《How To Train Your Giant (DNF)》Ch 12 - Apprentice Practice (1)


George was in the arena. Ponk, Purpled, Skeppy, and Tommy all were in armor and heavy weaponry, as for the prince, he had the sword and light armor

They all noticed their first giant as it whimpered. Bad, George thought as the giant backed away, feeling tears

George noticed the apprentices charged, yelling out their war cry as Bad stood up and ran around, making sure they don't touch him

The brunette had a dead snake in his armor and took it out. He showed it to the giant as it hissed and backed away

George rushed to Bad's face as Bad smiled, "Just try not to hurt me much." George nodded as he slashed Bad's cheek

The giant roared in pain as it fell. Blood smeared George's sword as the other apprentices noticed the prince use a dead snake as the giant hissed and backed away from him

"How did you do that?" Purpled asked as they all watched in awe. Tommy crossed his arms, "How the fuck did you do that?!" George smiled as he closed the cage, "Simple. I just learned."

"You're afraid of snakes?" George asked Dream as the giant was drinking water from the pond. "We all fear snakes," Dream said as he used his sleeves to wipe the water off from his mouth

: Snakes are small! How would you be afraid of it?! You are a giant!

: I may be, but they can squeeze the life out and their bite has venom!

: Not all of them have venom! Also, some are small!

: Babies just spill out their entire venom! Have you seen the bigger ones?

: Usually it's the pythons that are the biggest snakes

: They can squeeze our blood! Our fingers pop out blood!

: Please, no!

: My bad

George noticed a python slithering as Dream hissed and jumped back. He was waiting for it to move away as George giggled, "Oh Dream!"


"Stop!" Dream whimpered as George made the python move to his direction. "GEORGE!" Dream sidestepped as George watched the snake slither away

He burst out laughing as Dream snickered and grabbed the human. "Say sorry!" Dream laughed as George kissed his nose, "Sowwy, Dweamy!"

"You're forgiven," Dream cooed as he nuzzled the human

"Amazing! George, so far you're ahead of everyone! Using snakes as an advantage!" Techno smiled as they clapped

Tommy scoffed as he walked in anger. George smiled as Sapnap gave him a thumbs up. He hopes to prove Techno he's worthy, but in his own way

"Tomorrow will be another day! George so far is in the lead with his amazing skill of their fear!" Techno said as they all smiled

George has a rival, Tommy, but he hopes Tommy doesn't beat him either. If Tommy makes a scratch on the giants, they'd be dead

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