《Natasha Romanoff One Shots》Captivating ~ F





You had been with the Avengers for about a month now as their new recruit, and you were really struggling to integrate with them. They seemed to be a tight-knit group from their shared experiences, and they had big personalities. You on the other hand, not so much. The biggest introvert on the planet.

You were born with a genetic mutation, that somehow gave you the power of invisibility. Fitting.

At meal times you desperately wanted to join in on the conversation, but you had no clue how to speak to these people, and even if you did know, there was never an opening. So, you sat quietly chewing on your pasta before excusing yourself and heading to the library to read a new book that you had been excited to start.

What you never noticed was the small, longing looks that Natasha would give you. You intrigued her, you were a nice break from the rest of the loud people in the building. The only problem was she didn't know how to approach you, you seemed skittish and she didn't want to scare you off.

She wanted to talk to you though, just a small conversation, so shortly after you left, she followed. Unsurprisingly, you had already made yourself comfortable at a desk in the library, already hooked on the story that you had started.

Natasha gave a small smile at the sight of you, she didn't know why but she was just drawn to you.

Walking forward she greeted you, making you jump and turn invisible momentarily before becoming visible again, causing her to chuckle.

"Sorry", you sheepishly grinned, you were not expecting Natasha of all people to be there. "No that was... cute", she decided, making your eyes widen as you turned your head back to your book to memorise the page number before putting it away.


She pulled up a chair next to yours and you looked at her expectedly, unsure of what she was doing. "Do you spend a lot of time here?". You shrugged, "Yeah, it's comfortable".

She hummed at your response, before asking you about what books you had read recently, and she smiled when your eyes lit up at the question. You started rambling about the classics that you had read, such as 'The Great Gatsby' and 'Little Women', before moving on to some more modern stuff, even branching off to some graphic novels that you had picked up.

Natasha watched you with a big smile on her face, it was nice seeing you in your element and she clung to every word that you said. You soon became embarrassed at your ramblings though, to which she scolded you, encouraging you to keep talking.

After a few minutes she asked for a book recommendation, so you hurried off to search for something on one of the shelves and quickly rushed back to explain the book without giving spoilers away, to see if she would want to read it. But you noticed that she wasn't even listening anymore and was just shamelessly staring at your face.

"What?", you asked, worried if you had something on your face.

"You're captivating", she breathed out, turning you into a blushing mess.

From that day you didn't feel so alone anymore, you and Natasha were pretty much inseparable.

You started training with her, and you were getting pretty good at hand-to-hand combat because of it. At meal times she made sure to include you in conversations, knowing that you struggled to jump into them naturally. You actually managed to make the team laugh a few times, so they started noticing you more.


When you were deemed fit enough to go on your first mission it was a huge success. Your ability came in very handy, Steve had joked that you would have to come with them on every mission. You laughed along with the others, but afterwards, you couldn't stop smiling, you were a part of the team. Natasha couldn't be more proud of your progress.

Months passed and you had settled in completely, another issue had come up though. You liked Natasha. Like, liked her liked her, but you were worried that you were in the friend zone. You had no idea how to talk to her about it without ruining your friendship.

You were sitting on your bed deep in thought about your conundrum when a certain redhead barrelled into your room with a new book in hand that she had found, this was a regular occurrence and you usually weren't startled. But, due to what you were thinking about, your nerves got the better of you and you accidentally went invisible when she made you jump.

She frowned slightly when you came back into view, she hadn't seen you get scared like that for a while. "What's up?".

"Nothing", you brushed her off, taking the book out of her hands. She could see right through you though, so she kept pestering you to try and spill what was wrong. She stopped though when she could see the pleading look in your eyes, and instead took a more gentle approach, trying to coax you instead of relentlessly poking your ribs over and over.

You went silent and sat on the edge of your bed, prompting her to follow you. She sat next to you and gently placed her fingertips under your jaw and turned you to face her. Looking into your eyes, she took the plunge and pressed her lips against yours. After a few seconds of the initial shock wearing off, you deepened it and moved your hands to her waist, hers went up to your neck and hair. You both poured your heart and soul into this moment but eventually needed to come up for oxygen.

Pulling away, Natasha smiled at you and saw you staring at her, your eyes sparkling with jjoy. "What?", she chuckled when you didn't stop staring.

"You're captivating".

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