《Severus Snape x Reader Story》Flesh and Blood



We walked through the dark castle, our footsteps eerily echoing. It was barely past curfew, so I believed we were alright and safe from whatever trouble we may encounter. I, on the other hand, was concerned about my five-fingered appendage. It was swelling quite nastily, turning a nightmarish purple black. Sure, the rest of my body ached, but I ignored it and focused on my hand. And that's when it happened.

I tripped over Chase's foot and fell down, using my hands to catch myself like usual. But this time, I wasn't so lucky. Falling on your broken hand was probably the worse things you could do. And in this case, it was worse.

My screams echoed throughout the castle, blatantly telling everyone that someone was wounded.....And that someone just happened to be me. And if things couldn't get better, the bone had pierced my chest as well....left lung? I think....I took a breath in and yanked it out with all my might. I screamed loudly but I didn't care. I wasn't going to die and abandon my friends. I glimpsed at my hand. It was mangled and the bones stuck out, several veins and muscles attached to them. The pale, gleaming whiteness of them made me shudder. I groaned: stupid clumsiness.

"(y/n)! I am so, so, so, sorry! I feel so bad. Let me help you up." Chase grabbed my good hand and brought me up.

"We should get there faster now. We don't need the whole school's attention..." Holly said, looking around worriedly.

Chase was muttering under his breath, "Holy crap, holy crap, holy craaappppp..."

Holly looked at him and the message was clear in her eyes: (y/n) was dying.

"I agree.. This is crap." I muttered, ignoring her eye signal. I refuse to die! But the pain was creeping up my arm, a deadly vine that suffocated the tree.


"Let's go." said Holly.

We started walking again, but after a few steps, the world spun and black-purple spots swam in my vision. My chest leaked blood, along with my hand. Blood spots covered the floor...it was a murder scene from a movie. Except the murderer was the one that I loved.

"H-hey guys....I don't feel so good...." I said before I fell forward to be caught by Chase and Holly.

They lowered me onto the ground and applied pressure to my chest. It they pressed the hand, it may end up more damaged than it already was.

The last thing I heard was, "SHE'S LOSING TO MUCH BLOOD! HELP!!!"

And that a pair of Onyx-black eyes stared into mine.


I tried to hit him with my good hand, but the world swam and my vision smudged and my body failed to work. I suddenly felt so heavy, the world crashing all around me. It felt so weird, like drowning...but on the air that kept me alive.

Heh. How ironic.

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