leaned in further, capturing hers. It was slow and intimate as your hands travelled up her back and hers resided on your waist, proving in totality how you feel for each other. How you get butterflies every time she walks into a room, how all air escaped her lungs the first time she heard your morning voice, how her touch made fireworks explode in your heart, and how your smile made her feel at home.


When a creaking noise could be heard in the main room, you two pulled away with soft smiles before she guided you out hand in hand, finding Wanda and Vision standing looking around the room, your half now empty aside from the cardboard boxes that were scattered about the space. Even after everything you and Wanda were still good friends, you just couldn't share a space with her. She had always made sure that you were eating well, she invited you on impromptu trips out to coffee shops or ice cream parlours, and you would help each other with essay reviews. You couldn't ask for a better friend, she was just a shoddy roommate. Though the fact that you were moving out of the room made you feel nostalgic for time passed, and apparently she felt the same.

As she looked at your side of the room you spotted her bottom lip wobbling slightly and you felt your heart drop, "Oh, Wands", you cooed and engulfed her in a big bear hug. She chuckled tearily and squeezed you back, "Promise you'll still come and hang out?", she pleaded against your shoulder, and you nodded with an "Of course". When you pulled away from the hug you gave each other a small nod with a thousand hidden meanings. But the time had finally come for you to say goodbye to her. Just for now. After all, she was only a few doors down.

Whilst you and Wanda said your final goodbyes, Natasha and Vision worked together on moving the boxes over to your now shared room. You felt guilty for not helping with the heavy work, but Natasha kept reassuring you that it was okay and that it was more important for you to be able to say goodbye. You grinned at her being so understanding as you made your way over to your new room. The afternoon and evening was spent unpacking all of your things, eating pizza, and listening to the 'Do Revenge' Spotify playlist. The last one was self-explanatory, it's a great soundtrack.

When everything was unpacked and the two of you looked at your handiwork, you felt a great sense of joy overcome you. You were sharing a home, albeit a small college dorm, but still a home, with the person that made you feel the safest in the world. You were beyond ecstatic. Though this feeling soon plummeted when you saw Nat frowning at your side and tutting. "This won't do", she sighed and released her grip that was around your waist.

At first, you had thought that maybe she had suddenly changed her mind, which would be shitty considering you had just unpacked all of your stuff, but when she began awkwardly shuffling your bed across the room, a grin spread across your face again.

Her chest heaved when she had accomplished her task, and she joined you at your side again, snaking her hand back around your waist. She had pushed the beds together, making your heart swell for the hundredth time that day. "We will need new bedsheets to fit as it's now a double, but whaddya think?", she questioned and nervously chewed on her lip.

"It's perfect", you breathed out and looked at Natasha with heart eyes before jumping on the bed in a starfish position with a giggle, an amused Nat rolling her eyes behind you. You lay in peace for a few seconds, before a grunt escaped your lips as a certain redhead landed on top of you, your face now smushed into the pillows.

Before you could complain, she wrapped her arms around you and rolled over, her back on the mattress and yours on her front. "Are we just gonna lie like this?", you spoke with a blank face, it was a rather awkward position. But when Nat replied with a chirpy "Yep!", and squeezed you tighter, her face nuzzling into the back of your neck, you couldn't help but smile. You never wanted her to let you go.

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