《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》sims*


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smut warning 🤨

"HAHAHA-" I laughed. My laugh honestly sounded like a screaming fucking donkey, but it's not like I can stop it.

"Stop laughing like that you're making me laugh-" yelena says, bursting out with laughter. You might be wondering: what the hell are you doing?

Well, we are currently playing the sims. We always play the sims with each other, it's always a laugh.

"HAHAHAHA-" I scream again. By now she was silently laughing, she was definitely struggling to breathe. "I'm gonna make a sim for Nat-" I chuckle devilishly.

Her eyes widen and she giggles. "Do it do it do it!" She chants, watching my screen.

"Ok...so red hair...this hair style looks exactlyyyy like hers. Hmmm...I think I'm gonna change the nose." I say, giving myself a re assuring nod.

"That looks exactly like her-" I say pointing at the screen. "No it doesn't! That looks nothing like her!" Yelena argues.

"Fine. Natasha has bigger lips-" I let out a devilish snicker as I make her lips massive. Yelena laughs her head off and slams her hand on the table.

"Jesus h Christ it's not that funny-" I say with confusion. She shakes her head, still crying laughing. "No- that looks like Natasha-"

"Okkkk....so now...now she has pretty big tits if you ask me. And if you ask me I'll say honkers-" I giggled, making her boobs a little too big.

Yelena snorts as she points at the screen. I'm honestly concerned about her sometimes, like I'm funny haha, but I'm not funny HAHAHAHAH. You know?

It's probably all the whiskey she's been downing though, that always makes her act like an absolute crack addict.

"That is literally Natasha-" I say proudly.

"What about the butt? Natasha has more butt than that." Yelena argued defensively, as if she was defending her ass.

"Ok ok..." I made her butt the biggest it could go and giggled. "Wait, Nat is like hella short, gotta make her shorter-" I added.

"What about her feet? Nat has big feet!" Yelena said crossing her arms. "Hey! That's nasty, she does not have big feet?" I say with confusion.

"Give it here, I'll do it-" she groans, enlarging her sims feet. "If she finds this, we need to pick what flowers we want on our gravestones." I tell her jokingly.

"Ooh I want white lilies!" She says, grabbing a post it note and writing it down. "Give me red roses, maybe some hyacinths, I also want a gazebo over my grave so it won't get ruined in the rain."

She wrote it all down and titled it: If Natasha sees this, then do this.

Pretty smart if you ask me. "Hey- you get a gazebo? I want my grave to be in the shape of a star-" she says, adding it onto the list next to her name. She then stuck it on the wall on top of my computer and grinned.

"Ok, I'm gonna add her now..shit wait I need to add her traits-" I sigh with annoyance. Adding traits is always so boring.

"You need to add evil. And also hot headed." Yelena muttered. "Mhm. Ooh and maybe romantic, cause she's like that-" I added.

"Ok, and I'm going to name her...stinky Romanoff-" I say with a proud smile as I added her to my world.


"I want my sim to woohoo with stinky Romanoff and get married and have kids and have a mansion." I tell her, adding her character to my own house.


"Jesus." Yelena scoffs.

"What?! I made you a Kate sim? Why can't I have my own Nat sim?" I frown, making our sims speak to each other.

"Fine. But I dont woo hoo with kate. We're not even friends on it yet. I don't like her like that." She says as if it was a proud thing.

"Oh yeah, but you still like Kate, I know deep down you're besties with her. Whatever. Nat and I are gonna be sooo in love-" I chuckled.

"Wait- Steve made a Bucky sim cause he likes Bucky...Did you make a Nat sim cause you like Nat?! " Yelena asks with concern.

I went dead silent as I casually got my sim to flirt with nats. "Y/N Y/L/N!" She shouts, slamming her hand on the table and moving closer to me.

"YOU LIKE NATASHA?" She shouts, with a weird smile on her face. "I mean...isn't it obvious?" I chuckle, glaring at our sims, who were already kissing might I add.

Yelenas mouth dropped open as she shook her head. "I should've seen this coming-" she scoffs.

"Be quiet, if I can't have her in real life, then im going to have her in another reality, my sims reality."

"You could totally have her in real life if you tried-" Yelena replies suggestively.

"You mad? Oh wait you are actually. Um no, she's like way too good for me Lena! I mean, even her sim is way too good for me!" I exclaim.

"Yeah sure with those big ass perky tits. No, you could get Nat if you tried, I feel like your her type-"

"Don't try and lead me on like that. She thinks I'm agitating-" I frown, letting my sims do their own thing for a while.

"Everyone thinks your agitating-" she laughed. Excuse me, but Yelena is the most agitating person known to earth. I love her to bits, but sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, she really makes me want to drop kick her to hell.

For instance, last week when I was angry at a mission, she kept snatching my damn phone and taking pictures on it. Like yeah funny whatever but fuck off.

"You're a fucking hypocrite." I scoff. "Anyways...you never know till you try? Right?"

"Again, hypocrite. You won't even speak to Kate, you act as if you hate her guts whenever she's nice to you." I frown at her. "And Kate is lovely too, but you're always dry with her. She just wants a friend. "

"No I'm not!" She shouts defensively, her voice raising a thousand octaves higher than it should as if she was a fucking opera singer. "Yes Yelena babes, you are-" I replied.

She slouched back in her chair and muttered something under her breath.

Long story short, at the end of the night, Nat and is sims were happily married, and were loaded as hell in a mansion. No kids yet tho. Yet.


As I was happily making my morning rounds, you know, brewing Bucky and is usual morning coffee, eating some ugly dinosaur cereal with peter, and then sometimes I'll even help Wanda cook pancakes for everyone.

Anyway, as I was having my little coffee get together with Bucky and Wanda who also tagged along, I was smacked in the forehead.

That's such an odd place to smack. I glance around with confusion. What the fuck. I noticed that whoever had smacked my head, had smacked a post it note on my head whilst doing it.


I rip it off and glare at the note with confusion. This is Yelena and I's grave flower gazebo star thingy? Why is it being-

Ohhh... haha

I turn around and smile awkwardly at Natasha, who was by now somehow towering over me with a pissy glare. God knows how the hell she manages to make me feel so small, she's literally five foot nothing.

I place my hand on my head, because that smack was a really hard smack.

"Do you think you're funny or what?" She asked me harshly. I glare at the post it again, trying not to laugh, and then back at her.

She snatches the post it note and rips it into a million little pieces. Now no one's gonna know that I wanted red roses and a gazebo. Sad.

"Sometimes i guess?" I shrugged with a giggle. Maybe it's not the time to be an absolute prankster, but I really do make myself laugh on an occasion.

"Well you're not!" She snaps at me angrily.

"What did y/n do this time?" Bucky asked.

"You wanna know what y/n did? I'll fucking tell you what y/n did. She thought it would be the funniest thing in the world to make my character in the sims look pathetic!"

Bucky chuckled as he ate the dinosaur cereal. "That's funny-" he said, giving me a fist bump.

I returned the gesture and smirk. "It's. Not. Funny." She says, slapping the expensive marble counter. If she breaks that, then Tony will trip in his boots.

"It's honestly a compliment if you ask me-" i shrugged. "A compliment?" She asked with anger in her tone. "A fucking compliment?!" Her tone then unexpectedly raised to another level of unnecessary fury.

"You gave me big feet, and let's not even go there with the boobs and ass." She added, crossing her arms.

"Yelena did the feet part!" I say defensively. She scoffs and shakes her head. "Like I care what yelena did."

"Damn, you really are hot headed-" I mumbled with a smirk. She furrows her brows at me questionably, but shook it off.

"Delete. It." She says sternly.

"Absolutely not! There's no way in hell I'm deleting it now. We're already marr-" I stopped talking. If I tell her our sims are married, then maybe I'll out myself.

"Spit it out."

"No no, it doesn't matter-" i sigh.

"I said spit it out y/n." Jesus Christ. "Delete the damn thing or I'll come to your bed at night and-"

"Wowoowow- why are we all of a sudden throwing threats?" I ask her worryingly. A part of me wanted to know what she was gonna say, but I stupidly interrupted her. The thought of her coming into my bed at night only sparked out good thoughts for me.

"Actually...come to my bed at night, I don't care-" I chuckle and shrug at her.

"Fine. If that sim isn't gone by midnight, I'll be in your bed, doing whatever the fuck i want to you there-" she left the room after that sentence. Wow, she can be so open sometimes it's horrifying.

"And she's evil too-" I added, talking to myself quietly.


It was now bed time for me. I don't know what time I go to bed, if I'm tired then I'm tired. And if I'm tired, then it's bed time.

I get up from my desk and sigh as I drop onto my bed.

For a moment, I felt like a war was happening when my door slammed open. I quickly sat up and glare towards my door.

I could just barely make out Natasha's silhouette in the dim light. Oh god, I forgot about this.

"I noticed my sim is still on the computer." She says, closing the door shut. I silently watched as she walked around my room a little. Shes really haunting sometimes, and the fact that I couldn't even see where she was, was scary.

I could just hear her. "What are you doing?" I ask her nervously. "Just looking around in your room." She says blankly.

Suddenly she flicks the switch to my led lights. Oh. My. God. My jaw literally dropped six feet under when I finally saw her properly. Fuck me.

She was stood at the foot of my bed with only her underwear on. It was just the fact that her eyes were burning into me hungrily as her skin literally glowed under the red lights. I'm going feral.

I would drop anything there and then. If I had kids, well bye bye to them, because if she said she didn't want my kids, then I would totally send them away somewhere for her.

Even though I was sat, I was still weak in the knees, my whole body practically trembling as I struggled to turn my attention towards anything but her. Fucking hell.

"I'm just here to watch you sleep, like I said." She says casually. Even her voice. Her words meant nothing to me, it was only the sound, the huskiness that I cared for.

"W-wha- y-you're just gonna stand there and watch me sleep-" I ask her nervously. I've never caught myself acting like such a mess before. God.

"Mhhh-" she practically moaned. Im not fucking sleeping tonight that's for sure. I'll be wide awake, repeating that damn noise in my head.

"I'm just gonna chill here. Now close your eyes and sleep." Her sentence was heavily demanding. I really didn't know what to do with myself.

I pull the cover higher over my chest and hesitantly close my eyes. Though my mind simply can't escape the thought of her. She's literally engraved into my mind.

I heard a noise, and quickly open my eyes. That was the wrong move to make. She was now sat on the foot of my bed on her knees, staring at me.

I can't tell if I'm about to get slaughtered, or even fucked, or maybe I'm just being stared at for no reason. Either way, it's having an affect on me. A strong affect.

"Close your eyes." She repeats sternly. The last thing I want to do is disobey her, though I seriously can't pull my eyes away from her.

"What are you doing?" I question, my voice practically a whisper. "Whatever I want."

She pulled the covers off of my body, forcing a gasp to escape my lips as I instinctively covered the top half of my body.

"Don't do that." She orders, crawling on top of my body and pulling my arms away. She smirked as she cupped my bare breast in her hand.

I wouldn't have slept topless like I usually do if I knew I was going to be groped in my sleep. "What do you want me to do y/n?" She questions, tracing her cold fingers down my body, forcing me to arch my back.

"Hmm?" She went on, seeing as I didn't answer.

"Whatever you want..." I replied quietly. This obviously wasn't enough for her though, oh no.

"If you're just going to be vague, then you can close your eyes again." All I could do was silently stare up at her body, propped sideways with her hip taunting me, her waist dipped slimly. And holy fuck her tits were in my face, I can literally feel the heat rushing over my body as we speak.

"Close them."

That's literally the last thing i want to do. But i obliged anyway of course. Even when I close my eyes I can still see her.

My whole back began to arch as her fingers glided down my stomach, ebbing each goosebump. Holy shit this has got to be a dream.

"Can't sleep hm?" She teased smugly as she gently pulled my panties down.

"Imagine someone licking your pussy...imagine their tongue sliding in and out of you, their lips caressing yours..." she whispered into my ear. Her voice literally itches my senses perfectly, it's just like this godamn echo.

"Relax for me sweetheart. Just relax and imagine their nose rubbing against your sensitive clit, imagine how much they love to eat your pussy...how wet it makes them to lick your wet cunt." She went on.

I cannot take it anymore. If I was soaked before, then you best believe I'm the bushes falls by now.

A quiet whimper was all I could stiffen as her fingertips stroked through my wet folds. She hummed in reply, I could practically hear the smirk stained through her voice.

"Would you like that?" She backtracks, crawling down between my thighs slowly. I hummed in reply as she began to gently blow on my pussy.

"I only take yes or no as an answer. You should know this by now."

"Y-yes..." I answered eagerly.

She hummed and parted my thighs further apart. "Good girl. Just relax for me. Let me make you feel good..."

She kissed along my thighs, inching closer and closer to where I wanted her the most. She then licked through my folds, edging the tip of her tongue over my clit, and then roughing it over senselessly.

I moaned out of pleasure, but before anything else her tongue dipped into my hole. Her hands gripped onto my thighs, pulling them further as my breathing hitched.

"Oh fuck, Natasha-" I mumbled as her tongue dipped deeper and deeper. She hummed, causing a whole wave of vibrations over my body.

As her tongue fell deeper, pace quickening, her nose began to nudge against my clit. It was all getting too much for me as her tongue only seemed to move faster and faster.

"Mmm I'm gonna cum!" I shout, feeling the knot at the pit of my stomach tighten with each second. All she did was hum again, making it all unbearable.

I gripped onto the sheets as my back began to arch, her pace only continuing. I then felt numb as I came in her mouth, feeling a pure rush of euphoria.

She licked me clean and propped herself on top of me, pulling me in for a long kiss as her hands brushed back my hair.

She then pulled away, smirking at me proudly. "Looks like you enjoyed yourself." She giggles.

I nodded my head as my breathing began to track to normality. "Fuck, that was so good-" I replied tiredly.

"I'm glad."

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I hate this and I'm so unimaginative recently like I have no ideas. I haven't been to school in like over a week cause I'm convinced there's a hole in my liver after Halloween happened. It rlly doesn't help that I drink every weekend but we move yolo or whatever

also dead to me s3 is out...um I have no words. let me tell u how long I've waited for that godamn season like I've been talking about s3 for like two years. I have no words for it.


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