《A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]》Going shopping [31]


After school, I went to Urahara's to train. It became a routine. Though, I would be very tired after the training. It was basically just me running around, dodging and using my ability to push, fling or ground my opponent. But every time I did it, everyone was affected by it.

I even made Ururu spilt a jug of water which made me felt really guilty so I helped the girl clean up.

It was Friday already. Usually, I would run away from my opponent. But I suddenly felt bold that day. Sado Yasutora or Chad was my opponent that day. He was really tall. Like 197 centimetres tall. He had dark skin and impressive cheekbones. His hair was brown and wavy with bangs that hang over his brown eyes. Also, he had a goatee.

Gymnastic was suddenly easy thanks to my new abilities.

I ran towards him, which made him stopped abruptly. Once I was close enough, I jumped, pushing myself a little further up by boosting myself with gravity. My hand was placed on his broad shoulders for a second and I landed behind him. To my surprise, Chad glowed magenta. I pointed my hand up which made him fly to the ceiling. The impact he received certainly shocked me.

"Sorry!" I squeaked out, gently placing him back to the ground. He looked at me, "Its no problem," he rarely talks. It was the first time hearing his voice. Deep and smooth. I like it. I smoothed my skirt. Then it hit me, I was in mid-air for a second, upside-down. With a skirt. How can I be so dumb?

"I would've been distracted by the colour you were wearing," I turned around seeing Kisuke fanning himself, "But you didn't make the others fly up." He snapped his fan shut, "You made contact with Sado-San for a second and as a result, you could control the gravity of both of you, without involving the others."


"I must say, that gives you an advantage when battling someone. But if the opponent uses long-ranged weapons, you would have a disadvantage if there's an audience," Kisuke explained, "Though, hurling yourself extremely close to an opponent is a bold and risky move. This is only training after all."

"If you were up against Renji, you wouldn't stand a chance since his Shikai and Bankai are specially made for long-range," he opened up his white hand fan as he started to fan himself. "Which is why you're going up against him next time!" He suddenly beamed, though the statement wasn't really cheerful to me, "Don't look so worried! Sado-San will be helping you out. Besides, he always trained with Mr Freeloader. Isn't that right, Mr Freeloader?"

"I don't even freeload anymore! Stop calling me that!" The red hair shouted from the distance while he was having a duel with Ichigo.

"Its already late, I think you two should get some rest," Kisuke looked over the two of us. His gaze went to me, "If you haven't noticed, you've improved on dodging," he informed, "It would come in handy in a lot of situations," he patted my shoulder, "Go get some beauty sleep. You deserve it, Neddy-Chan."


The phone rang. I looked over to my side. What time is it? Who is calling me at this hour? I grabbed my rose-gold phone from my table. The blue light beaming right into my eyes as the phone continued ringing. I swiped up, "Hello?" my words slurred and my voice was dry.

"Neddy?" I heard a familiar voice. I squinted my eyes trying to recall the voice, "Rangiku-San?" "Oh, good! You remembered. I have a question for you," she asked. I blinked for a moment to process what she was saying, "What is it?"


"Wanna go shopping today?" she asked. I looked over to the alarm, seeing 3 am. She could have called me in the morning, "Sure. What time?" I asked, doubting I would remember. Rangiku hummed, "Is 10 am alright?" she finally replied. "Yeah, that's fine. Just call me before going," I replied.

"MATSUMOTO WHAT ARE YOU DOING AWAKE AT THIS HOUR?!" I heard Toshiro screaming in the background. "Oh, captain!" she replied, "Just talking to Neddy-Chan." "AT 3 AM?! GO BACK TO SLEEP--," she hung up. I moved my phone from my ear, looking at my phone. I shook my head, placing the phone back on the table.

My eyes fluttered close. Until I heard a noise. I sat up on my bed immediately. I waited. Another noise. I got off my bed, grabbing the pink Hello Kitty baseball bat my brother gifted me. I twisted the doorknob, letting the door slowly open.

I looked around before going out of my room. The baseball bat held by my two hands ready to swing and knock the lights out of somebody. The last thing they would see is the cute and unforgiving face of Hello Kitty. I took a few steps, hearing another noise.

My head peeked out from behind the wall. There was a figure in the kitchen. The lights were off. I squinted my eyes, even though it doesn't improve my vision, it was a dumb habit. I slowly approached the figure. It was hunched over the kitchen counter.

I adjusted my grip on the baseball bat. Before pulling it back. The figure turned around as I swung the bat right to it. My bat was stopped by an item the figure was holding. Its hand reach out for the light switch.

"It's just me. Jeez," Renji muttered in annoyance.

I lowered the bat, surprisingly it was still in good condition after being blocked by a katana. Renji raised his brow, "Is that Hello Kitty?" He asked, looking at the baseball bat. "Yeah," I scratched the back of my head. I looked at the kitchen counter, seeing apple slices.

My gaze went over to the katana in his hand, "Were you using Zabimaru to cut apples?" I furrowed my eyebrows, looking back to his face "Why are you even eating at this hour?" He turned back to the counter, "Zabimaru is pretty sharp. It cuts easily," he continued cutting apple slices with his Zanpakuto, "And I'm hungry."

"Is Zabimaru okay with you doing this?" I crossed my arms.

"He complains a lot," he turned to me, "You want some?"

I looked at the apples on the plate he was offering, "Yeah, sure."

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