《Natasha Romanoff One Shots》Malibu ~ F/SF




Fluff/Songfic ~ Malibu - Miley Cyrus

A one-shot based on the events in my book "The Younger Agent", so minor spoilers ahead for the early part of the book if you happen to be reading it :)

Eleanor and Natasha met three years ago when Natasha was brought in as a SHIELD Agent. She had looked out for Natasha from day 1 and had become her anchor, they started dating a few months after that. The pair had been stationed in Malibu to complete a mission that involved keeping an eye on Tony Stark. (Iron Man 2 plot).

Natasha's POV:

When we were both assigned to the two most major roles for the Malibu mission initially all I had felt was dread. But then I remembered that I would be with you.

You were my sunshine, the oxygen I needed to stay alive. As long as I could be with you I'd be okay.

I never came to the beach or stood by the ocean. I never sat by the shore under the sun, with my feet in the sand.

When we first arrived we had a few days to settle in before work started, and you were so excited. Only you would be able to make the preparations for an assignment feel like a holiday. It was something that I had never experienced until I met you.

You, in perfect El fashion, suggested that we go to the beach at sunset for our first night. I'd never had a beach day, well, evening before, so I was sceptical, but with the way that you were smiling at me, I just couldn't say no. And it was worth it. The way that your eyes lit up when I agreed, I wanted to see that over and over for the rest of my life.


After promptly getting changed into shorts and tees we rushed over to the beach, you giggling as we made our way barefooted over the soft sand. It felt weird. I couldn't help but laugh as well.

But you brought me here and I'm happy that you did. 'Cause now I'm as free as birds catching the wind.

As the evening warmth surrounded us I couldn't help but feel free, a feeling that I was still getting used to. And you let me feel that. You had saved me time and time again.

I watched as you smiled at me, your hair looking golden as the sun beamed down on it, your blue eyes shining brighter than the ocean. You were ethereal.

As we spent time messing about with the sand, making pyramids due to our lack of buckets and kicking sand about to make holes, I knew that you were my forever. I had been let down so many times, but over the three years I had known you, you had only lifted me up, again, and again.

I always thought I would sink, so I never swam. And sometimes I get so scared of what I can't understand.

My life had been full of disappointments. Full of pain.

When I first met you I had expected you to bring the same, but you stayed every time. Though I still found it hard to trust at first, especially as I thought that you deserved more.

But you proved time and time again that you weren't leaving, and yet I still didn't allow myself to believe you.

I didn't understand why you wanted to stay. I still had one firm belief: you deserved more.

I never would've believed you if three years ago you told me I'd be here writing this song.


But you made me realise that I'm worthy of love. Of your love. You reminded me every day.

When you suggested that we go into the ocean I felt a wave of excitement wash over me. Though you were the main cause of it, I was so grateful that it was you I got to experience things with for the first time.

I still couldn't believe it. It didn't feel real. Even when I felt your soft skin come into contact with mine. Taking ahold of my hand to guide me towards the sea.

You were so gentle. You knew that this was a big deal for me, and you acted accordingly. Like you always did. You always knew how to treat me, how to make every moment with you feel special.

But here I am. Next to you, the sky is so blue, in Malibu.

You were unreal.

But I was reminded that you were when you decided to tackle me whilst we were in the water. You went uncharacteristically quiet as you anticipated my reaction, but all I could do was let out loud laughs, and my ears were met with the beautiful sounds of yours in response.

This was my utopia. You were my utopia.

The dread of the mission completely dissipated as I stood and tried to take you all in. Everything was better with you.

I couldn't imagine life without you. And as we stood under the sunset, I realised for the first time that I didn't have to. You saved me, and I didn't have to let you go. Not like I had to with others. You were mine, and I was yours. Always and forever.

Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and you're there to save me, and I wanna thank you... with all of my heart.

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