《Natasha Romanoff One Shots》Spicy Paintball ~ F





Autumn time always had a lull in missions for the Avengers. In the summer, everyone is out and about so any person with an evil agenda who wants attention will always make their move then, and in winter, when it's dark all of the time, those who hide in the shadows come out to play. However, in the autumn it was a weird middle ground. There were still some goons who thought that they had a chance of succeeding against the Avengers, but for the most part, the smart ones were all now waiting for the winter.

Most of the group love autumn for the very reason of they get somewhat of a break. Sleep schedules can be rectified, training can be toned down a notch, and hobbies could be worked on. You personally had been working on getting through the stack of books you had accumulated over the months. Having an addiction to going to cute book stores and buying books was all well and good unless you had no time to read the truckload of books purchased. But being an incredibly fast reader meant that it only took a month or so to get through the stack, so now that the second half of the season had started, you had nothing more to read.

Everyone else seemed to be doing something whilst you just sat in the communal living room scrolling through movie pirating sites on your laptop, wanting to watch something to entertain yourself, but not really feeling it at the same time. Feeling unmotivated sucked. Feeling lonely also sucked. You were incredibly close to Yelena Belova and Kate Bishop, plus your beautiful girlfriend Natasha Romanoff of course. The four of you always hung out and got into all sorts of trouble. Well... three of you got into all sorts of trouble. Natasha tried to get you out of said trouble.

But today, much like the rest of the team, they seemed to have found something to occupy their time with. Fucking rude.

Kate was working on making some new trick arrows, which most of the time you were the unfortunate guinea pig for. Just last week she had tested one that had some sort of glue on so that it will stick to you and you cannot get it off. You can move it around, but it will get stuck to your hand instead if you try to get it off, like those annoying extra-sticky stickers that are sometimes on packaging that just won't leave you alone. Though much to your dismay, and the team's amusement, she made it too sticky and the solution that she had made that was supposed to unstick it didn't. So, you were stuck with a damn arrow on your person for three days before she could figure it out. The only other person who was a bit bummed out about it was Natasha as it made cuddling a bit harder. But she was a hardass around everyone else so she didn't make it obvious in front of them.

Yelena was perfecting her mac n cheese recipe, trying to figure out the perfect ratio of cheese to pasta to hot sauce, to the exact milligram. So, the kitchen was off limits for the afternoon unless anyone wanted their head bitten off by the blonde with a tendency to not be able to control her anger.

Last but definitely not least, Natasha was being Natasha. She was training. Sometimes you would go and watch her for your own entertainment. Muscles. But when she kept being distracted by you practically drooling over her, she told you that the gym was off limits for you unless you were going to train too. You kept up with your training, but you were more of an evening trainer, and Nat liked to do it in the morning, and the afternoon. Though you being a distraction wasn't the only reason you were kicked out. Even after years of dating, whenever she spotted you admiring her she would get all shy and get clumsy.


You made the Black Widow a bumbling mess just by standing there.

So, you had to go.

You were about ready to give up and go and take a nap just to pass the time until dinner. It wasn't even as though you could waste time by making dinner because Yelena planned on giving everyone the leftovers of macaroni that she wasn't satisfied with. Because she's just nice like that.

But then something caught your eye on your laptop, and immediately you jumped up to go and fetch Kate, knowing that she would be the first one to agree. You cringed when you watched your laptop drop to the floor, but after a quick examination and a small pat on the lid of it, you determined that it wasn't broken, and continued on your mission. Kate Bishop.

You sprinted down the halls of the compound, skidding around the corners with your fluffy socks on until you ended up in her 'office'. It wasn't really an office, she had a laptop in the corner on an old bedside table that you had given her after Nat moved into your room and brought her own bedside table for her side, rendering your spare one useless, but other than that it was basically a workshop. Tables scattered around the room with bows, arrows, and gadgets scattered all over the place. Whenever Natasha was on your case about cleaning your own office, you simply had to remind her of what Kate's looked like and her only response was a grunt before pulling you into her embrace. A way of getting out of the conversation without admitting defeat. When it came to being productive and tidying things, you would not go down without a fight.

With this information in mind, it wasn't a surprise that when you ran into Kate's workspace, you immediately tripped over a tub of... paint, and crumpled to the floor with an 'umph'. Your best friend merely laughed at you as she pointed her new glue arrow prototype at you whilst wheezing, prompting you to swiftly get up and scramble across the floor to back up against the door. There was no way in hell that she was going to put that glue arrow anywhere near you.

"Whaddya want, Y/l/n?".

You stood and brushed yourself off, trying to regain some of your precious dignity, and walked towards her in a smart manner like the casual businesswoman you are, "I have a proposal for you". Kate scoffed in return and raised an eyebrow, "I don't think Nat would be happy to hear that, but I accept my darling", she exaggerated before pushing you out of her way so that she could reach another part of the room.

"Not that kind of proposal dickwad", you exasperated after recovering from your stumble. The archer held her arms up in surrender before crossing them over her chest and nodding at you, gesturing for you to continue. "So, I was looking on that movie site because I'm bored, and I spotted a classic rom-com and was wondering if you would assist me in gathering the old band together so that we can watch it with popped corn my good sir", you gestured forward with your hand and took a bow, looking into her eyes pleadingly as you did. You really were bored out of your mind.

Kate's face lit up and she immediately started ushering you out of the door and towards the gym, "Yes, yes, and yes". You giggled as she began dragging you behind her without you even having to move your legs. Fluffy socks on hardwood flooring were a blessing, "Don't you want to hear what movie it is first?".


"I couldn't care less", Kate shrugged, and you tilted your head in a 'fair enough' manner as you neared the gym. Kate let go of your hand and you ran forward to your girlfriend who was using the punching bag and just prayed to God that she wouldn't use you as one for this ridiculous suggestion.

"Nat!", you shouted over and waved as you walked closer. Her eyes sparkled as she turned to face you, but her face immediately dropped when she saw the mischievous glint in yours and Kate's. "Who have you killed now?", she deadpanned and marched over to the two of you.

You scoffed and stood on the spot, "I have never accidentally killed someone". "Okay, so cut to the chase", she smirked, and Kate stood to the side wishing she had never agreed to this.

"I would like to watch a movie, the four of us".

Natasha narrowed her eyes on you and crossed her arms, leaning most of her weight onto one hip, "Which movie?". You mumbled something but Natasha genuinely couldn't hear it, so frowned and asked you to repeat yourself. This happened about four times before you finally shouted out "When In Rome!".

The room was silent for a few moments before Nat shook her head in disbelief and started unwrapping her hands, now deciding that she was finished in the gym, "No, absolutely not".

"Oh come oooon, it has Kristen Bell! The absolute goddess". Nat's eyebrow quirked and you knew that you had made a mistake, so you spluttered a few times trying to fix the errors of your ways, and Kate's laughter in the background didn't help. "And- and Danny DeVito! He's great, people loved him in the- as the goat man from Hercules. Yep", you grinned, hoping that somehow that would fix your blunder. It didn't.


You sighed and ran your hands through your hair before facing Nat who was staring at you expectedly. "I will do anything you want!", you pleaded, desperate to convince her. "Anything?", she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, making your cheeks heat up and leaving Kate gagging in the background.

"Not like that you creep", you laughed and Nat shook her head with a smirk. You took a step forward as you thought of a way that you could bribe her. It took a moment but eventually, you had a lightbulb moment whilst Nat stared at you as though she wanted to chuck you down the stairs. "I will do your laundry for two weeks".

She let out a loud, sharp laugh that startled you and the young archer, both taking a step backwards to get away from Nat possibly throwing a shoe at you. "Two weeks?", she asked mid laughter before they died down and left her chest heaving slightly, "That's pathetic, you can do better than that. Twelve weeks".

"Twelve weeks?!", you screeched and threw your hands up in the air, "No, no way". You bit your lip as you pondered your next move, this was like a game of chess. "Four weeks?".

"Eight weeks", Nat deadpanned with a shrug, very unbothered about this situation, knowing that she was getting under your skin more than you were getting under hers. She loved you, but it was fun seeing you struggle whilst trying to bargain with her. "Six", you spoke confidently, leaving a small smile resting on your girlfriend's lips, as she nodded. "Fine, but I don't know how you're going to convince Yelena".

You turned back to look at Kate and silently communicated with your eyes, Nat looking at you two with a frown as her mouth opened to talk, but finding no words, not having a clue what was going on. "Seems a good a time as any to start operation hotgun", Kate tilted her head, speaking the conclusion of your silent conversation out loud.

"Operation what now? What's going on?", Nat chimed in as she took a few steps toward the two of you. "Okay", you started and began using your hands a lot to get your idea across, "Yelena likes guns, Yelena likes hot sauce, so, and hear me out, a hot sauce gun! So that's our plan to get her on our side", you did jazz hands as a way of saying 'tada!', and Kate nodded along enthusiastically.

Natasha's eyes narrowed as she looked between you and Kate, clearly thinking you were morons. "Are you good with constructive criticism?".

You shrugged and turned back to Kate before looking at Nat again, what could go wrong? Your girlfriend was very smart, maybe she could contribute to the plan. "No, go ahead, I want to hear it", you grinned.

"It fucking sucks".

Your face dropped and you turned to look back at Kate once again, your mouth agape in disbelief and offence, then turned and gestured back to your girlfriend "That's not constructive criticism!".

"Fine, let's go to Lena right now, and see if she likes it, if you don't like my constructive criticism, then we can test out your plan", she flashed a faux-smile and took your hand to guide the two idiots of the group - you and Kate - over to the kitchen, where Yelena specifically stated multiple times that she didn't want to be disturbed. You gulped as you reached the middle of the kitchen and saw Yelena scowling at the interruption as she stirred her sauce.

"Heyyy, Lena", Kate sheepishly started before pushing you towards her, removing your grasp on Nat's hand, which was the only thing keeping your legs from giving out from the malicious stare of your friend. You stumbled forward and awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck, "What do you want Y/l/n", she mused whilst waving her hand above the pot to waft some of the smell towards her face, before scrunching her nose, clearly not quite satisfied with the dish yet.

"Well, the three of us were wondering if you would like to watch a rom-com with us?". Nat let out a small cough signalling that she didn't want anything to do with it.

Yelena let out a loud laugh much like her sister did moments ago, it mirrored the classic Villanelle laugh. You gave a tight-lipped smile as you waited for an actual response, and when she spotted you looking at her like that, her laugh soon stopped now knowing that you were being serious, and again the reaction was the same as Natasha's.


"We thought you'd say that", Kate chuckled slightly, "Which is why we have a plan, that Y/n will tell you now". Your eyes went wide and you looked over your shoulder to whisper-shout "Traitor", but your gaze snapped back to Yelena's when she started clicking her fingers. "What is your plan? I do not have all day Y/n Y/l/n".

You nodded and pursed your lips before speaking, "Okay so, like I said to Nat, you like hot sauce, and you like guns". She nodded at your statements and gestured for you to continue. "So, how would you like a hot sauce gun?".

You thought that she was going to laugh in your face again, but her eyes instantly lit up, making Nat let out a scoff at how easy she was to bribe, "You can make me a hot sauce gun?", she stepped forward and pointed at you.

"Yeah, we have it all planned out, we just need to build it, but in theory, it should work", Kate finally decided to say something useful, so you smiled to try and keep Yelena in a happy mood and not remind her that her sauce seemed to be burning now that she wasn't attending to it. You showed her the blueprints on your phone that were on your and Kate's shared drive, and she seemed satisfied enough with them, so agreed to the movie. Natasha promptly groaned, she was hoping that Yelena would shut the whole thing down and save her from the awful movie. But no.

The movie was just as bad as Natasha had expected, but she did enjoy seeing the smile on your face when you laughed at the screen. It made it worth it. Plus, it was an excuse to be able to hold you as you sat in between her legs, which she loved doing.

But another agreement that she had made after the movie was that she could pick the next group activity, which you all agreed to, slightly scared of what she was going to pick. Though she was apparently a lot nicer than you and Kate, as she went for paintball. An activity that all of you loved participating in.

Though it was very painful when you guys did it, you still enjoyed it. Being Avengers, you tended not to get into any of the safety gear, living life on the edge as you all called it. Plus it was practice for being out in the field where most of the time you were in catsuits.

So, you were currently nursing your rib as you hid behind a haybale after Kate shot you, Nat next to you keeping an eye out for anyone coming your way. "You okay?", she whispered and looked over to you and smiled at seeing your enthusiastic grin. Even when in pain you still loved paintball.

After deciding that the two of you had been in one place for too long, she took your hand and hoisted you up before guiding you to another area. Even though your group didn't play teams, Nat still liked for you to be near her at all times during the game. You thought it was a bit overkill because it wasn't like these guns were loaded with actual bullets, but you liked being close to her too so you didn't complain.

It wasn't long before you heard the maniacal laugh of a certain Yelena Belova and a small squeal from Kate Bishop. The squeal was expected. The laugh was not. You gulped as you saw the blonde rounding the corner waving her gun in the air, though it wasn't the standard paintball gun that you had seen her with previously. Your eyes widened as you recognised it. How could you not? You made the damn thing. "Nat?", you gulped, which turned her attention to her sister barrelling towards you, shooting hot sauce pellets all over the place.

The two of you sprinted away, but unfortunately, she managed to corner you and held the gun up to your faces, making you incredibly nervous as a shot from that in the face would burn like a motherfucker. Nat frowned and put on her best 'lecturing mom' voice for her younger sister, "Lena, lower the gun, that's not safe".

She laughed, which again made you nervous, and then she started waving the gun around absentmindedly, "Did you really think I would shoot you in the face? I am insulted, I'm not that stu-", she was cut off by the sound of the gun accidentally firing, and her hand slapping over her mouth. Nat was confused because it was silent for a moment, but then she saw your foot stomping on the floor slightly as you tried to hold in a scream of pain and your hands shot up to your eyes.

"Holy shit, Lena!", Nat yelled whilst moving your hands away so that you didn't rub them in, and she grabbed the small water bottle that she had been holding, due to it being a hot day, and dumped it all over your face. Yelena visibly grimaced when your eyes opened after the sauce had been removed and they were red raw and bloodshot.

Natasha's demeanour immediately went soft as she gently rubbed your cheeks and brushed your now damp hair away from your face, pressing a small kiss on the tip of your nose to try and cheer you up as tears quickly appeared at your waterline from the burning sensation.

Though as quick as her demeanour had changed to a nice one, with even more speed she froze as her face hardened and turned to face her sister, who was looking like a guilty child who had been caught stealing some crayons. "You're so dead", she muttered before standing and charging after her sister, who screamed like a baby as she sprinted as fast as her legs could carry her.

Even though your face was in incredible amounts of pain, you let out a teary chuckle at seeing the blurry blonde and redhead get farther away, but the high-pitched screams remaining audible.

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