《Severus Snape x Reader Story》Dumbly-Dore - The Wizard Who messes with peoples lives.



I woke up with the feeling of something on me. I fluttered my eyes open to see two large, violet eyes staring at me.

"Dean? It's only like five-thirty..." I mumbled my voice rough. "Get off....."

He hopped to the side of the bed that wasn't occupied and nipped my hand gently, signaling he wanted me to get up. I slowly pushed my body up with my good hand and propped the pillows up. Once I was comfortable, I looked down at Dean who had a parcel attached to his foot. It was tied with a simple thin piece of red string, and looked quite tiny. I went to undo the package, but Dean bit my hand.

"Ow!! What was that for?!" I exclaimed.

He looked at me with an expression that I didn't know owls were capable of: warning.

"So...you don't want me to open this?"

He hooted.

"Then why did you bring it to me?"

He looked at me with his eyes narrowed, like, bro come on.

"You wanted me to untie it from you?"

He flapped his wings and hooted excitedly, YES YES FREE ME FROM MY TORMENT

"Really? Okay then." I reached down and pulled the string so that it came loose. I grabbed the note and tossed it into the trash next to my bed. I looked at it for a second. It was crumpled up and was the only thing in the bin. Wait...why was I being sympathetic about a note? I must be having some side effects from the blood loss or something. I turned back to Dean who looked at me accusingly.


He narrowed his eyes further like, you are a disappointment to humanity.

I rolled my eyes and started to bed his sleek, glossy feathers with my hand. He looked at me with....guilt? I really didn't know. I kept stroking him until he suddenly flew off through the window. He was probably hungry or something. Heck, I would probably ditch my best friend to get something to eat too. I looked around at the lonely room. The bland white and earth tone stone walls made it very big and empty. I sighed and turned over to try to go back to sleep. I soon found myself peering down into the trashcan where I had thrown the note down. I looked around for any adults or annoying owls who acted as your alarm clock, and decided the coast was clear. Reaching with my good hand, I grabbed the note and unravel it. Even with all the folded marks, I could still read it. It was written in a neat-ish handwriting, and I was quite surprised to see who wrote it.


(Y/n) -

How are you doing mate? I hope you get better. The school has been much quieter withoutyou walking around in it. Also, anytime you feel like explaining what happened, we'll listen.

-Draco Malfoy and some unsaid members of Slytherin House

I stared at the letter and let two tears slip down my cheeks and splatter onto the letter. How could I possibly tell them- anyone what had happened. And how....How would I recover from this? I subconsciously fingered the locket around my neck. Why did I still even have this? I took it off and looked at the pattern on the outside. It was a simple grooved woven pattern, nothing much else. I looked around and when I was content with the thought I was alone, I opened the locket and it beamed out the magical recording. As it played, I remembered everything that had happened the last year. Me, Him, detention, secrets, trust, love, a forbidden dance......I watched as the image faded away into the air. I closed the locket and looked at it.

"Who from?" said a voice. It was the Headmaster. Why was he here?

"Nobody in particular...." I said. It was a lie, but whatever. I wasn't in the mood for truth or truth.

"I see." He said as he walked over and sat on the bed.

We sat there in silence for a bit, just admiring the quiet. He spoke up first.

"How is your hand coming along?" he asked.

"It will heal." I said simply.

"I suspect there is a far greater wound than that, Miss (y/l/n)."

I sighed and put the locket down onto my side table. "Maybe, maybe not. I don't know."

"I'm sorry." He said out of the blue.

"W-what? Why are you sorry?"

"I was probably the one who caused this. I had already suspected you two - remember our walk to the owlery? Yes? I wanted to talk about it then, but my services were required elsewhere. I soon managed to drag Severus into my office after a while of him complaining and saying that he had things to do. I asked him about it and he clamped up like a peppermint snap! Of course, I had assumed I had been wrong the whole time, but then this happened. So, I do hope you can accept my apology."


"But...what am I going to do?" I ignored the fact that I had admitted that I was in a relationship with Snape.

"Well, do you still love him?" He asked kindly. "Could you forgive him?"

"I don't know, Headmaster. I don't know...."

"I'll let you in on something my dear. He was trying to protect you."

"By getting me into surgery and having me almost losing a hand? Me almost bleeding out and dying?" I said sarcastically.

He chuckled lightly. "When you put it that way, it sounds much worse than it actually is. He was trying to protect your reputation with others and education because he loves you that much. Come to think of it, he was the one who brought you to the wing and helped operate on you."

I went silent. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you should give him another chance. You've heard about Lily, yes?"

"Yeah. He told me that she didn't love him so he let her go."

"I see that Severus has come up with better red herrings...."


"He was lying. Lily died and his heart was buried under the heartless ground with her. He's never shown such emotion in years. Until you came along." He winked.

"Oh. I didn't know that at all...hm." I made a thinking face.

"Indeed. So, I believe you should give him another chance. Don't go crazy with it; just subtle things will let him know."

"I'll do my best not to scream at him."

"Marvelous!" The wizard clapped his hands together. "I love happy endings!"

"The ending isn't determined yet." I said.

"That doesn't mean I can't wish it to be. Besides,' He looked at the clock on the wall, "he should be coming in soon. I may or may not have said that you were okay talking to him tonight. Hopefully, you'll have the truth that way. I suggest you pretend to sleep or something. I don't know. Remember: don't scream. Goodnight."

The wizard got off my bed, winked one last time, and walked off to dinner. I could still hear him chuckling as he walked out. I really hated him right now.


Severus was coming.

What the bloody hell was I gonna do?

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