《The way I used to live✔》Thief of my heart(AMS#3)


An ever charming and ever-smiling person. A Gynecologist by profession and always wears her heart on her sleeve. Just like a saying- behind every smile, there is a story. She too has her own which she refuses to let the world know about it. She perfectly hides her scars with her cheerful attitude. She always refuses to marry anyone because of some particular reason.

An angry and sharp-tongued young man. Assistant commissioner of police by profession. He has looks that anyone could die for but he never bothers to spare a glance to anyone other than his sisters and his mother. He is very much dedicated to his profession and he hates liars and betrayers. Once he formed an opinion on someone, it's very hard to change his impression of them. He hates the term marriage as he feels that marriage ties the person from his duties.





They both are hot-headed persons and always have a clash whenever they cross their paths with each other. Anyone could say that they both couldn't stand each other's presence and they always claim that they hate each other but do they hate each other?

What will happen when they are stuck in an arranged marriage?

What will happen when he thinks that she deceived him by trapping him into a marriage?

Can she change his opinion on her? or will she submit to her fate and give up on herself?

What will he do when he comes to know about her dark secrets and her side of the story?

Will he become a cure to her bruised soul and provides solace in her painful plight?

To know more about them, let's peek into the journey of Yuktha and Indratan.



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