《The way I used to live✔》chapter 24✔


I really didn’t know what was happening in my life. Nothing was going in my favor.

I never thought of getting married but I willingly agreed to the marriage because of my mother.

I might be looking tough and strong in front of everyone but in reality, even I had some fears and I was also scared of taking this huge responsibility.

I was afraid of disappointing my mother. I was afraid of failing to fulfill my responsibilities which would come with this marriage.

I was afraid of crushing the hopes of the girl whom I was going to marry.

So many thoughts were running in my mind. Those thoughts were not letting me sleep peacefully.

I turned around and saw my mother's sleeping figure. Her face looked so peaceful as if she didn’t have any worries in this world.

Looking at her face made me feel like I could do anything for her even if it meant marrying an unknown girl.

"For her... just for her. I have to do this." I thought in my mind before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up unusually late and got freshened up. My Mom was getting discharged that day.

I had so many things to take care of. I gave a call to Malathi Aunty asking her to come to the hospital and accompany my Mom while I would be handling all the procedures.

When she came, I went to get the procedures done. After completing the procedures, I was on my way to the elevator.

The elevator was completely empty. I entered it and clicked the floor number where the room of my Mom was located.

When the doors were about to close, I heard someone shouting from outside to stop the elevator for a minute.

After hearing the shout, I stopped the doors from getting closed. When the doors opened, I saw that the one who shouted to stop the elevator was none other than Daksha.

I think she was running to get into the elevator as she was panting heavily. Upon seeing that it was me who stopped the elevator, she stopped at some distance outside to catch her breath and gave me a grateful smile.

In return, I smirked at her and she gave me a confused look as she didn't understand the reason behind my smirking.

I immediately pressed the close button. The doors were getting closed completely, catching her off guard.

She ran hurriedly to the elevator and tried to keep her leg between the doors to prevent them from closing. But it was too late.


"Take your own time," I said to her before the doors closed.

After that, the elevator started going upwards. I smiled remembering her dumbfounded expression.

God! It really feels so good to tease her. I always enjoyed seeing her getting all riled up. That was the reason why I always teased her.

She looked exactly like an angry little kitten who was ready to pounce on me. My smile faltered after remembering that I was behaving unlike my normal self once again when I was with her.

"Daksha, I thought that we are destined to meet. But my fate has already written another girl in my life. You are the only one who made me experience all the unknown emotions. I don't know when I will get to meet you again. I just hope for you to have a happy life." I thought in my heart and sighed. The elevator reached the floor and after coming out of it, I went to my Mom's room.

Malathi Aunty was arranging all the things in a bag and my Mom had gone to get freshen up.

Seeing that I didn’t have anything to do, I went outside the room and settled myself on a chair there.

Just when I sat on the chair, the elevator again dinged indicating that someone came to the floor.

I turned to see who it was and saw that Daksha was coming out of it with an irritable frown on her face which was clearly the result of the mischievous act pulled by me.

I laughed a little after seeing her face and she threw me a glare in return.

"Jerk!" while passing me, she scolded me under her breath.

"Hey, Doctor Daksha, why don't you accompany me for some time? I really don't know when we will get to meet again. So, come and sit with me for a while. Why are you getting so irritated in the morning itself? It's really not good for your health. Stop frowning like that, otherwise, you will seriously get wrinkles. If you get them, it would be really too difficult for your parents to search for a groom for you. If it goes on like this, you will only get old men as your prospective grooms," I said in a teasing tone after clicking my tongue.

She got irritated after hearing my words and started shouting at me by pointing her finger at me.

"You are an arrogant jerk. You are talking as if you are not the reason behind my irritation. Moreover, you should worry about yourself. For your jerk face, you will only get the so-so girl. Even then too, I pity that poor girl as she has to see your old jerk face every day." She said and after that, she slapped her forehead as if she suddenly realized or remembered something and turned her face to the other side.


"Hey! What do you mean by an old jerkface? Many girls are going crazy for me and they are ready to do anything to catch a glimpse at my face. By the way, you don't have to worry about my marriage because I am getting married and the one I am going to marry is a wonderful person. Unlike you, she is so beautiful and talented. You can't find a person like her even if you search the entire world," I said to her while praising the girl whom I knew nothing about.

I didn't get to see how she looks like. Hell with seeing, I didn't even know her name. But Daksha didn’t have to know all those things.

I was only doing that to save my face. She looked at me for some time while controlling her smile and stood in front of me.

"Ohh! Then you are so lucky to get a very nice girl like her. She is really out of your league. Haha.. she is so good for your face. You better treat her like a queen. Please introduce her to me when you get the chance," she patted on my cheek while laughing to herself.

She started walking towards the room but stopped upon reaching the entrance.

"By the way, thanks for praising me, and thanks for thinking so highly about me," she said this without turning back but I can sense her smirking while talking. Her words completely left me in confusion.

"When did I praise her... Could it be.." My eyes widened upon realizing something but I immediately shook my head thinking that was completely impossible.

The first thing I had to do after reaching home was to ask my mother about the details of the person whom I was going to marry.

After thinking that, I also went to the room. Mom was hugging Daksha with a gleeful expression on her face.

"You made me so happy, Daksha. I will visit your home tomorrow to discuss all the arrangements," she said to which Daksha nodded at her.

All the while, I stood there silently, not understanding anything. After that, Daksha came with us to the car to send us off.

Seeing us sliding inside the car, she went into the hospital. I started driving the car while Mom and Malathi aunty took the back seat. In no time, we reached our home.

Ammu already went to her college by the time we had reached the house. After we entered the hall and got settled on the couch, one of the servants gave water to us.

While drinking the water, I asked my Mom about the girl whom I was going to marry. But her reply made me choke on the water.

"I thought that someone is not interested in knowing about her details. That's why I didn't tell you anything about her. It seems like I have to tell you now. You are getting married to Daksha and that too in a week," She said while leaving me completely shocked.

"Which Daksha? You mean that doctor Daksha?" I asked her while stressing on the word 'doctor'.

"Yes. Tomorrow, I am going to her house to discuss your marriage arrangements. So, complete whatever work you have in this week itself. I am going to my room now." After saying this, she left for her room.

"Oh my god... It means that I am getting married to Daksha. Did she know about this? Of course, she knew about this marriage. That's why she slapped herself after realizing that she had been scolding herself all the while. That's why she thanked me when I was indirectly praising her like an idiot. I have made a complete fool of myself. She must be laughing at me in her mind seeing my stupid behavior," after thinking this, I stood up to leave for my office. After informing Malathi Aunty, I started for my firm.

While driving, I kept on laughing remembering my idiotic behavior. When I reached the firm, I received a message from my Mom.

In that message, there were strings of numbers with the name of Daksha. I understood that it was Daksha's mobile number.

I smiled looking at the message and saved that number in my contact with the name 'My Angry bird.'

"Looks like my life will become so interesting from now on," I thought with a smile on my face and immersed myself in the work.

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