《Severus Snape x Reader Story》(y/n)?



Sorry this is late. I didn't realize I didn't publish it!! Comment, follow, and VOTTEEE



I was minding my own business, walking down the hall back to my office. I was coming up to it and getting ready to turn the handle, when I heard a blood-curdling scream. In most cases like this, I would promptly ignore it and go about my own ways, but after what I had done to (y/n)....I had felt more concern. Sighing, I whisked myself up the stairs and through the corridors. They were dimly lit, seeing that it was curfew. If this was one of the Weasley's pranks.....I turned the corner sharp and saw a small puddle of blood, followed closely by another. I poked my head around the corner and observed; i wouldn't waste my time if I needed to. I saw the three of them huddled together walking slowly.

I saw her.

She suddenly dropped and fell onto the ground, letting out another shriek. I cringed at the sound even if I heard many just like it. Working with the Dark Lord had no benefits; unless if you wanted to torture the innocent. I came out from behind the corner and walked quickly once I heard their plea for help. There was no need to look rushed. I arrived at the scene in time to see her lying in a pool of her own dark red rose petal blood. I looked into her (y/e/c) eyes for a moment and she lifted her arm, but it fell to her side limp. Her eyes rolled into her head giving an unnatural look to them and her head went to the side. Looking at the other two, I picked her up bridal style.

"What happened?" I said brusquely. I already had my suspicions....but I needed to know.


"She said that her hand was probably broken or sprained, so we said we would accompany her to the Hospital Wing. She refused to tell us how it happened." Chase explained quickly.

Whatever remained of my spirits dropped; this was my fault. Why? Why did everyone I ever loved got hurt or worse?! What I did to her was full of intention....I had no regrets at the time. But now, I could hear her sparkling laughs echoing around the school, along with her puns that made everyone cringe. My eyes misted at we ran through the school to the Medical Wing. Her face was drained of color and her warm blood that soaked my robes was turning cold and heavy. I barged into the wing.

"POMFREY!" I yelled.

She came running from behind a wall and looked at the almost lifeless body in my arms.

"Come with me, all of you." She said if a firmer tone than usual.

We all followed her to what appeared to be an operating theater. I set her down on the flat, white table.

"Now, I haven't done this in a while but I will try to keep this poor girl alive. Severus, I will need you to be my second set of hands. And you two," she pointed at the girl and boy, "please leave and don't disturb us. If anyone asks, she had a stomach ache."

They both nodded and flew out of the room. Pomfrey quickly went to a drawer and pulled out her instruments. They were pure silver as I recall, to keep them clean. I saw her snap on a pair of gloves and hand of pair to me along with a mask. I put them on hastily, and prepared for the worst. She dipped all of the instruments into a green-yellow disinfectant mixture and let them drip dry. Once they were ready, she turned towards me.


"Her chest will be fairly easy, assuming that there is no bone that doesn't belong there. But her hand....We will need to be careful and make sure we don't cause more damage. I suggest we get started with the easiest thing." She said. "Do you have any idea what happened?"

"No." I kept my answer scarce and formal. She didn't need to know anything about our predicament.

She removed all of (y/n)'s clothes on her chest, grabbed a scalpel and began to work.

~time skip to the amount of hours it took to operate and for when (y/n) fell asleep~

I couldn't believe this had happened. I was just trying to protect her....that's all. But instead, I had made things worse. Absolutely worse. I decided to visit her. After all, I was the one who brought her in. And in the meantime, dinner was going on and (y/n) was stable, so Pomfrey would be out of the Wing for at least an hour. I usually skip dinner anyways so I doubted anyone would miss me. I walked up to the Wing and saw that she was asleep. I walked over quietly and sat on the bed which creaked under my weight. I traced the stitched on her wounded hand and switched over to the other one to hold it. I heard someone coming, so I planted a kiss on her cheek and switched into my animagus form and flew out the window. My raven form glided past the ravenclaw tower and into the courtyard where I morphed back into my regular form.

(yes, yes I know that we don't officially know if Severus actually HAS an animagus form, but hey! You can bend some rules in fiction)

I walked back to my office and settled down and graded first-year papers. As much as I tried to deny it to myself, I was still in love with her. No matter how many times I tried to dampen it down.

She was mine.

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