《The way I used to live✔》chapter 12✔


I woke up from my sleep in the evening due to the constant ringing of my phone. I picked it up to see that Aaru was calling me. I attended the call and was instantly greeted with her loud voice.

Aarna was shouting on the other end.

Hearing her shout, my sleep immediately fled out of the window. I sat up, holding my head with one hand and the phone with the other.

"Lower your voice. I feel like my ears were about to explode. FYI, I will only get the chance to talk when you let me do so. Also, let me correct you, people are not dying to hear your voice, but they are dying after hearing your voice. Now state your purpose for calling me. It better be important."

she informed and drawled towards the end, in her sing-song voice booming through the phone.

"Aaru, you know that I stopped visiting others as I am not comfortable with anyone anymore."

After saying this she ended the call without even giving me any chance to reply.

I was still looking at my phone in a daze even after the call was ended.

"Aarna was right. I need to stop pushing everyone. I don't need to be the reason behind everyone's smiles, but I shouldn't be the reason behind others' pain. That was what I had always wanted to do. But now what I am doing is exactly the opposite of what I used to think. I even disappointed my ever-smiling Aaru. I have to stop doing this," I said to myself and left for the washroom to get ready for dinner.

After getting ready, I picked my car keys and went out after locking the door of the apartment. I got into my car and started driving it.

I stopped at a supermarket to buy Aarna's favorite chocolates and at a fruit shop to buy some fruits. After that, I started going towards my destination.

Once I reached Sudha Aunty's house, I parked my car and taking the fruits I had bought previously, I started walking. I pressed the call bell and Sudha Aunty opened the door almost immediately.

She got shocked seeing me at her doorstep but soon the shocked expression turned into a heartwarming smile. She engulfed me in a tight hug.

"You are here. I thought that little devil was bluffing when she asked me to open the door for her Daksha Akka after hearing the doorbell. It's really good to see you after a long time," she exclaimed and ushered me to come inside.

"Sudha Aunty, it's good to see you too. How are uncle and you doing? Where is Indra Anna? Though it's not much, I just bought some fruits for you and my uncle. Please accept them."

"Child, No need for all these formalities. Next time onwards, you don't have to bring all these things. We are a family. About that old man, he went on a business trip. Your Indra Anna is still at the station. Go to the dining room. Aaru is already there and ready to attack the food anytime now,"


Saying that aunty went to the kitchen, asking the maids to help her set the table. After setting everything, she started serving the food to both of us.

All the while, Aarna was giving me sneaky glances at but when I met her eyes, she purposefully turned her head to the other side while huffing and puffing, clearly showing that she was still angry with me.

When I started ignoring her, she started making annoying noises with her spoon to gain my attention. The sound must have started irritating Sudha aunty as she immediately shouted at Aaru.

"If you don't stop making those annoying sounds, I will throw you out of here for sure," Aunty warned her.

"Wow. You already forgot about the old one as soon as you got the new one. I can't blame you though. That's a human tendency," Aaru said dramatically.

"Stop your nonsense and have your food. By the way, why are you not talking to Daksha? Until she reached, you ate my brain saying that your Daksha Akka is this and Daksha Akka is that. You even insisted your brother drop you yesterday at your flat instead of staying at your grandparent's house to meet your Daksha Akka. So, what happened now?" Aunty asked.

When I heard about the reason, I immediately looked at Aarna in surprise, and being embarrassed that her aunt ratted her out so easily, she avoided looking at me.

"You...old lady. Have some filters in your mouth. Okay, pass that curry to me. Not even letting me eat in peace. Always blabbering whatever comes to her mouth. Who is missing whom? I am not missing anyone, especially that one," She said with a scoff, gesturing towards me with her eyes.

"Whatever. You can't stay without your Daksha Akka even for a second. What will you do when you or your Akka will get married?" Aunty expressed her doubt. Though I was not looking at Aaru, I was quite curious about what was her reply would be.

"That's simple. I will marry her husband's brother or if not, I will simply marry her husband's friend." Aaru air quoted and I stifled my laughter.

" What if he doesn't have both or worse what if he got both but they are already married, then what will you do?" Aunty asked her teasingly.

"You know what? You should worry about yourself as you got so many wrinkles of late. You are getting old. I should ask my uncle to bring me a new aunt," said Aarna, irritated.

"Yeah, do that. I am also getting bored with that old man. Remember that, with or without your uncle, I am always related to you. You can't get rid of me," Aunty counter-attacked and Aarna just rolled her eyes at her aunt while munching onto her food.

All the while I was having my food, silently enjoying their banter with a smile on my face. I stood up after finishing my dinner while Aarna was tagging behind me.


When I entered the garden to take a stroll, Aarna was following her with a sulking face, waiting for me to pacify her.

I was observing all of it with a small smile playing on my lips which I tried to hide. Suddenly, I turned around and hugged Aarna, leaving her shocked at the sudden outburst of love.

"Thank you Aaru for being there for me. You are our sunshine. Sorry if I hurt you. Will you forgive me for this time please?"I asked her earnestly.

"Stop embarrassing me by saying all this, Akka. You guys are the ones who are always there for me. You guys are the ones who looked after me. You are always there to shower me with your love which I was unacquainted with. So, I should be one to thank you. I am sorry for shouting at you previously. It was not my intention to hurt you. As for forgiving you, I will do it only after receiving my treat," In saying this, she stretched her hand to me, clearly asking me for her chocolates.

"You didn't hurt me. All you have said to me is completely true. I should stop pushing everyone away. Regarding your chocolates, they are in the car. Will give it to you later. By the way, how were you so sure that I was going to come?" I asked her curiously.

" Silly, that's because I know my sister very well. I am amazing right?" she said looking at me expectantly almost like a child asking for praise.

"Yes, you are amazing. If you are done sulking, can we go to our flat? It's getting late," I said seeing the time and she agreed with me. After informing aunty about our departure, we both headed to our flat.

Meanwhile, Indratan returned to his house. He hadn't even stepped inside his house when he was stopped by Mrs. Sudha who was carrying a lot of boxes in her hands.

She ordered him to go to his friends' house and give those boxes to them. He wanted to make an excuse but one look from his mother, and he was on his way to his friend's house, fulfilling his duty as the dabbawala. He first went to Arjun's house.

Upon reaching their house, he directly went inside and saw that Mrs. Sarada was watching some drama on television in the hall along with Amrutha.

When they saw him, they stood up and welcomed him. Amrutha went to call her brother.

Arjun, who had just laid down on the bed to get some sleep, got disturbed by the knock on his door.

He opened it to see his sister who informed him about the arrival of Indra to which he nodded and started walking behind her groggily.

Upon seeing him, Indra gave him a brotherly hug and inquired about his journey. Arjun's mother asked him the reason for his visit.

"Nothing Aunty. Amma(mom) made carrot halwa today. So, I swung by to give this as it is Arjun's favorite dish too and she also sent some more dishes," Indra said.

"Indra Anna, why did aunt make so many dishes? Did something special happen? She even made carrot halwa even though you guys don't like it," upon seeing so many varieties, Amrutha exclaimed.

"Nothing special. My sister visited along with her friend. So, mom made these dishes, and just like Arjun, carrot halwa is the favorite of her friend too," Indra informed.

"Oh. So Aarna visited your home. She has got good friends. I heard that they always take care of her very well and she is extremely attached to one of them, right," Arjun's mother asked Indra as she had already heard the tales of Aarna's friends from Mrs.Sudha.

"Yeah. Her name is Daksha. She is more like an elder sister to her. Not only her, but they all always take care of her. But she is closer to Daksha," Indra said to Arjun's mom.

"Did you say her name is Daksha? I also know a girl named Daksha. She is a doctor. I met her at a temple and became acquainted with her. She is a nice girl," Arjun's mother said, remembering that wonderful young lady.

"Even this Daksha is also a doctor. It might be a coincidence," Indra said.

Arjun didn't pay any heed to what they were talking about. After hearing the name of Daksha, Arjun's mind got stuck to that name.

He didn't know why but after hearing that name, his thoughts unconsciously drifted off to that girl in the flight who had a mesmerizing smile and whose face he was trying very hard to forget but in vain.

"What might be the name of that angry bird?" Arjun mused in his heart.

His thoughts got broken due to Indra who was bidding goodbye as he had to go to Dhruv's house also.

After Indra's departure, Arjun went to his room and laid on his bed, looking at the ceiling while keeping both his hands under his head.

Daksha..he subconsciously muttered the name very softly and smiled a little, unknowingly.

That day Arjun slept with a smile on his face. He didn't know why but that name brought pleasant feelings to him. Giving life to the feelings that he had buried deep inside his heart.

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