《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》black out


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Lizzie cause Lizzie supremacy, deal with it whore. 🙏

"Y/n sweetheart, you ok?" Natasha asked softly as she shook my leg. Though, her voice was barely audible to me. I was basically asleep.

"Nat shes fucked, let her rest" Tony chipped in.

"Hey y/n, wanna come back and party with us?" Sam giggled as he shook me the fuck awake again. One more nudge and I will wake the fuck up, sober up, and smack his head off like a fucking bobble head.

"FUCK OFF!" I screamed at him. I then felt natashas hands on my legs again, slowly taking my shoes off.

"Tony someone's trying to get in my pants...." I mumbled to him. He laughed hysterically and shook his head.

"Y/n I'm only taking your shoes off" Natasha tried to explain. That's what they all say...kidding...

Tony then started tapping me awake again like a fucking iPad kid. I'm so pissed and out of my fucking head that I seriously cannot stay awake. I've downed a whole bottle of vodka, not my brightest idea.

"You ok kid?" He asked as he tapped me again. One more tap and I'll die. I just mumbled something in return, but obviously that wasn't good enough for him.

"HEY KID!" He screamed again. I flinched awake and gave him a tired thumbs up. "Now fuck off and leave her lone-" Nat told him.

She pulled me so my head was resting on her lap. "How much did you drink sweetheart?" She asked me as she moved my hair out of my face.

"Mhh dunno-" I mumbled in return. I know damn well what I had. But I'd rather not admit it. I'm also not arsed, and my verbal chords are unalive. "You had a lot didn't you? Hmm?"

"Hmmm" I replied tiredly, about to black the fuck out again. "Alright babe, can you sit up for me?" She asked. If I move then I'll throw up. "Don't wanna Tash-" I whined.

She sighed and pulled me up, making me lean against her shoulder. "Open your mouth and drink this." She told me sternly.

I quickly shook my head and turned it away. "No more vodka...will throw up-" I shout.

"Ok, ok. Y/n it's not vodka, it's only water babe, now can you drink this for me? It'll make you better-" she tried telling me as her arm wrapped around me protectively.

"Nooo-" I whined. "Drink it, you'll feel better."

"I don't wanna-" I mumbled tiredly.

"Baby it wasn't a question." She replied sternly, moving the glass towards my lips. I groaned at her and started drinking it.

"You're tired hm? Want me to take you to bed?" She asked me softly. All I did in reply was groan and lie back down on the couch. All I've done tonight is gone for naps. And they're the best naps of my life. But ever damn second someone keeps tapping me awake or checking my fucking pulse. I'm breathing you dumb bitch.

"Wanna stay and party..." I mumbled quietly. "Sweetie you aren't even partying, you're clearly tired."

I then threw up all over the floor. Natasha sighed and sat me upright. "Okay, there you go, good girl. You feel better now hm?" Well after that pet name I'm certainly not. My stomach is doing flips, and my organs are skydiving.


I nodded my head as I threw up again. Words cannot describe the pain I'm in right now. Everything hurts, I'm hot to the point where I feel cold. My head feels heavy, I can't open my eyes, I feel sick. I feel like I'm going to faint, yet I'm definitely alive.

"Sorry-" I cried, once I had stopped. "Don't be sorry now, not your fault." She tried telling me.

"Tasha need to clean it up, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'll clean it-" I went on with tears in my eyes. "No, no no, don't you worry, I'll clean it up for you, just sit down and try to calm down for me ok?" She replied as she handed me a bucket. I instantly flopped down again, about to nap.

"Aww y/n are you alright?" Maria asked me as she helped Nat clean up my mess. I honestly barely heard her and didn't have any effort to try and reply to her. Look at my face. Do I look alright babe? Didn't think so.

Once Natasha was done she sat back down next to me and placed her hand on my thigh. "If you need to throw up, try going in this bucket okay babe?"

I just hummed as I closed my eyes. "No, no, no babe, it's not time for sleep now, not till you drink more water." She's the one gaslighting me, telling me I'm tired, and now she's telling me to wake up?

"Here y/n, drink up." Maria said as she handed me another glass of water and sat down. "Are you sure that's just water?" Natasha questioned suspiciously.

"Of course it is. Who do you think I am?" Maria chuckled. "Well you spiked me once, told me it was just water when it was just vodka." She replied dryly as she took a sip of the water Maria had given me.

"It's ok y/n, it's just water, now drink up." She told me sternly. "I didn't spike you, you drank it all without hesitation. " Maria replied with a chuckle.

"You're just cute when you're drunk Nat, you should've seen yourself." Maria laughed. Natasha shook he head and crossed her arms angrily. Hello? I'm the one about to die here, pay attention to me!

"Do not call me that."

"Okay cutie-" she chuckled. "Maria stop it!" she whined at her.

"Y/n I told you to drink the water, open up-" she told me as she held my chin and parted my lips. "Y/n, swallow it, you need to drink this." She says. I slowly started swallowing it.

"That's what she said-" Maria chuckled to herself quietly. "Okay good girl...no no no, y/n swallow the water, you're getting it everywhere-" she sighed as she put the empty glass down.

"That's what she said..." Maria mumbled again childishly. Natasha eyed her as her arm wrapped around me again. "Grow up will you?"

"You need to grow up, five foot nothing-" Maria laughed at her. "Shh, y/n is shorter than me, don't let her hear that." She whispered, as if I was fucking able to reply. Also I might be seriously in a different world, but I have ears.

"Fucking hell, she must be tiny then if you're tiny." Maria laughed again. Give me a few hours, I'll smack you for saying that. "Okay if you're going to continue to bully me, then go." Natsha frowned.


"Well usually you'd bully me back, but I guess you're too cute-" she giggled back at her. "Shut upppp! Your mother dropped you as a child, it's why you're so stupid." Pop off you Russian unit.

"That was a really shitty comeback, small bean." Maria giggled.

"Quit that. You're dumb, you crashed a jet once!" As Maria was about to argue back, I slowly awoke again from the dead and tapped Nat with annoyance.

"Tasha shut up-" i slurred. Maria laughed her head off. "Shhhhh-" I whined, lazily pointing at Maria. Nat smirked and raised her brow at Maria.

"Okay y/n you seem a little better now, gonna take you to bed ok?" Natsha told me softly. I whined at her and buried my face in her chest.

"Come on, let's go-" she tried telling me, pulling me up again. "Maria carry the bucket." She ordered as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Nat you carry the bucket, I'll carry y/n, You're too short." She told her with all seriousness. Natasha frowned, but before she could argue I was being picked up by Maria. I would've totally laughed at that if I had an ounce of life in me.

"I can carry y/n, I don't wanna carry the bucket!" She whined as she followed from behind. "Wow, what a shame-" Maria replied as she slowly placed me down in bed.

"You can go away now, I can take care of y/n." Natasha said sternly as she picked some clothes out for me.

"Nat, you've had some to drink too, you're just acting okay cause y/n's a mess. I can help." Maria told her softly.

"Want Maria to stay-" I mumbled as I held onto nats hand. Maria now had a smug look on her face as she went to get another glass of water.

"Okay babe, I'm gonna undress you now, just wanna put some comfy clothes on you ok? You've got sick all over you. " I slowly nodded my head as she removed my shirt.

She pulled my skirt down and then put on some sweats for me. Maria returned shortly with a plate and a bottle of water. "Drink up chief-" she told me.

I whined as the bottle hit my arm. "Aww did Maria hurt you? Want her to go away?" Natsha asked me with a frown.

"Nat quit babying her, it didn't hurt did it y/n?" I whined in reply. "N-no-"

"But baby she hit you with it on the arm-" Natasha pouts as she kisses my arm. "Mhhhm-" I mumbled.

"Nat go get changed." Maria told her sternly. "No, I'm fine." She replied.

"Nat you keep tripping when you walk, go put some comfy clothes on." She ordered. Natasha sighed as she ignored her, sitting down on the bed next to my feet.

"Tasha want cuddles-" I whined at her tiredly. "Nat will give you cuddles sweetheart, she just needs to get changed-" Maria explained.

"Arms up." She told the red head sternly. Natasha complied with a grunt, letting Maria pull off her dress and put a hoodie on her.

"There you go..." she whispered as she pulled some shorts on her. Natasha then groaned as she flopped down on the foot of the bed.

"Say thankyou, I know you're still a little sober in there, don't be rude." Maria teased. "Thanks..." she mumbled quietly as she stood up again.

"Natasha!" I shout at her. "Ok,ok I'm coming honey don't worry-" she told me as she got into bed next to me and snuggled me close.

"Y/n drink that water I gave you and give some to Nat."

"Maria I'm not even drunk!" Natsha tried to argue. "Hush now, yes you are."

"There you go y/n, you feeling better bug?" Natasha asked, kissin my cheek. I hummed and attempted to kiss her back, but gave up after blinking.

She then spooned me and wrapped her arms around me.

"And you're telling me you're not drunk." Maria giggled as she was doing god knows what. "I'm not!" Natasha screamed down my ear. Fucking hell that girl might have a low voice, but Jesus Christ does she scream. That's sounded inappropriate...oh well

"You're like so clingy towards people you have a crush on when you're drunk. Guess you have a crush on y/n hm?" Maria teased.

Natasha gasped, slamming her hands over my ears. You know when you break something and try to fix it but it just turns out ugly cause there was no hope in fixing it? That's what this red headed maniac is trying to do right now.

She practically used my ears as fucking bongos. Anyways, everything was now muted to me, so I just watched the both of them argue. And it's not like I was bothered to try and lip read either.

Suddenly she pulls her hands away from my ears and holds me tight again. "You have a crush on me?" I slurred quietly.

The room dropped silent as Maria raised a brow, and left the room. "Umm...what? You don't know what you're talking about y/n/n, you drank too much." She lies.

She's gaslighting me again. "Mhhhh...probably..." I mumbled back as i leant my head on her chest.

She kissed my head and gently played with my hair. Maybe I did die after downing that vodka. I probably blacked out and dipped on earth. But see this, this feels like heaven right now. Kidding, I'm for sure going to hell.

"Sleepy-" I mumbled. She hums and softly soothes her hand down the length of my back. "Rest then."

"Mhhh I have a crush on you too-" I whispered.

"Y-you what? Y/n-"

"Nighty night nat-" I interrupted tiredly.

"But y/n what did you say? Do you like me?" She questioned eagerly. Too late mate, I'm already asleep. She sighed as I began to quietly snore.

*.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.*


do not. DO NOT, down a whole bottle of vodka as if it's one big shot. Halloween I was high, and fucking dead. i don't have a clue how the fuck I'm fucking alive but fuck I'm fucking here. woke up in my exs bed, found out I called my friends dad a bald n0nce, and slept on the floor for a good 3 hours. fucking done bro, now my ex is 'back in the picture' ANYWAYS LOVE YOU ty for 190k reads 💋


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