《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》photo*


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"Hey y/n-" i nearly shit my pants. I grab onto the shirt in my hands and cover my chest and turn my head around to face her.

She looks me up and down with a smirk. "Looking good-" she chuckled. Why hasn't she left? I'm obviously half naked and trying to get dressed. Disrespectful shit.

"NATASHA GET OUT!" I shout with frustration. She giggles at me and closes the door. I then quickly start getting dressed again. Is it so hard to knock? Honestly, she seems proud of herself too because of her dumb little giggle.

"I'll just be waiting outside-" she shouts. I roll my eyes and continue to quickly get dressed. I then open my door and glare at her, only to see that she had a brick eating grin plastered all over her face.

"That was quick-" she chuckles, walking right into my room. "Hey Nat, thanks for knocking, thanks for walking into my room, thanks for apologising." I say dryly, closing my door again.

"You're welcome-" she smiles, lying down on my bed as if it was hers.

"What do you want?" I ask her, picking up my towel from the floor and throwing it back into my bathroom lazily. "That was mean-" she frowns falsely.

I glare at her, pick up the towel again, and throw it at her head. She makes my patience itch, she really gets under my skin sometimes.

"You need to start knocking, you know? You know, it's not funny, are you-do you have telekinesis or something? Cause you know, all the time I'm half fucking naked, you come barging in here." I rant at her.

She pulls the towel off of her head and smirks. I genuinely thought throwing a wet towel at her head would've wiped that smirk away, but I guess I was wrong.

"Why do you keep repeating 'you know' as if I don't know. Also you should just lock your door when you decide to strip-" she shrugs.

"I say that cause you don't seem to know. And you know-"

"Oh- you just did it again-" she interrupts.

"Pass me my fucking towel. I can't lock my door because I broke it." I say with annoyance. She throws the towel back at me, and I throw it back into the bathroom.

"So what do you want?" I repeat, sitting on the foot of my bed since she was taking up the whole thing.

"Just stopping by to say hello-" she smiles.

"Hi." I reply blankly.

"Oh and I wanted to tell you that you have like a load of paperwork to do, that you haven't done, that you should probably do." She adds.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." I mumble. The room grew uncomfortably silent. I look over at her to see that she was looking me up and down as if she was trying to adapt X-ray vision so she could see through my damn clothes or something.

"What you looking at?"

"Cute shirt-" she replies. I furrow my brows, and pull my shirt higher over my chest. She sighs and finally sits up from my bed. That's what I thought bitch.

"You know you don't have to hide from me, I've seen you topless countless times-" she laughs, standing up and walking over to my shelves. She then started picking up my candles.

"Don't touch that." I warn. She turns around, smiles, and then continues to do what I told her not to do. I swear the girl is manic sometimes, everything goes through one ear, and comes out the other with ease. I regret talking to her the first day I arrived here, because ever since day one all she's done is tease me, and get on my nerves. She's fucking manic.


"If you wanna be helpful, you can go and get my paperwork for me, otherwise stop touching my things-" I get up, snatch the candle out of her hand, and place it back down where it belongs. "And go-" I added.

"Sweetheart, I have things to." She husks, raising her brow at me. She's the most smackable person I know. There are countless times in a day where I want to smack some logic into her head.

"Go do them then." I reply, opening the door for her. "Guess I'll see you when you go for your eight o clock shower then yeh?"

"I don't doubt it-" I mutter, grabbing her arm and dragging her out. "Bye beautiful-" she chuckles, walking away. I slam my door shut and silently sit down on my bed.

I'm going to get her back if it's the last thing I do. Watch me.


Natasha had left her ugly ass sweater in my room earlier, so now I'm on my way to return it before she does it herself. At least I can walk myself out of a room.

I got to her door, about to knock, but you know what? I'm not gonna knock, I'm just gonna open the door as if I was born to fucking do it.

I open her door, only to be met with her stood in her underwear, drying her hair with a towel in the mirror. I pause, but close the door behind me, and sit down on her bed.

I watched her smirk, but she continued to stand there. I was genuinely expecting her to cover the fuck up by now, but no. She never did.

"I just had the best shower-" she brags, dropping her towel on the floor and cocking a brow at me.

"You good? Your face is all red?" She questions, staring right into my eyes in her underwear that left little to nothing to the imagination.

I place my hand on my cheek and furrow my brows in frustration. "I came to return your ugly sweater-" I mumble, throwing her sweater at her.

She caught it, and I thought she would've put it on, but no, she threw it onto her chair. Put some godamn clothes on Jesus.

"Thanks babe-" she smiles, walks back over to her mirror and starts braiding her hair carelessly. Part of me wishes I had the confidence she has.

I mean, if I looked like that, I would probably go running round naked in the streets. I know I should leave right now, but I can't stop...looking at her.

Little did I know she was staring at me through her mirror, watching me check her out. I wasn't checking her out...I was just like doing what she does to me.

"Take a picture, might last you longer-" I snap out of it and avert my eyes towards her wall, which was soooo interesting.

"I'm serious you know, take a picture." I wish I could shrink my way into her head sometimes, maybe take a glimpse of what the fuck goes on up there.

"I'm good, might break the camera or something-" I muttered. "Wow, that was a good one y/n. Surprised your eyeballs haven't cracked yet, figuring how long you've been drooling over me-"

She suddenly throws a camera onto her bed, nearly knocked me out black just then. "Taste of your own medicine-" I reply.

"Why the fuck did you nearly knock me out with this?" I ask, picking up her Polaroid camera.

"Take a pic. What else do you use a camera for dummie?"


I completely freeze. No, surely she's kidding. "Go on, I'll pose-" she smirks, placing a hand on her hip.

"God, you're so self-obsessed-" I mumble, picking the camera up again and facing it towards her. "Get my good side." She orders.

I roll my eyes at her and take the godamn picture. I wouldn't put it past her to stick it up on her own wall so she can stare at it as she falls asleep at night.

She sits on the bed next to me and pulls the photo out. She shook it for a second, but then leant on top of me as she placed it down on her side table.

"Nat-" I whisper quietly. I can feel the heat radiating from her body and it's making me feel fucking nauseous.

"What, is this too close for you y/n?" She laughed, still leaning against me. Her ass was practically in my face, and her tits were literally on my thighs.

"Hm?" She sits up, so she was now propped up onto my waist. This is so not happening right now. I could totally yank her off of me, but why aren't I? Why am I not pulling her away?

It was painful because she was staring at me, waiting for a genuine answer. Isn't it obvious what I want at this point?

"No, not really-" my voice was practically a whisper, drifting off into the wind.

"You know, if you want, you can always say no. All you gotta do, is say stop." Her voice was practically an echo, an echo barely audible enough to crack a silence, as she slowly unbuttoned my shirt.

"Yeah?" I nod my head at her in reply as she slipped off the final button. Before I knew it, my clothes were discarded all over her floor.

"I've always watched you do this, I finally get to do it myself-" she whispers, unclasping my bra. The sentence was questionable, though it came off lovingly.

"Say you want me y/n."

I paused as my words got caught in the back of my throat. "Say it. Say you want me and I'll do whatever you want. I'll make you feel good." She said a little more sternly.

How am I even supposed to resist?

"I want you-" I breathed, looking up into her eyes as she dragged her fingers down my body. Her simple touch gave me shivers, practically made my back arch.

"Say what you want-" she husks, pulling down my underwear.

"You, Natasha. I want you. I want you to touch me, make me feel good-"

She hummed and practically groaned at my words. "That's right, you want me, don't you?" She let out a dry chuckle as her hand cupped my breast.

I let out a moan, forcing her to stop and smack my thigh. "Don't you?" And suddenly her tone is demanding and harsh.

"Yes, I want you-" I practically whined.

Her fingers traced back down to my core, gently caressing my folds. "Your cunt is dripping, slut-" she chuckles, gently putting pressure on my clit.

I let out a breathy moan at her gentle touch. I'm going to go insane if she doesn't speed up.

"Please-" I whine, trying to grind against her fingers. She grabbed onto my hips, digging her nails into my flesh as she did so, and pinned them down.

"Mhm, you really are a needy whore, aren't you?" It was as if she took pride in the fact that she was blatantly teasing me.

"I need you-"

She then slowly Inserted her digits into my core, forcing me to bite onto my lip and grasp onto the sheets for stability.

"So tight-" she whispered into my ear as her fingers continued to do magic, curling up inside of me.

Her other hand harshly teased my nipple as she managed to keep her pace going. I let out a loud whine as her fingers hit the spot.

"Oh fuck- Nat-" I nearly screamed. No one has ever touched me like this before, ever known how to really make me feel this good.

"You look so pretty right now-" she smiles, gently wiping a tear that had ran down my cheek.

"I need to cum-" I mumbled under her hold. She shook her head and smirked at me. "What, already? Didn't know I had that much of a toll on you-" she replies playfully. Her tone is literally mocking me right now, really teasing with my brain.

"Hold it in." My thighs were twitching, my whole body felt tense, it's impossible to hold it in at this point. I've held it in longer than I even said, I just didn't want to cum after only five seconds of her touch. That's embarrassing.

"I- I can't-" I whined. Her fingers kept curling into me at a rapid pace, and I seriously couldn't take it. Before I even knew it, I came all over her fingers.

I let out many moans of pleasure as I rode out my much waited for high that I've been craving for.

She didn't stop though, in fact, her other hand was gently rubbing my clit. "Fucking hell." She muttered.

"Oh god- m'sorry-" I moaned desperately. "Save it." She snaps. She gave my thigh another harsh slap, but it only made me moan out of pleasure.

"Like it rough huh? I'll keep that in mind for next time-" That only made me ten times more needy and desperate.

I nearly screamed when she inserted a third finger. "I can't- I can't take it-" I nearly cried, forcing my eyes shut tightly.

"You can and you will. Open your eyes." She orders.

I slowly do as told, but instantly regret it when I see her tits in my face. Oh god. "Tasha-" I whispered.

"Tasha I need to-" I whined. She stopped teasing my clit and slowed her pace down ever so slightly.

"Go on then, you dumb little bitch, cum for me-" i did just that, and again, released all over her hand. I practically whined as she took out her fingers, humming as she sucked on them.

"You taste so good-" she says, pulling me in for a kiss. After a little while longer of kissing, she pulls away and smiles at me.

What the fuck just happened? Why the actual hell did I enjoy that so much?

"I-I should go-" I muttered nervously. She nods her head and crawls off of my body slowly. How come that everything she does is so captivating? It really shouldn't be.

As I was putting on my bra, she stopped me. She held onto my wrist and placed the Polaroid picture in my bra.

"It's only fair if I get a picture of you too, hm?" I was genuinely shocked because she seriously wanted a fucking picture of me?

"You want a picture of me?" I question, confusion evident on my face. She hums as she picks up the camera again.

"Why wouldn't I?" Her lovingness only made me want to agree to it more. She stood in front of me and took the picture. She nods at me and then I continued to carelessly try to get dressed again, despite how my legs trembled and how I could barely manage to button up my shirt.

"Let me help you-" she says, pulling me close and doing the buttons herself. I don't think I should be this nervous right now.

"Thanks..." I whisper, watching her place the picture of me backwards behind her phone case. I don't know what the hell is going to happen between us now, and what the hell our relationship is going to be like, though I'm severely eager to know...

*.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.*


hi my life is chaos. I was dating this guy and then this other guy who's my ex started talking to me again and they're both arguing as if I want any of them. Like he literally asked me how I was and then this mf was getting insecure for no reason. but hey, I'm kinda single now I guess so yay.

-mim x

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