《i miss you, i'm sorry → timothée chalamet.》O30. → signing mcdonald's receipts



signing mcdonald's receipts

"are you guys done?" timothée asked haley. it was past six in the evening and she and elias had finished shooting a scene between their characters.

"yep." she replied, stretching a bit. "can i just say, that dress was super constricting. i could not breathe at all."

"you told me about it at least a hundred times."

"and i'll do it again." she warned.

"ready?" eli asked.

"ready for what?" haley looked between the two boys. there was something going on, and she knew it.

"we were just..." timothée made a couple of awkward hand gestures. "wondering if you'd like to have dinner with us?"

"are you guys on a date or something?"

"c'mon haley, just change into something comfy and let's go. you won't be doing a lot of walking." eli promised.

"hell, we'll carry you if you want!" timothée added.

"go on now." eli steered her towards her trailer while timmy checked his messages.

twenty minutes later, she emerged in a matching crochet bucket hat and jumper, overcoat, sweatpants, and doc martens. her palette was a mix of blacks, grays, and dark blues, so the two boys didn't worry about her being seen since she'd be wearing a mask anyways.

"did you sleep?" timothée asked incredulously.

"i couldn't stop her." eli said apologetically.

"it was just for ten minutes!"

the three of them climbed into a black car and were driven towards the nearest cinema.

"did you not think i could tell we were going to the cinema?"

"we knew you'd figure it out one way or another." elias replied, as they stood amongst a crowd that just emerged from the latest movie showing.

the three of them waited a while before the empty theater was okay to finally enter.

timothée pulled them both inside, showing the security their tickets, and they sat down in their seats, each with an empty chair between them because of covid protocols. elias sat nearer the main aisle area, while timmy sat on her other side, nearer the wall.

since they were seated up front, haley would turn every time she heard noises behind her, growing happier and prouder when she saw more people sitting down.

she looked to her right, and saw a couple enter. she thought they'd sit somewhere near the wall, but they squeezed past her and elias, taking the aisle seats.

"they could've just went down the aisle to save them trouble." she whispered to timothée.

to her surprise, he waved at them. haley leaned over to see them properly, and realized that it had been zendaya and tom all along.

"you invited them?" he smiled at her reaction.

"we've all been wanting to watch your movie so since we're gonna be in the area, eli and i asked if they wanted to watch it with us together."

"i can't believe you two."

"it's okay though, right?" he asked nervously.


"of course, silly!"

haley and elias switched seats and she and zendaya began talking in hushed voices. they switched back once the movie previews began to show and towards the end of the last one, haley looked over to her right where timothée sat to see that another lady on his other side.

"saoirse." he whispered, over the chair in between them.

she knew she had a mask on, but her mouth dropped. she nodded, just as the screen in front of them turned to black; the movie was starting.

timothée watched as the skyline of new york came into view as the sound of alanis morissette's ironic played. haley's voice was singing along over the song's second verse as the camera entered a large house and revealed her dancing behind the counter, only to come out with a very large, very pregnant belly.

as she was in the middle of singing the last word of the song, her face contorted to a look of pain and horror and she began to scream, while joe keery and margaret qualley burst in, panicking.

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timothée already knew it would be a great movie going in. he couldn't agree more afterwards; it had its fair share of shouting characters and sad, hopeless moments, but also a lot of heartwarming ones.

haley felt great when she heard clapping from the people behind them. she turned to look around and smiled when she saw them standing while clapping, before noticing that lots of them had tear streaks down their faces.

both tom and zendaya were clapping too, as they got up to leave. however, some of the moviegoers managed to recognize them.

"amazing movie everyone!" tom said over the people holding phones while they were still inside the cinema. "actually, the brilliant star of the movie is right there! give your applause to her, haley's the best, she did a fantastic job," he added, pointing.

"tom, what the hell?!" whispered zendaya, brushing him lightly on his arm, as the people turned to look at haley who looked away immediately. nevertheless, the two of them managed to get out without any notice, only because all the attention had shifted elsewhere.

"HALEY LENEGHAN, EVERYBODY!" elias shouted, clapping in front of her. haley saw saoirse sneaking off the side aisle, while the swarm went towards her, eli, and timmy.

"hey everyone!" she said, giving a little wave. she was still blinking, her eyes adjusting to the lights that had switched on after the movie ended. "did you guys like the movie?" she asked a puffy-eyed girl after hugging her for a photo.

haley took outstretched ballpens and signed whatever was thrust at her face: books, phone cases, and... "you want me to sign that?" she asked, as a fan gave her the sanitary pad, still wrapped in it's plastic casing. "god, alright. won't you need it though?" after being assured that it was just an extra, haley signed it.


she posed for a lot of photos, politely refused to take of her mask when they asked her to, nodded as she signed stuff, and listened to the people talk about how much they loved her, her music, and the movie.

"don't leave!" she hissed, as timothée and elias had turned to go.

"we'll wait for you!" they shouted. "outside."

haley began moving towards the exit, multitasking as she walked out, followed by a small crowd, and still signing papers and looking up for photos.

"thank you so much for coming everyone, i really appreciate you coming here, i hope you liked the movie," she told them all gratefully, once they were at the doors. she pulled out her phone and took a selfie with everyone who pushed to be included in the frame, and waved again.

as she walked outside, she felt a tap on her shoulder. haley turned around, fully expecting to see another girl, but instead faced a boy who couldn't be more than twenty. she had seen him leaving earlier as she was getting hounded by fans inside the theater.

"hi, my name's rafa," he said nervously.

"hey there rafa, how are you?" haley asked, smiling kindly beneath her mask.

she listened intently as he told her how the movie reminded him of a personal experience and how much it's message meant to him. when he got choked up about it as he spoke, she patted his back lightly. "i'm so sorry." she said quietly. "it's okay. you're okay." she said, embracing him as he cried.

he asked for a photo and gave her a mcdonald's receipt for her to sign. she smiled and took her time, including a little note at the back that said, 'dear rafa, thank you so much for watching and supporting the movie! i have to say, it looks like we have the same go-to fast food order :))) all jokes aside, i wanna say that you're such a sweet, brave soul, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. love you!! ♡ haley '

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"that was a fucking EXPERIENCE!" zendaya said loudly. she and tom left the cinema early, but invited the rest of them to their london home to celebrate and catch up. they ordered pizza and japanese food, popped open a bottle, and called it a night.

"you were amazing!" saoirse cheered, seated on the sofa.

"cheers," haley raised a glass to her friends from her cross-legged barstool position— no, none of them knew how she did it— and downed it in a gulp.

"hey, go easy on the drinks!" timothée reminded, across from her, while she rolled her eyes in response.

"my favorite part was when you were yelling at that joe fellow." tom said. he and zendaya were sitting on the floor next to each other, while eli was on the couch like saoirse.

"that was improv!" zendaya said, proud of her best friend. "and in one take, too."

"you mean you actually broke that glass right then and there?" he asked, bewildered.

"a shard poked my toe, actually." tom let out an impressed whistle.

"i like when you slapped nick robinson, that son of a bitch." eli said, pointing at haley with his chopsticks.

"it wasn't in the script and we didn't tell greta, i just asked him if i could beforehand and he was like, 'sure!'" she laughed.

"and you were like—" zendaya stood up hurriedly, in an attempt to imitate haley yelling at nick. "— you sick fucking bastard! you know what the, the papers'll say? it would read, 'party girl paris gets pregnant' because they'll assume i'm a teenage woman who has never had a boyfriend before!"

"the media back then was brutal."

"you did a lot of crying, too." noted timmy.

"oh yeah, for sure." haley agreed. "lots of tears fell during production."

"more than rue?" teased tom.

"no one does it like rue bennett, no one does it like z, the two-time emmy winner, so i simply couldn't tell you." haley said with a smile.

"then again, euphoria's a show..." pointed out zendaya.

"another part i liked is when those songs played," saoirse spoke up from the couch. she was referring to haley's song, camden, and the title song that haley worked on with aurora, daydreamer. both played when paris was at a particularly low, vulnerable part of the movie.

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later that night, eli and timmy helped a wasted haley back onto the studio grounds. the three of them were all pretty tired, after lots of drinking, singing at the top of their lungs, and a couple rounds of twister (they even had to move the mat near a wall, since tom had to do a handstand at one point).

"is she always like this?" elias asked.

"i couldn't tell you, man. she wasn't ever like this when we were together." timothée frowned.

"alright, in you go." the two guys gently laid her in bed and locked the door shut before sitting on the steps of her trailer.

"i know you like her. i see how you look at her." elias told him.

"am i that obvious?"


"mm. i won't do it."

"why not?"

"she's the one who broke up with me, and she probably did it for a reason, so..."

"bitch, i see how she looks at you. if you heard her talk about you? you'd think she was in love."

timothée shook his head. "nah."

"oh look, grammy noms are out."

the two checked their phones and did a little fist bump after reading that haley got multiple nominations, a lot for her album, and one for the song she did for the movie.

i don't watch euphoria but man s2e5 is... crazy

(this is based off the chaos i've seen on twitter)


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