《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》ice cream.


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"Tony you literally cheated!" Natasha argued, giving Tony a glare. "What? How can I even cheat?" He questioned defensively.

"Just because you're losing Romanoff, doesn't mean you have to accuse others-" he added with a chuckle. "Someone's pissed-" Wanda whispered to Sam who had just walked in, as she eyed Natasha.

"I heard that." Nat commented, giving them both a glare. "Come on Nat- it's your turn-" Steve nagged on.

"Fine. Just know that Tony cheated and this game sucks-" she sulked as she showed her cards. "You're horrible at this-" Tony laughed, which caused her to get angrier.

"And you cheated-"

"I did not! Stop getting so whiny just because you're bad at this." He snapped back.

I walk into the room they were in and greeted them all. "Guess who just lost?" Tony said smugly. "Who?" I questioned.

"Natasha-" he said proudly. Nat sat there trying to contain her anger. I found it cute how competitive she got. When she doesn't win she'll be pissed about it for hours, days even.

"Says the one who rigged the dice-" she muttered dryly. "Aw Nat, it's ok-" I said sitting next to her. "We all know Tony's a cheater-" I joked.

"Y/n don't you dare take her side just because she's upset! Sulk all you want Romanoff, but you lost!" He let out a proud smile.

"Okay let's start a new game-" he announced which caused Nat to groan. "You playing?" She asked as i leant my head on her shoulder, which caused her to tense up for a second.

"No, I prefer to watch." I replied quietly. She wrapped an arm around me as she played the game, which was unexpected.

After a couple more rounds Nat was pretty angry. The girl hates losing. Wanda, Carol, Nat and I were going to have a sleepover at Wandas room tonight, so I went for a quick shower once the games were over.

I got to wandas room a little earlier cause I was pretty bored to be honest. "Hey freaky-" I said walking into her room and flopping onto her bed.

"Hey y/l/n-" she replied flopping down next to me. "Carol should be here soon-" she said getting up again and sitting up against her headboard.

"You know I was surprised when Nat actually accepted your physical contact earlier-" she chuckled. "Physical contact?" I questioned, sitting up a little.

"Sorry I forgot you don't realise how touchy you can be- once I tired hugging Nat cause she was sad, and she literally pushed me! I nearly fell. " She went on.

"I don't blame her-" I joked. "I only rested my head on her shoulder? What, is that too much?" I questioned. Wanda laughed at me a little.

"No, it's just that Nat genuinely accepts your physical contact, even though you're so touchy-" she remarked. "I guess sometimes I forget that other people don't like it as much as I do-" I admitted.


"But seriously? She pushed you?" I laughed, changing the subject. "Yep. And once, i sat next to her and she literally moved away from me-"

I laughed at wandas story, then Nat and Carol came in. "Finally-" Wanda said as they joined us and sat on her bed.

"Shut up we brought snacks-" Carol said dumping her bag full of food.


It was a little later and we were all playing a video game. First it was Wanda versus me, and I won, obviously. Now it was Carol and Nat.

Nat was winning so far, but she got so frustrated. Nat was on my team, and Carol was on Wandas.

"Yes! Shoot her!" I shout, sitting on the floor next to her. Nat and I are both very competitive, so obviously our team thrived a lot more.

"Carol! What are you doing!" Wanda shot out pointing at the screen. They were now tied, and the pressure was getting worse. Wanda and I were cheering on like crazy people.

Wanda was a little more aggressive. "GO. GO. GO. PICK UP THE PASE-" she screamed. "Wanda chill-" Carol said a little concerned.

"NOooo! Quick Nat- YES- shoot her!" I cheered. I wasn't thinking anything of it, but I eventually sat a lot closer to her than she probably wanted. My hand was resting on her thigh as I cheered on.

"NOO!" Wanda and Carol shouted in unison. "Beat that!" I shout at them. Without thinking of it I gave Natasha a hug. She didn't push me off or anything though, but she just kinda awkwardly hugged me back.

After that we all sat down on wandas bed and watched a movie. We weren't paying much attention to it to be honest, we kinda just talked over it.

"Wait- did I send you that picture of-" Wanda and Carol gossiped on about literally everything under the sun. Yes, they're always like this.

All I could really think about was Natasha, I don't really know why. "Let me fix that for you-" I said getting closer to her and fixing up her necklace.

She blushed a little:"oh- thanks-"she smiled. "Y/n do you have that picture of Ton- oh wait I found it!" Wanda said showing it to Carol.

"Wanda your rooms freezing-" i whined. "No it's not, the heater is on y/n!" She answered. "Ok and? It's still freezing-" I said.

"Wanna go get hot chocolate?" Nat asked. "Sure-" I answered as the both of us got up and made our way to the kitchen. "Get me one-" I heard Carol shout behind us.


We got to the kitchen and Nat started making everyone some hot chocolate. I opened the freezer and picked up a big tub of ice cream.

"You say you're cold yet you still eat something that comes out of a freezer?" She questioned jokingly. I sat down on top of the counter with my spoon and giggled. "I'm just hungry-" I replied.

"Want some ice cream?" I asked her as she turned around to face me. She smiled as she leant by the counter, right between my thighs.


I fed her some, and oh my god her smirk was doing things to me. Soon my diaphragm will collapse and my organs will slip out of my ass.

I took some more bites myself as she stared at me deeply. "Give me more-" she whined, moving her face closer to the spoon. I giggled at her and ate another spoonful myself.

"Y/n/n, quit doing that and give me some-" she whined again. I sighed and placed the spoon in her mouth. As I was going to take it back, she moved away from me.

"Hey! Give me back my spoon!" I shout. She just laughed at me as she continued to lick it clean. "Tasha-" I wrapped my legs around her waist and pulled her closer to me again.

She paused, but then smirked. I pulled the spoon out of her mouth and left it on the counter.

I tightened my legs around her, making her hands rest over my thighs. Okay now we're just incredibly close for no reason.

One of her hands then moved close to my face, causing me to tense up for a second. "You have ice cream like, all over your face-" she giggled, wiping my cheek with the sleeve of her hoodie.

She then tucked some of my hair behind my ear, paused, and stared into my eyes lovingly. "What are you looking at?" I questioned, trying not to smile.

I place my hand over the one that was still on my face. "You're just really pretty." She whispered. I could practically feel her breath on my face.

And then suddenly our faces got incredibly close and we were all of a sudden kissing. Both her hands were now on my face, intwining her fingers through my hair.

She then paused and made eye contact with me. I smiled as her lips were still on mine. "How are you so beautiful?" She whispered.

"Shut up and kiss me-" I groaned, wrapping my arms around the back of her neck and pulling her in again.

We kissed till there was a loud noise. We paused and stopped what we were doing. "I TOLD YOU!" Wanda shouts.

"I KNEW IT!" Carol joined in. Well great. "It's about time the both of you kissed-" she added, rolling her eyes.

"Umm, we weren't kissing?" I tried to defend. "Quit lying, we saw you, and we even have a picture for proof." Wanda said crossing her arms.

"Well you're going out now, it's official, you're so cute together." Carol went on. "Oh my god shut up will you, you're both delusional-" Natasha replied as she wrapped her arms around my waist and picked me up from the counter.

At first it took me by surprise, but I quickly relaxed and held onto her tightly. "We're delusional?! Jesus Christ you're delusional-" Wanda exclaimed.

"Also thank you so much for not making us hot chocolates, yeah you leave the room and kiss again-" Wanda added as we left the kitchen.

Natasha dropped me on the bed and sat down next to me. I was exhausted to be honest. Like my eyes were already heavy. But then I was completely woken up by Carol and Wanda strutting into the room loudly.

They never shut up. Even if they're on missions together, it's always 'oh my gosh did you hear about what vision did-' or something like 'oh my god have you seen Scott's new haircut.'

Like hush. Please give it a break and quit running your mouth for a second. "Here's your hot chocolate, you are so welcome-" Carol said placing both our mugs on the bedside table.

Natasha handed mine to me and then wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "This is disgusting." I frowned as I took a sip.

"Shove it up your ass then, you could've done it yourself." Wanda joked. I gave her a blank stare as I placed it back on the table.

"I might shove it up my ass, probably better than drinking it, who the fuck can't make hot chocolate-" I muttered dryly.

"Clearly the both of you by the looks of it." She replied with a chuckle. I ignored her as I got a little more comfortable. I've honestly adapted the ability to blank their voices, like every time they speak and I'd rather not listen, I just press this imaginary mute button.

Nats pov.

I honestly just agreed to this sleepover cause y/n was going. If y/n wasn't going then I would've stayed by myself. Because honest to god, Carol and Wanda are mad.

"Guys shut up, y/n is asleep-" I told them sternly as I placed wandas blanket over her. I then sat back down and played with her hair a little.

"You really like her, don't you?" Carol smirked at me. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "No seriously you two are really cute-" Wanda joined in.

"Yeah, I really like her-" I replied quietly.

"We should wake y/n up it would be funny." Wanda whispered devilishly. "If you do that I'll shove a hanger down your throat and hang you up in my closet." I warned her.

"Jesus that was...threatening. I'm just saying, she's gone to sleep so early for no reason-" she went on annoyingly.

"Well she's clearly tired so she needs to sleep. We're not waking her up." I told her. She sighed as she started changing whatever was on the tv.

I gave y/n a small kiss on the head. "Aww, that's very soft of you Romanoff." Carol giggled. They're right, I've probably gone soft for her.

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words cannot begin to describe how much I despise this. I haven't proof read and I'm not gonna, because my attempts at writing fluff are rancid. anyways ty for 150k reads, well I'm pretty sure it's 160 now, wow, cool. ok bye my lovelies xo


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