《BTS Oneshot Book 2》Screen share
A/n - I have no idea to be honest! :)
Ahh... did you feel weird when your parent decided to date someone else? It was almost like you got used to them being single and now... they want to bring someone back in.
Some people... like kids... may get excited but when you're older... you don't really care much and fill in as the parent. Asking them who they're talking to, where are they going, why are they dressing up so nicely?!
It even feels good when you get rights to see if the person is right for them, cause you wouldn't want your parent just dating anybody. I mean they feel the same way about you.
But what if that new person has a kid... or two it doesn't matter. You'll get another (or more) siblings to deal with... honestly hoping they don't bother you. You might be happy that you have someone to talk to if they aren't shitty with a bad attitude.
Well that's happened with Riley. Her dad had been single for 20 years after her mothers death and finally got the courage to date again. Even if the woman was out of his race, he really hoped his daughter liked the woman.
Riley's dad, Kivon, met a beautiful woman named Kim Soyeon who was originally from South Korea. She was super sweet, friendly, had money, and very understanding. Riley liked the woman after a few meet ups... the first time Riley didn't talk much as she wanted to read her body language.
Kivon knew his daughter would be picky cause literally no one could match up to her mother, but Soyeon was good enough to receive an approval. Yes that sounds odd but it just meant Riley would communicate with her and not be as rude.
The time she did get rude is when she found out Soyeon also had a child... he was two months older than Riley. So 28... which also sounds odd cause you'd think they wouldn't care but they have to.
When holidays come around the parents wanted them to visit but Riley had an excuse with being busy with work and the son saying he couldn't catch an easy flight.
So when thanksgiving came around, the parents decided to do their planning and found a way to bring their children back home. It's been two years of their marriage and the kids still haven't met.
They just hoped this would work and they'd become a happy family!
"Repeat what you just said Aolani!"
"You've been out on paid leave for two weeks, you have a flight tomorrow morning at 5am to Seattle, Washington."
Says the annoyed Laotian woman, she sat in front of me at the desk sipping her boba with a fixed look. I just got into work and learn this information when I never called that in.
"You do realize I'm the boss right?" She slowly nodded, "So how in the hell I get put on paid leave if I'm the boss? The damn store gone be closed so who gone pay me?" Aolani sighed as she placed her cup down and turned the screen to me.
"I even called corporate and they said they'll pay you. Your dad called saying he wanted you home for thanksgiving so they made it happen."
I simply looked at her with a frozen tight smile, my dad did what? I know I haven't seen him in a while but this is not the way I wanted to get there. Especially when they sat there and did this stunt.
"Two years Riley! You haven't seen your family when I call mine every night."
She was right, her parents were in Laos and she didn't fail to call and visit them when needed. She even flew them out to see America, especially when her wedding happened and they were apart of it.
"I have my reasons."
"Yeah yeah now go home and pack. I'll pick you up at 3:30 so sleep well boss lady!"
Aolani pushed me out the shop then locked the door with a proud wave, I headed to Buckstars cause my ass needed coffee or I was gonna scream.
I angrily stared at Aolani who honked her horn 13 times before I came out the house, my nose was flaring as I held my bags. "Good morning boss, let's head out before traffic hits!"
The entire car ride I purposely blasted rock music even though I normally loved it, I wanted to keep my anger going. Aolani didn't mind as happily tapped her wheel to Evanescence like who the fuck is happy at 3am?!
Then again she was very family oriented and probably happy I got to see my family, but I avoided it them for a reason.
I was probably gonna see my step brother which yeah most wouldn't mind but I didn't care for siblings. Due to personal reasons. But I thanked Aolani for dropping me out and made my way to the plane, a four hour ride of hopeful sleep.
Okay I lied I didn't sleep one damn bit. My mind was rushing with things, how was I gonna explain that I ignored them for something dumb. I sat in the Uber quietly as we rode through the new neighborhood, "Damn they moved up huh?"
We reached the house where I thanked the driver and got out to see how grand this place was. There was 2 cars in the driveway... my dad was never gonna get rid of his box Chevy. Sir it's 2022... hang it up!
(If you're () southern, you get my pain!)
I knocked on the tall ass door waiting for someone to answer, a booming voice called out making me scoff. "Who the hell that is?!"
"If you don't open the damn door!" It unlocked quickly as I smiled up at my dad who pulled me in a big ass huh. "Ahh my baby came to see me!" I struggled to breathe from the hug as he put me down with a large smile on his face.
"Come on in, how was the flight? Soyeon guess who here?!"
"Okay okay it's just me not some celebrity haha,"
My company was pretty big but not that so huge that paparazzi wanted to track me down. Soyeon had ran in from the kitchen with a large smile, she hugged me tightly also asking me a bunch of questions.
We kept talking for another hour till the bell rang, "He's here!" Soyeon bounced off the couch running to the door. For her age she definitely knew how to move, but I couldn't laugh as my nervousness kicked in.
I was about to meet her son for the first time, it reminded of the time they tried to bring us together but I quickly moved. I wanted to start my life anyway but definitely not around this guy.
"Riley I want you to meet my son! This is Riley and this is Jin."
The tall man walked from the door and my eyes went wide, he was incredibly sexy and my breath left my body. He had light skin with pinkish red undertones, his button up had a few down so I saw damn near the top of his abdomen.
"Hello... sis?"
"You.. uh... can just say Riley."
For the first few days I avoided Jin and he somewhat did the same, he would speak and I did too...before running out the room. He made me nervous each time he came around, the only times at dinner was when I couldn't hide from him.
"Riley we're going shopping be back in a few!"
I shouted back as I kept munching on my petals, a new chip brand while I walked around the living room. My clothes were in the washer so I tried patiently waiting, I only wore a tank top and soft white shorts with butterflies on them.
The washer went off as I placed my chips down before going into the med size room. I was moving my clothes over when I heard someone cough, looking back I saw Jin standing there.
"Came to wash too?"
He silently nodded as I hurried to move my clothes over, he started to walk behind me as I stood up. Accidentally stepping on his toes it made me stumble back onto him... thankfully a worn out beanbag was on the ground.
"Oof! I'm sorry about that.."
I was about to move but Jin grabbed my waist, "Wait don't move." I didn't move but looked around awkwardly waiting on something to happen. It got weird so I decided to move but Jin gripped my waist tighter.
"Jin I need to get up just like you do."
"Can you wait please?"
I groaned as I adjusted myself in order to look back at him, "Wait for what damn it.." my voice got soft as I felt something twitch under me. My eyes peered down seeing exactly what I fell on... but something in me hoped it wasn't that.
"Please tell me... your phone is the one... moving right now."
Jin didn't say a word and immediately threw myself off his lap, didn't even care if I rolled to the machines. I could see his bulge through his shorts and I definitely was gonna keep that comment to myself.
I simply turned the dryer on and made my way out the laundry room, wasn't going back till dinner time.
While in my room I was strolling through the channels using my phone, my dad got smart TV's so we could easily connect our phone to it. Plus it was easier when it came to me using Spotify, I could just screen share.
Jin knocked on the door pushing his head through, "Hey can you help me with the TV?" I lifted my brow but nodded. We went across the hall to his room where I looked at his screen.
"It looks fine what's wrong?"
"Kivon said I could connect my phone but how? Damn I sound old.. sorry."
I giggled it off, he sounded cute when he cussed. Woah there Riley he is family now we gotta chill.
"Oh just hit that box with the two screens then click the name of the TV, it'll show airplay letting you know it's working."
He thanked me and I went back to my room, I was gonna do my hair so I just turned my sharing off so I could use my headphones. I was listening to Lullaby by UMI so I didn't hear anything around me.
While splitting my hair into a section I heard something wet, I looked around my mirror but nothing had fell. I ignored it as I brushed out my hair... a loud ass moan made me drop it.
Looking into my mirror it showed my screen... on it was straight up porn. Not the bland ass porn... it wasn't even amateur porn.
It was interracial porn with the terrible acting in the beginning, the sex duo were playing as step siblings. The guy currently fucking the chick behind the counter while the parents watched a movie.
My eyes were starting to hurt from how wide they were...that wasn't even the thing that had my head spinning. The video paused and the screen moved around, it suddenly went to camera and landed on Jin.
My eyes couldn't get no bigger as it showed the man jerking himself off... did he not realize his TV was showing what his phone did?
My heart was beating heavily as I watched him stroke his thick dick, I felt myself throb as I watched his expressions. He was very vocal as he stroked himself faster, eventually coming onto his hand.
I had to grip my chair to resist grinding against it... when I looked back up I saw Jin smirking. He winked then the airplay went off...
"Did that fucker do that on purpose?"
I smirked when a new idea in my mind... if he wants to play then let's play Kim Seokjin.
The day before thanksgiving was here and I was in the living room watching TV with my snacks. It was old show over a Japanese guy who was sent to the dystopian future to fight creatures.
"I'll be back... back to the past... Samurai Jack!"
I danced to the theme song with the bag of poofs in my hand, a bag of candy to my left waiting to be ate.
"Riley you can't be eating before dinner."
I turned back to look at Jin who wore a tank top and sweats, I shrugged and went back to watching my show. He sighed as he plopped down next to me, my legs were crossed Indian style even though I wore a dress.
My thighs were damn near out but I didn't care, I laughed at a scene making the remote fall but Jin bent down to get it. He gasped as he looked at me, I may or may not have purposely forgot to wear panties.
He gulped with his neck going red, he put the remote down and covered his crotch making me smirk. "You good bro? You all red and shit," I touched his neck causing him to flinch. He stood up saying he'll be back, "Don't you want some Nutters?!"
He urgently turned back to me, "Do I want to what?!" I laughed as I held up the peanut butter crackers, he sighed shaking his head. Shrugging my shoulders I put them down going back to watch TV.
A good thing about my dads new house... he had two living room areas. I used the one upstairs since it was by my room, my dad or Soyeon rarely came up to bother us.
I randomly text Jin asking if he knew any good shows to watch, he told me he was watching Netflix and that I could use his account.
A dark chuckle going through me as I started the little prank, I went onto Netflix with my phone before clicking the share screen button. It only showed two TV's; the one I was using and Jin's. How did I know?
Cause Jin's TV was the same size as mine while the living room had a bigger one, I quickly clicked his waiting for it to connect. Once the check mark popped up I clicked around Netflix like I was actually checking for a show.
I sent a message to Jin asking what show was he on so I didn't mess it up. He told me the name after saying his TV was acting funny.
"Hehe... oh I'll show you acting funny."
Flipping my screen to the camera, I placed it on the couch where I was just sitting then flipped it as it showed the ceiling. Jin messaged me saying he saw the ceiling of some room, so I told him hold on I'll come fix it.
Giggling I lifted my dress acting like I was about to sit down, I looked down to see my nude pussy on the screen. I spread my folds and tapped on my nub with my middle finger. Jin messaged me again with a bunch of emojis, it made me laugh.
I bit my lip to suppress my moans as I rubbed up and down my slit, even reaching behind me to show a better angle of my finger going in me.
"Ahhh.. hah... fuck!"
I went up to two fingers, moving at a quick motion as I got wetter. Some of my slick dripping onto the phone, another message from Jin telling me how wet I was.
I kept finger fucking myself until I got close to coming, I had bent awkwardly to type that I was close then turned the screen off. A laugh erupted from me besides some gasping as I came on my fingers.
Sending Jin my wet fingers was more funny before I ran off to my room to take a shower before night.
At dinner Jin didn't talk much while I chatted with my folks like we were best friends. Soyeon checked on her son but he just told her his back was hurting, she instantly made him go take a hot shower.
I held my smirk in as we all finished eating, I told them good night since they were gonna continue cooking for tomorrow. Meanwhile I was gonna head to bed for some more fun.
Jin's TV was on again cause I passed his room where music was playing, he actually did go and shower. I hummed a song as I put the share screen on but kept music playing from Spotify.
Turning the camera on, I reached in my dresser for my favorite dildo and got onto the bed. Usually Jin showered for 30 minutes so I timed him a bit while sucking on the toy.
"What the fuck?!"
I covered my mouth before turning around to lift my dress, I stuck my ass in the air shaking my ass to the screen. To keep my phone from turning off I had to 'record' myself.
Bending my arm back I rubbed the lighter toned dildo between my folds lightly moaning, I was gonna be extra this time.
Pressing the dildo into my hole I moaned loud, "Uhh Jin... push it deeper!" I laughed in the pillow as I started fucking myself. Moans slipped out my mouth, even letting myself say Jin's name many times.
"Come on daddy...come fuck me! Fu- fuck this pussy Jin...come do your step sis haha,"
I was gonna cum until the door bursted open, I yelped as I fell onto my back to see a stark naked Jin at my door. Most of his body was read, a vein throbbing in his neck... but it wasn't the only thing with a throbbing ache.
His dick hung heavy between his thighs, the dark pink tip matched his lips. The veins were protruding like the ones in his arms and neck, the girth could easily outdo the 6in dildo.
"J- Jin why the hell are you in here?"
"Tuh that's what you ask after moaning my name you little slut?"
My toes clenched from his words, he definitely showed another side to him. Walking up to me he grabbed my ankles dragging me to the end of the bed then flipped me over. I yelped as he slapped my ass then yanked the toy out of me.
My legs were spread as he chuckled, "You said you wanted daddy right? Well fucking take me." I couldn't question him as he pushed himself into my hole, my hands gripped the sheets while he starts pounding me.
"Ohh my... ahh god daddy! Slo- slow down... too big... you're to- too big Ahh!"
"Take daddy's cock... you wanted it uhh so damn bad... wanna play games now Riley?"
I shook my head as he pressed down on my shoulders, his hips were like a automatic weapon. He pounded into me like I was the toy, slapping my ass at each chance he could get.
We seriously forgot our parents were downstairs but he didn't care, his cock was digging deep making me see stars on the inside. "Uhh daddy... daddy... yess take my pussy! Make it.. yours uhh!"
Jin moans got higher as I clenched around him, "Fuck... didn't know my bratty sis had such a good cunt. Uhh... gonna let daddy cum in you?" I nodded cause thankfully I had birth control, he could cum in me all he wanted.
My skin was getting hot besides my sore ass, Jin was going harder causing the bed to squeak. "Ohh shit... shit ahh!" I screamed out as I squirted from Jin slamming into my g spot.
The stream was hard but Jin fought past it as he kept fucking into me, my pussy was getting beat up and I loved it.
"There you go baby... come on, keep showing daddy how you love this dick."
My teeth biting down on the sheets to muffle my screams as Jin got rough, his knees were digging in the bed as he pounded me. His moans got loud over the music, his thrusts getting sloppy but still powerful.
"Yess daddy... cum in your pussy! Uhh cum in it daddy!"
My eyes crossed as I shouted his name, we both came together from the strong orgasm. Jin softly put his back to my chest as he let his cock pump it's warmth into me.
"Hah... was I too rough?" He softly asks that made me giggled, I slowly nodded as we laid there for a while.
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