《Natasha x Y/N》Chapter 21


Y/n's POV

Peter laughed triumphantly as he beat us all again.

"Ha, I told you, no one will beat me ever!" He pumped his fists excitedly.

"Yeah okay, Peter." I laughed at him.

"Yeah be quiet, your annoyingly big headed at the minute." MJ warned as she nudged him in his ribs.

"Pizzas here!" Pietro sped into the room carrying them in his arms.

We cleared the table of cards and spread the pizzas, drinks and sides out so we could all eat our own.

"Not get me anything?" Pietro asked.

"Yeah I did, here you get half my pizza and I ordered you cookies, the coke is all yours too." I said nodding at my order.

"Thanks y/n." Pietro sat down next to me and grabbed a slice of pizza. Wanda sat at the head of the table with MJ, Ned and Peter on the other side.

We talked and laughed over stories of Peter embarrassing himself, or of failed training sessions where I messed up and of tales of Wanda saving the day, again. Pietro re-told some of our best pranks and MJ and Ned laughed over stories of Peter getting into fights with Flash.

After some time we had all eaten as much as possible and Pietro grabbed the monopoly set out. We cleared the table and set up the game.

{Time skip- 1 hour}

"I HATE YOU." Peter yelled.


"Peter, give MJ her £200.00, you landed on her property." Wanda said cooly.


"That's not how you PLAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" Pietro screamed.

"Why is Pietro screaming?" I asked.

"Shut the fuck up y/n, you don't get to talk after stealing my last railroad!" Wanda threw a pillow at me.

"I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!"Peter said dramatically.

"ME TOO!" I yelled back.

"YOU THINK I WANTED THIS?" MJ and Wanda said at the same time.


"AGHHHHHHHH!" Pietro and Ned screamed.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS YELLING?" Fury stormed into the main room angrily.

"Oh we were just playing monopoly, Mr. Fury, sir." Peter said.

"That is an awful lot of yelling. Keep it down." He ordered.

We all nodded that we would. "Y/n, a word." He stepped out the room.

"No one steal my money, or I will blast you." I threatened as I left to see the Director.


"Fury?" I asked as I stepped into the room where he was.

"Agent Romanoff asked me to give you this." He handed me a small blue book.

I took it from him, slowly. "Where have they gone sir?" I asked.

"Away. Munich, Germany. 3 weeks currently." He said looking at me.

"Natasha said it would only take a day or two and it wasn't a big deal." I said confused.

"It wasn't a big deal but Steve found a major contractor with huge links to Hydra. I am telling you this under strictest confidence. I can tell you no more about the nature of the mission other than neither of them are allowed communication back to the compound until they return." Fury told me sternly. I nodded slowly and turned away. "We are not done here y/n." He called after me.

"Yes. Yes we are." I shut the door loudly on my way out and rode the lift to Nat's floor stepping out and walking into her room. I sat on her bed and wrapped up in her duvet. I rested the small book next to me on her dressing table and thought about everything Fury had told me.

I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. She left before I was awake. The whole team kept it a secret from me. She could be gone for 3 weeks or longer. She might not even return. If she does, will she even care anymore? 3 weeks is a long time to be gone from someone, you have only just started a relationship with.


I sat there with my head in my hands, staring at my feet, thoughts swirling in my mind, when someone knocked on my door. I looked up and saw Wanda. She walked over to me when she saw the tears steaming down my face and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and held on tightly as the tears fell faster and faster. Soon I couldn't contain my sadness any longer and I cried. Properly cried, ugly sobs and snorts. The whole lot. My makeup ran down my face and stained Wanda's jacket. I pulled away and sniffed loudly. "Sorry, I got mascara on you."

"Don't worry about it. Here." She handed me a tissue to blow my nose and another to dry my eyes.

"How did you know I was upset?" I asked, trying to regulate my breathing once more.

"Your thoughts were very loud, oh and Fury told us that you had gone upstairs." Wanda told me softly.

"Sorry about that, I just...I couldn't stop thinking about if Nat doesn't come back and if she does, will everything be different?" I looked at Wanda.

"Why would everything be different when she comes back? Because she will come back y/n." Wanda reassured me.

"I don't know, I just..I'm afraid she won't like me anymore or she will forget." I admitted whilst looking down at my feet.

"Don't be ashamed of worrying, that shows you really care right? I mean if you didn't care about her or your relationship then this mission wouldn't bother you as much." Wanda told me as she squeezed my hand softly.

I looked up at her and dried my eyes again. "Yeah. Yeah you're right."

"I always am. Now let's go downstairs. We are all going to watch a movie because Monopoly got a little hectic." She said laughing a little.

"Okay." I offered a shaky grin and we walked downstairs together.


Third person's POV

For the rest of the evening the 6 of them watched movies together, drank fizzy drinks and ate junk food. Just relaxing and enjoying the time off.

Y/n worried constantly but did her best to block her thoughts from Wanda. But Wanda being Wanda, meant that she could still hear a lot of y/n's thoughts and comforted her as best as she could.

MJ and Peter curled up into each other and Peter soon fell asleep in her arms, making the rest of them laugh. Ned sat on a seat on his own so that he could stretch his legs out, after the first movie he snored loudly, annoying everyone else. Y/n soon fell asleep as Wanda ran her fingers through y/n's hair, to help keep her mind off of Nat and Steve. Pietro, energetic as always stayed up for the rest of the evening, talking to his sister as the rest slept.


Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter, I know they are a bit boring but I need some filler chapters before the interesting stuff happens, just to thicken the plot.

Hope you are all good and here are your daily reminders, (Even if they are not always daily);

Go for a walk or some form of exercise today.

Go and get a glass of water, we all know you haven't drunk enough today. (Myself included)

Spend time with family or friends, if you can.

Please eat something today, even if it is something little. Thank you.

I am also so proud of anyone out there who is clean. It doesn't matter if it is one second, one day or 6 months. You are doing so brilliantly and are fighting a tough battle. I know it is tricky, but please keep trying. Every single day you wake up, you are working so hard, never forget that x

I love you 3000

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