《The way I used to live✔》chapter 14✔


I checked on her once again and knowing it will take some more time for her to wake up, I went out and sat on one of the chairs outside her room.

While sitting, I noticed the tensed back of a young man who was in his formals with his back completely drenched in sweat as if he was running constantly. He was asking the nurse about something.

Seeing his tensed stature, I assumed that one of his dear ones might also be hospitalized.

Tearing my gaze away from him, I bent forward and keeping hands on my knees, I buried my face in my hands and closed my eyes tiredly.

After a while, sensing the presence of someone, I opened my eyes to see the back of the same man which I had seen earlier.

He was about to enter the room, but I stopped him from doing so as it would disturb Aunty's sleep.

Hearing my voice, he turned around, giving me a clear vision of his face. I looked at him with my eyes wide open as it didn't take much time for me to recognize him as the same rude guy from the airport who managed to rile me up after a long time.

I was studying a case in my office when I received a call from my home's landline number. I put the file aside and picked the call.

Over the call, the watchman of my house informed me about my mom being hospitalized and asked me to immediately rush to the hospital where she was admitted.

I ended the call immediately after hearing the news and ordered my assistant hurriedly to cancel all his appointments before rushing towards my car. Once I got inside the car, I started driving it without even caring to put on my seat belt.

From the moment I heard the news about my mom being hospitalized, a kind of fear started creeping inside me, making me shudder visibly.

I already lost my father and I couldn't lose my mom too. He was driving as fast as possible while praying to God to keep his mother safe.

I didn't know how I reached the hospital. Upon reaching there, I parked my car quickly and rushed inside.

I went to the reception area and asked the room number where my mom was admitted. After gathering the details from the receptionist, I started dashing towards the direction of the said room.

After reaching that floor, I asked the nurse about my mom's room to which the nurse pointed towards a particular room.

I started walking towards it and saw that a girl was sitting outside that room with her head resting on her hands.

I didn't have time to know about the details of that unknown girl and more so about what she was doing in front of my mom's room.


My main priority is my mother. When I was about to enter the room, I halted in my way because of someone's voice.

Hearing it, I turned around and a shocked expression marred my face after seeing that Angry bird from the Airport here. She was the same flight girl who haunted me even in my sleep.

I didn't know what she was doing here and why she was stopping me from seeing my mom. Moreover, I didn't why I obeyed her order and got annoyed at myself for doing so.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you stopping me?" After asking this, I turned to enter the room without waiting for her reply but again got stopped by her.

"Hey, stop there. You can't go in now," she again interfered, which irritated me to the core.

"Woman, I don't know why you are coming after my life. The patient is my mother and you are no one to stop me from seeing her," upon saying this I opened the door of the room.

I was about to walk forward but stopped by the soft hold on my hand.

"See her from here itself. You can't go in as it will disturb her rest," she spoke softly in a low voice as if she was afraid of disturbing my mom.

I again obeyed her and managed a catch a glimpse of the peaceful sleeping face of my mom.

After that, still holding my hand, she dragged me back while I followed her like a lost puppy.

I could see her softening her stance against me. Seeing this, Though I don't want to create an argument, after noticing some things, I couldn't stop myself from lashing out at her.

"I don't know who you are and what you are doing here but what kind of a hospital is this? They didn't even appoint a nurse in her room. What if there is an emergency? What will they do then? Will they take responsibility if something happens to her?"

I shouted, pouring out all my frustration on not seeing any medical aid provider near my mom but regretted it immediately after noticing her flinching a little at my outburst but now is not the time to care about all these things as I need the damn answers.

"First of all, I am the one who asked them not to do so as I intended to stay here to take care of her. So, don't blame the management. Secondly, I can assure you that she is under the effect of medicine and is just sleeping. If you want to know about her real condition, you have to wait until the results of the tests are out," Hearing my accusations, she retorted back angrily.

"Who are you? Are you the owner of this hospital or what? How can they listen to you? Moreover, what about you taking care of my mother? Do you even know how to give an injection? Looking at you, I highly doubt that. Stop saying all this rubbish," I scoffed after hearing her words.


She mumbled something under her breath and got ready to give me a good come back but got interrupted by the nurse who brought the reports of my mom to her.

Taking them, she walked to the corner of the hall and started looking into the reports with a serious expression.

"Why are you giving the reports to her instead of giving them to the doctor? Please bring an experienced one to check my mother. Money is not a problem," I told the nurse, pointing with my head towards that Angry bird who was standing at the corner.

The nurse looked at me in confusion and said, "Sir, I don't understand what you are saying. Dr. Daksha is the one who is handling the patient's case. As for the best one, Dr. Daksha is one of the best doctors in our hospital."

"Again Daksha," I mumbled to myself.

"Then take me to her. I want to know about my mom's condition," I ordered the nurse.

Meanwhile, that angry bird started walking towards us, holding the reports in her hands.

"No need for you to do that, Sir. Don't you know who Dr.Daksha is even when she has been talking to you till now? The person whom I gave the report is Dr.Daksha. She even stayed here to take care of the patient by canceling all her appointments," said the nurse, looking at that angry bird.

I got stunned by the newfound information and was embarrassed after recollecting the words I threw at her.

"You are a doctor then why didn't you tell me before when I asked you?" I asked her when she came near me and earned a scoff from her.

"I would have told you gladly if you were not busy playing the blame game. Let's end this here. I want to talk to you about her condition. Come to my cabin with me. We will discuss it there."

Deciding to put that matter aside for a while, I followed her to her consultation room and we both settled in our seats respectively. Upon settling, she started explaining the condition of mom.

"The patient suffered a mild heart attack. Even though it's not life-threatening, it's not a simple issue to brush off either. I think the patient is under some kind of tension or stress. Normally, before experiencing the heart attack, there are symptoms experienced by patients which you can identify with a little observation," she said while looking at me.

"Generally, the patient might experience typical symptoms like chest pain, heart palpitations, discomfort, etc. In women, in addition to the afore-mentioned typical symptoms, they will also experience some atypical symptoms like back or abdominal pain, fatigue, uneasiness, etc. Either you failed to notice her discomfort, or she is very good at hiding it."

"As of now, it's not very serious. Did something happen recently like arguments, quarreling, or are there any events that are happening in your home which may have a possibility of triggering her emotions?" Daksha asked after explaining everything patiently.

"Yes. There is my father's death anniversary in the upcoming week," I answered her in a low voice. After hearing what she had said, I was ashamed to call myself a son.

After the death of his father, I should have been the one to take care of her but I neglected her drowning myself in the work yet never once she blamed me and always welcomes me with a smile on her face.

She never bore any grudges against me for becoming so distant. Here he was, still mourning over the death of my dad, I neglected my mom who was well and alive, in front of him.

"Well then, it might be the reason for triggering her emotions. She has to be very careful. She should follow a healthy diet and has to exercise daily. Make sure she takes her medicines on time. Don't put her under any kind of pressure. I think she is stressing over something. Just try to get to know about the matter which she is stressing over and help her with it. Make her as happy as possible. Just keep an eye on her. With a little care, she will be okay. Don't worry. Let's go together to see whether she regained her consciousness or not," she might have noticed my gloomy face as she offered me this suggestion. I nodded at her slowly before standing up to follow her.

We both went to the room and saw that mom was still asleep. I went inside and took a seat beside the bed, holding my mom's hand.

Looking at her like this, I had a sudden urge to cry but I controlled myself. After a while, I went outside when Daksha asked me to come out. Before leaving, I kissed my mom on her forehead.

After coming outside, I took the seat beside her and stayed in silence as I don't know what to talk about.

I surely knew that I owed her an apology for my previous behavior but I didn't know how to start it as I was not quite used to apologize in my life.

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