《Natasha Romanoff One Shots》Actual Children ~ F





A couple of months ago you were introduced to your girlfriend's sister, Yelena. 

Natasha had initially been worried that Yelena wouldn't like you, not that you were a bad person. You just had major golden retriever energy and Natasha was just worried that Yelena wouldn't take you seriously or something.

However, the complete opposite happened. You brought out the stupidest and most silliest side of Yelena, and now Natasha had two of you to deal with. 

It started when you two first met. You didn't exactly scream 'confidence' when people look at you, so when you walked into Yelena's home looking a bit lost, she raised an eyebrow at you. Natasha was preparing to throw her sister into a wall if she said anything that would upset you, but she needn't have worried. 

When you immediately complimented her vest and showed great, genuine interest in the pockets, she smiled and dragged you upstairs to show you more vests and how she makes the modifications. 

Nat scoffed and sat on the couch, playing games on her phone to pass the time. But when an hour had passed she got bored, so went upstairs to look for the two of you, but you weren't there. She frowned and looked all over the house but you were nowhere to be seen. 

She started to get a bit worried when there was absolutely no sight of you, so ran outside to see if all of the cars were still there, however, she was stopped in her tracks when she heard the sound of your infectious giggles along with Yelena shouting things. 

Looking down the street, she had to hold in a laugh as she saw you and Yelena racing golf carts. You two looked like you were having the time of your life, and she was glad that you were getting along, but she was a stickler for health and safety when it came to you. So, she scolded you slightly when you came back inside. 


Yelena told her to remove the stick from her ass, to which you laughed at, earning a warning glare from your girlfriend.

This was just the start of your adventures with Yelena. 

She would often visit the compound, which you loved, everyone else not so much. They all loved you. They all loved Yelena. Together though... let's just say they tended to hide the pointy items that may be lying around. 

There had been multiple occasions where Tony had to fix a wall or something because one of you had ended up being thrown through it. 

The team would often be concerned when they heard your booming laughs getting closer, as they knew that something was about to happen, and they could never predict what. 

Natasha would always have to get up and check on what you were doing and put a stop to your antics. Sometimes she could let them go, like when you two were just skidding around the compound's hardwood flooring in fluffy socks. 

But when you two were found to be heading up to the roof wearing parachutes, she had to drag you both downstairs by the collar of your shirts. 

"Don't be a party pooper, Natasha", was often mumbled by Yelena. 

Today you had been left mostly alone as the rest of the team seemed to be very busy with paperwork, something you didn't tend to dabble in unless Steve yelled at you for not doing it. But today you weren't going to do it, you were taking your sixth 'me day' in a row. 

Your day was interrupted, however, by a certain blonde showing up unannounced and immediately asking FRIDAY where you were, running into the common room when she got her answer. 

At hearing footsteps approaching, you turned and smiled when you spotted her, "Lena!".


"Hey Y/n", she beamed, then threw a huge bag of giant marshmallows at you. You both gave each other big Cheshire cat grins, having wanted to do this for a while, so you knew exactly what to do. 

Natasha had asked FRIDAY to inform her of Yelena's presence when she was in the compound due to her new tendency to just show up unannounced, and so when she was told of her arrival, she immediately headed into the common room as well. 

She saw you two giggling as you opened the marshmallow packet, it seemed like an innocent enough gesture, but with you two there was never anything innocent, so she placed herself on the couch next to you. 

"Who thinks I can fit fifteen of these marshmallows into my mouth?", you asked the room with excitement. 

Nat shook her head, "You're a hazard to society".

"You're also a coward, do twenty!", Yelena matched your energy.

Your joy was soon taken away though when Natasha yelled "NOPE!" as she snatched the bag away and threw it in the bin, laughing when she turned around and saw how your faces were painted with betrayal.

"You monster", you muttered, placing your head in the crook of Yelena's neck as she comforted you over the loss of the precious squishy marshmallows. 

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