《Natasha x Y/N》Chapter 15


WARNING: Mentions of, , and . If these things trigger you then I wouldn't read this chapter. At the bottom I will give a brief overview of what happened without the details so the next few chapters make sense.


That night I slept the whole time I was in Nat's arms. I was terrified of what she was going to say when she saw my cuts but instead of being scared away she helped me and held me tighter than before. I loved her more in that moment than I ever had before.

I felt Nat shift beneath me and I looked at the clock on her bedside table. 10:18 am. We had overslept. I kissed Nat on the neck to wake her up. She smiled a little but refused to open her eyes. "Just 5 more minutes." She begged. I continued to kiss her neck, lightly. She turned over, so she was closer to me and kissed me back, eyes still shut. I escaped her arms and stood up from the bed.

"No where are you going?" She asked, in her gorgeous morning voice.

"Shower. If you want to join me thats fine. But I guess you want 5 more minutes instead." I said smirking a little.

"No wait, I'm here." She jumped out of bed and walked over to me, looping her arms around my waist and kissing me properly.

"Mmm that's. What. I. Thought." I said between kisses. She took my hand and lead me into the bathroom where we both stepped into the shower.

30 minutes later we wrapped dressing gowns around ourselves and Nat stayed in the bathroom to get ready whilst I went to dry my hair at her desk. As I did I decided that I wanted to get changed first, so I stood up and walked over to her wardrobe. I took a t-shirt she had stolen from Steve, a jumper of Tony's, and a pair of her leggings. I got dressed and began to brush through my hair as Nat appeared in the mirror behind me. "Stealing from me again are we?" She asked laughing.

"What no!?" I said confused.

"First my heart, and now my hoodies. What's next my last name?" She said. I looked at her in shock and confusion. "I'm kidding about the last part, it is too soon." She laughed and kissed me again. "Besides they look better on you than me."

I smile and dried my hair as she got dressed in the background behind me. Once we were both ready I took her hand and we went downstairs, greeted by the smell of food.

"Woah, what is cooking because I want some of that!" I said happily as I saw Wanda at the stove.

"Full English breakfast for those joining us." She said as she checked the bacon.

"Well I am definately joining, how about you Nat?" I asked as she poured us all some tea/coffee.

"Yeah sure." She smiled at me.

"You talk to Nat?" Wanda asked me as she turned her attention to the eggs.

"A little bit. I am not very good at talking about my emotions so I was wondering if you could show Nat how I am feeling instead? Or look through my mind and give her an idea? If you don't want to that is okay, I just thought it was better than my rambling." I said nervously.


"Yeah I can do that, if you are both okay with it. It may hurt, but I will do my best to make sure it doesn't." Wanda promised.

"I know and we are both okay with that, I asked her last night." I explained.

"Okay well, let's eat and then we can go somewhere else where we won't be disturbed. How does that sound?" Wanda asked stirring the beans.

"Sounds good." I said as I buttered some toast and put it on a plate in the middle of the table, cut into strips so we could dip them into our eggs.

"Good. This is ready so let me just plate up and then we can eat. Vision will be joining us soon too." She told us.

"How are you and vision?" I asked.

"We are good." A fourth voice said. I turned and saw the robot walk through the wall.

"Vis door, we talked about this." Wanda sighed.

"Sorry." He apologised.

"No matter, now come we are having breakfast." She said.

We all sat down around the table and began to eat our meal which was really good.

Afterwards, Vision took the plates and washed them up so that Wanda could talk to me and Nat.


Nat lead us all into her room and we sat down on her bed, me facing Wanda and Nat.

"Okay so how does this work?" I asked her.

"Well I put my hands here." She pointed at my temple. "Then I use my powers to either look through your mind or I can share some of what I see with Nat, but it won't be as clear" She explained.

"Can you just look through and then tell Nat what you saw?" I asked nervously.

"Of course, now this may hurt a bit so I want you to hold Nat's hand. If it gets too much I want you to squeeze her hand twice, okay?" Wanda asked me.

"Yeah okay, I can do that." I reached for Nat and held her hands in mine.

"I'm here for you babe." Nat reassured me.

"Ready?" Wanda asked. I nodded my head yes and closed my eyes as I felt her fingertips on either side of my head. She took a deep breath and began to look through my mind.


Wanda's POV

I took a deep breath and began to search through Y/N's mind. She had given me complete access to everything but I only focused on what was affecting her.

Her mind was unusual. Normally people had a colour or some distinctive sound but Y/N's mind was a complete black void, filled with loud silence. It made me shiver but I pressed on. As I continued to search images began to form and I could see in more detail what was being shown to me.

I gasped and let go of Y/N. I stumbled off of the bed and grabbed Nat's desk for support. Y/N looked down and avoided looking at me. Nat decided I needed more help and grabbed me a glass of water, sitting me down at her desk. "Hey Wands, what happened? Are you okay?" Nat asked me, crouching down so she could see my face.

I nodded but my eyes betrayed me looking all over the place, wide with shock and fear. "What did they do to you?" I asked Y/N hoarsely.


She gulped and breathed deeply. "They were experimenting on me and giving me my powers. I would never co-operate and so every time I refused to give in or allow myself to be their test subject they would beat me up. I almost always broke a bone and then they would inject me, giving me temporary super healing so they could do it all again. The pain would come back twice as bad once the injection wore off, I would still feel the pain of the broken bone even though it had healed. They tortured me for fun most of the time because I refused to give up." She was on the verge of tears and Nat sat next to her, pulling her into a hug.

"It's okay, you're with us now. You have me, you have Wanda and you have the rest of the team. No one is going to hurt you. I promise." Nat said, stroking her hair. "What did you see Wanda?" She asked looking at me.

"I saw her cell, barely wide enough to sit down and only just tall enough to stand in. It was dark, so very dark. Dark and cold. There was no way to tell the time. There were scratches on the wall, did they mark the days?" I asked Y/N.

"That was every time they took me for another round of torture." She said choking back the tears.

"I ...I saw her thoughts. She feels as though she is a bad person because of everyone she murdered under Hydras control. She thinks she will never be good enough, she thinks that everybody in her life is going to leave her, like her parents. She cuts her self because she is familiar with pain and so it makes her feel safe. She doesn't sleep because then the nightmares come to her. She excerises to not have to focus on her thoughts. She likes the early hours because it is dark, quiet and there is nobody but her, like in her old cell. She and Bucky were often experimented on at the same time and then forced to fight the other but he nearly always won. He was tortured less so that he could still complete missions and so he rarely had broken bones whereas y/n always had some broken rib or arm." I looked up at Nat to see her crying silently.

"I am so sorry, y/n. I had no idea it was so bad." She apologised.

"It's fine. I hate talking about it. Thank you Wanda for telling Nat, that cant have been easy, trust me I know." Y/N looked at me.

"We are going to help you. You cant keep cutting, you need to sleep and eat better and we will get there with you. I am telling Tony that you aren't going on any missions until we see progress with you." I promised.

"Me and Wanda will be with you all the time, we will help you." Nat rubbed y/n's back comfortingly.

"Thank you guys." Y/N said hugging Nat before getting up and hugging me. "Thank you Wanda, thank you so much." She whispered to me. I smiled sadly at her.

"Right, we are having the rest of the week to relax. We will go and visit Pietro later. Wanda do you want to stay with us? We were going to have a Harry Potter and a Hunger games movie binge." Nat asked me, after drying her tears.

"Yeah, as long as I don't feel like an awkward 3rd wheel with you two." I laughed, trying to lighten to mood.

"Of course not, Come here." Y/N said as she snuggled under the covers and opened her arms to me. I looked at Nat who nodded that it was fine and then I snuggled up to her, and put the covers around us.

"Jarvis?" Nat called out.

"Yes, miss Romanoff?" Jarvis replied.

"Call Mr.Stark. Tell him to bring snacks worthy of a movie marathon to my room in no less than 20minutes." Nat smile at us both.

"Yes Miss Romanoff." He said.

"Mr.Stark informed me that they will be at your door in 10 minutes." Jarvis told us as we picked out the first Harry Potter movie.

"Good." Nat said. She turned off all the lights and shut the blinds, giving us complete darkness. She then opened the door to see Peter carrying a few bags full of sweets and drinks and popcorn. "Thanks kid." She said taking them off of him and shutting the door. She placed the snacks onto the bed and put her arm around Y/N, pressing play on the movie.

We stayed like that, warm and closer than before as friends for the rest of the day. Jarvis called us for lunch and dinner but we asked for it to be delivered instead. Y/N didn't eat all her food but did eat 3 meals and me and Nat were very pleased with that. Y/N felt asleep during Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix, leaving me and Nat to talk.

We decided that Y/N should never be left alone. No missions for around 3 weeks and that we will never be mad at her for not eating, or for relapsing as long as we know she is trying. Me and Nat both fell asleep some time later, content with the day we had had.


Wanda cooked an amazing full English breakfast which we ate and enjoyed thoroughly. Then we went upstairs to Nat's room where Wanda looked through our mind, seeing Hydras experiments, our cell, the torturing we went through with Bucky. She saw our current mental state and why we weren't eating great, why we had a bad sleep schedule and why we harmed ourselves.

Wanda explained this all to Nat who then promised to never leave or hurt us. Wanda made the same promise and afterwards all three of us curled up in Nat's bed and watched all of the Harry Potter movies up to Harry potter and the order of the Phoenix, where everyone had by then fallen asleep. Nat and Wanda decided never to leave us alone, no missions for 3 weeks at least and to be patient and understanding with us.


Reminder to:

Go for a walk or some form of exercise.

Spend time with family or friends if you can.

To go and get a glass of water because we all know you haven't had enough.

To try and eat at least one meal today.

I love you all and idc if you are 1 second clean or 10 years clean. I am so proud of all of you and you are doing so so well, please keep it up, we need you here still. x

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