《The way I used to live✔》chapter 36✔


The next morning, I woke up when I felt the sun rays seeping into the room and hitting us directly on our faces.

I looked down to see that Daksha was still sleeping while snuggling into me. She frowned and scrunched her nose in irritation when the sun rays fell on her face.

I smiled at her cute antics and brought my hand forward to her face as a shield to prevent the sun rays from disturbing her sleep.

Soon, a relaxed expression etched her face making me smile even more. I slanted my face to watch her face more keenly.

It was such a serene sight to watch my beauty having her beauty sleep. I laughed lightly at my own thoughts.

I kept on staring at her peaceful face in a daze but the sudden ringing of the alarm brought me out of my reverie.

Damn the alarm!

I stretched my hand to shut it off but retrieved it back when I saw her stirring in her sleep and her eyes fluttering.

Seeing this, I immediately closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I felt her move beside me and heard a loud gasp.

Knowing very well the reason behind that, I stifled my laugh and loosened my hold around her.

After she came out of my embrace, I heard her shutting off the alarm but what surprised me the most was, she again snuggled into me by placing her head on my chest.

After seeing our position, I thought that she would be hot on her heels but she did the opposite. She was so unpredictable.

After that, she started murmuring incoherently. Hearing her silly complaints, controlling my laugh became a difficult task.

I woke up due to the constant ringing of the alarm. I opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings in confusion.

After a while, everything dawned upon me that I was in Arjun's room. I laughed in my heart for my dimwitted brain but gasped immediately when I noticed our position.

My head was on his chest and his hand was wrapped around my body securely. When did that happen?

I slowly released myself from his hold and shut off that irritating alarm.

After that, I went close to him and waved my hand in front of his eyes, and grinned widely when I noticed that he was still sleeping soundly.

I snuggled into him again and placed my head on his chest slowly to not wake him up. After that, I looked up to his face and started observing his every feature keenly.

I traced his perfectly arched eyebrows and his thick eyelashes with my fingers.

"God, you are too partial. What's the use of guys having these thick lashes and eyebrows when we girls are in desperate need of having them. You are so cruel." I questioned God in a low voice about the injustice he was doing to the entire female gender.

I shifted my eyes to his prominent and sharp nose. My hands were itching to pinch his nose, to feel it but I controlled myself because it would wake him from his sleep.

I laughed lightly at my barbaric thoughts. After that, my attention drew to his lips.

He had thin lips that were perfectly complimenting his chiseled jaw. I slowly ran my hand tracing the outline of his lips.

"How would it feel to have his lips on mine?" I asked myself in a low voice and slapped my forehead lightly after realizing my unholy thoughts. I looked guiltily at his innocent sleeping form.

But suddenly he opened his eyes with a teasing smile and flipped our positions swiftly.


Now he was on top of me, pressing me under his warm body. A cry of surprise left my mouth and I looked at him in astonishment.

"Wanna taste them?" he asked in his husky morning voice. Damn, too sexy.

After asking me, he leaned more towards my face, almost touching his nose with mine. He again asked me while eyeing my lips.

I nodded in agreement but immediately shook my head clumsily and covered my lips with my hand when I saw him angling his face to kiss my lips.

A throaty chuckle left his mouth upon seeing my actions. After that, he removed my hands that were covering my mouth and held them both over my head with his one hand and brought his face forward to kiss me.

I nervously closed my eyes and tilted my face to the other side to which he held it back in place firmly by his other hand.

I felt his warm breath fanning over my face. He first kissed my forehead followed by my cheeks. After that, he placed a light kiss on the corner of my lips.

I closed my eyes even tighter in anticipation but all of a sudden, I felt him leave his hold on me and I opened my eyes in confusion.

He left me and sat on his side of the bed while folding his arms to his chest with a teasing smile on his face.

"I know you are very eager to taste my lips but what to do? I promised you that we will take things slow. So one thing at a time," he told me innocently with a shrug.

I glared at him and threw a pillow at his face but he was too fast in catching it before it hit him. I huffed in annoyance and grimaced at him.

"Such a tease you are. Just wait for my turn. I won't go easy on you." I told him with a scoff while pointing my forefinger at him

I stormed into the washroom angrily and closed the door with a thud.

When I was done with my shower, I just realized that I forgot to bring my clothes with me into the washroom in my angry state.

I slapped my forehead and sighed in irritation. I turned my head and noticed a bathrobe hanging there. So I took it immediately and wore it.

I opened the door a little and peeked into the room to check if he was present or not. I saw him sitting on the bed in a relaxed manner. He was resting his head on the headboard of the bed while placing one leg on the bed and dangling the other one.

He was doing something on his phone while whistling in glee. Though the bathrobe was big enough to cover my whole body, I just didn't want to go in front of him in that state.

"Arjun?" I called him meekly to which he ignored me.

"I think he didn't hear it." I consoled myself and this time, I called him in a slightly higher tone but he still ignored me.

Now, I was sure that he was ignoring me purposely. That man was getting on my nerves.

"Arjunnnnn?" I shouted his name in a boisterous tone.

"What?" He chuckled and asked me without turning in my direction.

"I didn't bring my clothes with me," I told him.

"I knew it." That was his reply.

"Then why didn't you remind me about that?" I asked him.

"I didn't tell you on purpose. I just wanted to tame my angry tigress." He said in a baritone to which I scoffed in return.


"You know what? I don't want to argue with you. I have to change my clothes." I told him in vexation.

"You are welcome to do it in front of me. I am all eyes." He told me in a teasing voice.

"Arjun! Stop behaving like a rogue and get the hell out of this room," I shrieked.

He laughed at me and stood up from the bed, his back facing me.

"Calm down, my angry bird. I think it is enough for today. I will be outside. Call me when you are done." He said while raising his hands in surrender and went out of the room after shutting the door.

I released a sigh and came out of the washroom. After that, I changed into a simple saree and went to the door

I opened it and saw that Arjun was leaning on the wall and scrolling something on his phone.

(Daksha's look)

I cleared my throat to make him realize my presence. After hearing it, he immediately looked at me.

Are you done?" He asked me and I nodded at him.

"Good." After saying, he came inside the room. Grabbing the towel, he headed towards the washroom but came back again and stood in front of me.

He looked at me with a scrutinizing gaze and smiled at me like he realized something.

He grabbed the sindoor box from the dressing table and took a pinch of it with his fingers.

He came to me and filled my hairline with the sindoor, a content smile playing on his lips.

"Now, your look is perfect." He said while looking admiringly at the sindoor on my forehead like he was so proud of his noble deed. I chuckled a little at his antics.

"Okay. Go and freshen up. I will go downstairs," I told him.

He nodded at me with a smile and went into the washroom while I went downstairs.

Hearing the noise from the kitchen, I went in that direction. I saw that Athayya was cutting the vegetables while talking gleefully with an old lady, who was looking the same age as her.

I was about to go inside to greet them but stopped in my tracks after hearing the words of my Athayya.

"The time to hold my grandchildren with my own hands is not so far," she told that old lady gleefully.

"Stop it, okay? They just got married. Cut them some slack." That lady chided my Athayya.

"Malathi. You don't know anything. Didn't you hear Daksha's shriek early in the morning? I think my son has started his work. He will definitely make me feel proud of the good news," she told that lady in a dreamy tone.

"God! How embarrassing it is! She completely misunderstood the situation. Damn, Arjun! It is all your fault." I thought in my mind and cursed him even more for putting me in that awkward situation.

As I didn't know how to face them, I tried to skip to the living room without them noticing. But Athayya spilled water over my plans by calling me.

"Arey, Daksha? Where are you going? Come here." She called me with a smile and I went in reluctantly.

"Sit beside me. What do you want to eat? Tell me, I will ask someone to prepare that for you," she asked me.

"What someone? Tell me, dear. I will prepare it for you." Another lady asked me and I looked at her in confusion.

Noticing my expression, she slapped her forehead and introduced herself.

"My bad. I forgot to introduce myself. I wasn't there for your wedding since I had to go to my daughter's. I am Malathi, working as a housekeeper here and I will be glad if you address me as 'Malathi Maa'." She introduced herself to me and I nodded at her with a smile.

"You forgot about it because you are getting old. Admit it, okay? By the way, she is my childhood friend too, and a family to us." After taunting her friend, my Athayya informed me.

I wasn't surprised since I already guessed it by seeing their closeness. I nodded at her and she smiled at me.

"Where is Arjun?" she asked me.

"He is getting ready," I told her and she smiled meaningfully at her friend.

"Malathi, since you agreed to prepare breakfast for my daughter, I don't know what you will make. Cook something healthy and sumptuous for her," she ordered her friend with fake arrogance in her tone.

"As if I don't know. She isn't only your daughter. She is my daughter too. I know very well about what to feed my daughter," Malathi Maa retorted with a scoff.

"Just because you asked her to call you Maa, she doesn't automatically become your daughter. If it was not for my jealous son, she would also have addressed me as 'Maa' only. " Athayya said this with a pout.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." After saying this, Malathi maa rolled her eyes. I laughed after seeing their playful banter.

When Athayya was about to retort to it, Ammu came into the kitchen and interrupted her.

"You started your usual banter again?" she asked them normally as if it was pretty common in the house.

After hearing her question, they both huffed and involved themselves in their chores.

"Good morning, Vadhina. Are you feeling comfortable in this house?" she asked me with a smile while munching on her apple.

"Good morning, Ammu. Though I am still getting used to this place, I am pretty comfortable here," I replied to her

"Glad to hear it," she said and involved me in a casual conversation with her.

"Ammu, take these dishes to the dining room and arrange the table,” Athayya told Ammu.

"Wait, I'll help you," I offered her and she gladly accepted it.

We both set the dining table and settled ourselves on the chairs. Meanwhile, Arjun joined us too.

I served him and myself with breakfast. After seeing the food on my plate, Athayya started scolding me.

"Daksha, it is too little. You are a doctor. Don't you know that breakfast is an important meal of the day? You should have so much strength in your body, otherwise, how will you give birth to a healthy child? You are so negligent about your health." She stopped her rambling only when Malathi Maa nudged her to stop.

All the while, I just bent down my head in embarrassment. Arjun nudged me and looked at me in confusion.

I just glared at him and mouthed to him 'You are so dead.'

'What did I do?’ he asked me innocently.

"You didn't do anything, yet your mother assumed that you did something-something. I just hope that our country legalizes the deed of killing someone because I so want to honor you with that glorious deed." After shaking my head at him with a tight-lipped smile, I thought in my mind.

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