《Open Wings (DreamXDNotFound)》Ch 5 - Statue Is Not Made Of Stone


The light was shining on some item. George walked slowly and noticed vines were hanging on the item

It was a giant statue. By the looks of it, it seems like this was a God, correction, is a God

The statue showed 2 rings on its head forming an X, or looks like they're orbiting. It wore a robe like a God, and it looks like it's made with the finest material. The hands were together as if it were praying, and had a mask on with an X and D. On the back, giant wings were slightly open

"Is this the missing statue? What God is it? I don't remember any of them with this type of clothing," George said to himself

He has read about the gods, but this one did not match Nyx, Atlas, Echo, nor Nereus. What is this statue? Why is it here? Is it a forgotten God?

George noticed it wore black boots. It had a line on it as if it was for fashion. George loved the style, and his boots were brown, the semi-long kind and in brown, light brown

He touched the statue and noticed it was smooth. He also noticed there was some cracks on it. "This statue has been here for how long?" he asked himself

A beam of light pierced the statue. It was coming from the inside?! George backed away as he noticed bright sun cracks were forming as it was an egg cracking dramatically

He covered his eyes and heard an explosion. Rocks were shooting like crazy. Some broke and the sediments showered the frightened angel

He looked over from the giant boulder and gasped. The statue was broken, but this time, the figure that was the statue was now lying down on its side


It was a giant being! He knew Gods are giants, but this one came out from the statue, or was cursed and trapped

It was breathing slowly and George wanted to walk away. I need to get out of here, he thought as he noticed the thin ray of sun from the open part of the curtain vines shone

He was shocked to see a God break free, and by him! "How did I wake its slumber?! Is it evil?!" he was talking fast and softly

Normally, Gods get punished by being exiled or frozen into a statue. Did this God do something bad?

George tripped over a small rock from the broken statue. "Shit!" he screamed and quickly covered his mouth

The God swiftly turned its head to his direction. George slowly crawled towards a small cave formed by the broken rocks from the statue

He heard the giant stand up and shake the debris from the statue. It sighed and heard the God rub the robe and the wings open and shake

George stayed quiet as he heard soft footsteps walking in his direction. He covered his mouth with his hands and used his wings to slowly barricade himself

He noticed the giant boot in front of his hiding place. The line was in gold, the robe was lime green with gold trimming, and it turned to his direction

NO! He thought as he whimpered a little with fear. The boot turned away and left as George heard it walk towards the exit, his only escape, unless he could fly, then the hole from the sun's ray that lit the statue was the other way

He felt like sneezing, and the God did not leave. He tried stopping it and covered his mouth. He could not hold it anymore, for it was making his head hurt


He sneezed like a kitten, and heard the God gasp. "Who's there?" it asked, voice of a male and it was kind of normal, and deep normal

It sounded nice, but George did not want to step out and check him. The God walked towards the direction of his imprisonment and the boot was once again in front of George's hiding place

The angel whimpered and noticed the God moved towards the pond. Now's my chance, he thought as he crawled out slowly and tiptoed towards the exit

He slowly walked as he looked back to see the God, staring at the area his statue was at first before he was "born"

George slipped out as he slowly let the curtain back in its place, hoping no vine made any sound or it brushed the smooth stone

"Made it," he sighed quietly and walked away. Running would make the God hear him. He stepped on some dry leaves and froze

Maybe the God doesn't hear soft noises? He thought, but boy, was he wrong. The God stepped out of the cave and was at his full height

He searched around and George was hidden behind the tree. He looked to see the God, and noticed the neck and his face, his skin was a nice peach in color, maybe a bit lighter, but it looked nice

George kept staring at the God in fear as he walked back slowly. He was walking without looking back in case he were to spot him

He slipped from behind and noticed he was falling again, but into some foggy abyss. "HELP ME!" George screamed as he closed his eyes and his wings were frozen and closed

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