《The way I used to live✔》chapter 13✔



Leaving Sudha aunty's house, we both soon reached our flat. Aarna went to her room to get freshen up while I kept the food which was given by Sudha aunty for Aarushi in the kitchen when they were returning from her house.

I messaged Rishu, reminding her to eat the food once she would return from her office. After that, I also went to my room and got freshen up.

I was not feeling sleepy as I had slept till late evening. So, I grabbed a book for a quick read to pass my time. While I was halfway through the book, I heard a knock at my door.

Keeping the book aside, I went to open the door and saw Aaru who had changed into her pajamas, standing there with a quilt and a pillow in her hands.

When she saw that I had opened the door, she immediately sprinted into the room and jumped on the bed. She laid on the bed by keeping the pillow under her head and covered herself with the quilt.

After she got settled on the bed, she turned her head to look at me. I was still standing in the same position, holding the door’s knob with a dumbfounded look, not understanding what had just happened.

"Akka, why are you still standing there like a fool? Come and sleep. Why are you behaving like a guest in your room? Don't know when they will grow up. I always have to remind them of everything. I don't know how to handle these girls anymore, " she mumbled to herself.

She patted the space beside her on the bed for me as if she was doing a great favor by reminding me about being in my room and muttered the last part like a mother who got jaded by handling a bunch of ignorant kids.

"Good to hear that you know this is my room," I said with a sigh while stressing the last two words and started walking towards the bed after closing the door.

I picked up the book which I was reading previously and kept it in its original place. After turning the lights off except for the bedside lamp, I laid down on the bed.

"Akka, leave some space for Rishu too. She is going to join us in bed after she gets back from her office. She even insisted on making you sleep in between us, so she will get to cuddle you. Silly Rishu. Always behaves like a child," she said shaking her head.

"You don't need to lie. I know about her very well. She may be younger than you, but she is more mature than you. It must be you who forced her to do it. You are the only one who behaves like a kid in this home and I request you to stop spending more time with her, " I said upon catching her little lie.


"Why should I stop spending my time with Rishu? She is my innocent baby," she asked innocently, not understanding why I was asking her to spend less time with her Rishu baby.

"Yeah! That is the reason. She is too innocent to understand your tricks. So, spend less time with her. Else she might become a little fool like you, or worse, you might corrupt her brain too," I told her teasingly with a strict voice.

"Akka!" She whined. "You are so mean. I won't talk to you. And remember one thing, she is my best friend and she will only listen to me," she continued in a whiny tone while pouting her lips.

"Okay. That’s enough. Sleep now. Tomorrow, I have to go to the hospital and you better start your preparation for your exams from tomorrow onwards," saying this, I turned sideways, not before leaving some space for Rishu. My bed was large enough for four people to sleep on, so it wouldn't make any difference if another person sleeps on it.

"Akka, are you asleep?" After some time, Aaru again called out for me when I was just closed my eyes to get some sleep.

"What is it now?" I asked without opening my eyes.

"When are you planning to go and visit Uncle and Aunt? My Pedhamma, being famous for having a big mouth, will inform Aunt about your visit to her house for sure. Then aunty will feel bad that you don't get time to visit them but get it to visit everyone," she asked referring to my parents.

Upon hearing what she had said, I immediately opened my eyes. I had already thought about it and knew very well that my mom would definitely feel bad. So I already planned to visit them soon, after getting scolded by Aaru this evening.

The reason why I visited Sudha aunty's house was to tell my family indirectly that I wouldn't be hiding from everyone anymore and would stop pushing them away.

If Sudha aunty told them about my visit, being smart, my parents would definitely understand my intention and would stop worrying about me at least for the time being.

" I will visit them soon, Aaru," I informed and was immediately engulfed in a tight hug by her.

" Akka? Really? That's so good to hear. All thanks to me, right? I didn’t know that my words have that much power. Had I known earlier, I would have shouted at you before itself. I know that I have a very intelligent brain but what to do? Sometimes it becomes too dumb and takes time to process the ideas. Don't worry. I will ask it to fasten the process so that I can help you in the future to keep your husband within your grasp. I am amazing, right?" She shamelessly praised herself, as usual, still hugging me tightly.


" Shut up, you stupid girl. Always talking nonsense and stop suffocating me. I can't breathe," though I was chiding her, a soft smile was playing on my lips.

"Akka, stop calling me stupid, otherwise I will curse you to marry that airport guy," she said teasingly to which she earned a smack on her head from me.

"Stupid people are called stupid by everyone. You don't need to feel bad upon hearing someone calling you stupid. Sometimes the truth hurts but you will get used to it eventually. As for cursing, your mouth only has the power to spout nonsense. So, I don't need to worry about it. You can curse as much as you want," I told her all these with a smile that irked her even more.

"Four times, you called me stupid continuously for four times. You don't know anything about my magical tongue. Anything can come true if I say it once. As you are so special, I am going to waste my energy to say it three times. Akka, listen carefully, you will only get married to that airport guy," she said, repeating the same sentence for another two times. I just scoffed at her and shook my head.

"Aaru, do one thing. Come with me to the hospital tomorrow. I will recommend the best doctor for you to check your head and don't worry, you will get well soon, " I said, getting irritated with the constant mentions of that airport guy.

He is handsome and I agree with that, but I am not fond of people like him who don't give a damn about other's feelings.

"A wise woman like me won't argue with a fool like you. Mind you, don't come to me crying when my curse comes true in the future, " she huffed and turned to the other side, her back facing me.

"Good that you have shut your mouth, otherwise I would have thrown you out for sure," I said softly but upon not getting any response from her, I turned my face to see that she was fast asleep within seconds.

Sighing, I adjusted the quilt to cover her properly and I heard some noises from outside.

Knowing very well that Rishu had come back from her office and would join us soon, I scooted more towards Aaru, leaving sufficient space for Rishu to sleep and slipped into a slumber.

The next day, I woke up and saw that Rishu was already preparing breakfast and Aaru was still sleeping. Seeing this, I went to do my morning chores after greeting Rishu

By the time I came out after getting ready in my professional attire, Rishu had already prepared breakfast and went to get ready for her office.

I had my breakfast and went to the hospital. Mu morning went on as usual with my consultations, morning rounds, etc.

In the afternoon, when I was having my lunch, I received a call from Sarada aunty whom I had met in a temple and became very fond of.

I frowned upon seeing her call as it was very unusual for her to call me up at this time. She always calls me over the weekends or at night as to not disturb me during my work hours.

I attended the call and heard the weak voice of Sarada aunty.

"Dak..sha... it's pain... ing...ho…me..come… fa…st," After that, the call got dropped.

Panicking, I immediately stood up and hurriedly washed my hands. I went to the parking lot and started driving mu car towards Sarada Aunty's house as fast as possible, all the while praying for her safety.

Even though I had never visited her house, I knew her address as I had been invited by the elderly lady to her home many times.

But I never got the chance to visit her house due to my work. I never in my dreams thought that I would visit her home in a situation like this.

Even though I didn't know her for a long time, I knew her well enough to understand that she is a very good and humble lady.

I, who always avoided forming bonds with new people, had unusually become very close to her.

She had become one of the most important people in my life. That's why I am praying to God to keep her safe until I reach her house.

After reaching there, I immediately informed the watchman about Sarada aunty's call and we both went in only to see her lying unconsciously on the floor in her room, near her bed holding a phone in her hand.

I immediately checked her pulse and released a sigh of relief as she is alive and has only fainted. I asked the watchman to help her to my car to admit her to the hospital.

After that, I asked him to give a call to her family to inform them about her condition and tell them to visit the hospital directly by informing the name of my hospital to which he agreed instantly and went inside to call Aunty's family.

I immediately started for the hospital and upon reaching there, I admitted her to the VIP ward.

I ordered my staff to run some tests on her and keep her under observation until the results of the tests were out.

I canceled my schedule for the remaining day and transferred all my consultations for the rest of the day to another doctor.

Once I was done with everything, I got changed into my normal wear and went to Aunty's room, intending to stay with her till she would regain her consciousness while waiting for the arrival of her family.

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