《Show You (Chandler Riggs LS)》22


"Girls! Come on!" I shouted. "Where's daddy?!" Jessi yelled. "He's in London baby! He's having a meet and greet!" I shouted. Her and Anna came running down. "Parker!" I yelled. I heard his footsteps then he appeared on his Nintendo DS. He walked over to me and I put his jacket on him. He didn't once look up from his game. I put the girls jackets on them then we walked out to the car. "Mom?" Parker asked. "Yes honey?" I asked. "When's dad coming back home?" He asked. "I don't know honey. Maybe this weekend?" I said, kinda lying to them. He's coming home today. I told them my brother was coming to visit from California. I hooked the girls to their seats and parker sat on his booster seat. I buckled him in then got in the front. "When's Joshy's plane landed mommy?" Anna asked. "2:30. We have 30 minutes to get there." I said then backed out of the driveway. I started my way to the airport. When we got there, I got everyone out. Jessi wanted to be carried, so I picked her up. Anna got on parkers back and I grabbed parkers hand. We all walked in and through security. Then we walked to the gate where Chandler would be. "Mommy, did uncle Joshy bring presents?" Jessi asked. "I don't know baby girl. You'll have to ask him when he gets here." I said. "Flight 257 from London england has now landed. Passengers exiting now." I heard on the intercom. I smiled and waited for chandler to come out. When I saw him, I set jessi down. She whined but then I pointed to him as he walked over. "Daddy!" She screamed and ran over. Anna jumped down and followed her sister. I looked at parker and saw he wasn't moving. His face was getting red. "Honey, here. Use your inhaler." I said, handing it to him. He quickly used it then ran off to Chandler. I looked that way and saw him crouched down, hugging the girls. Parker ran over and jumped on chandlers back. He picked the girls up and walked over to me. "Hey baby." He said, kissing me softly. We pulled back and the girl snuggled their faces in his chest. Parker buried his head in chandlers neck and I smiled. "They missed you." I said. "I missed them too. I also missed you." He smiled. I smiled back and we headed out. "Mommy?" I heard. I looked at the girls and saw anna looking at me. "Yes pumpkin?" I asked. She held her arms out to me and I grabbed her. She cuddled close to me and I soon heard her snoring. I gently set her in her seat and buckled her. Chandler put a sleeping Jessi in her seat and parker tiredly buckled himself in. I got in the drivers side while chandler got in the passenger. I drove home quietly, its about 3:30 am now. When I pulled up, we got out and got the kids. I grabbed parker, and Chandler got the girls. We walked in the house and I walked up to parkers room. I laid him on his bed but he pulled on my arm as I lifted up. "Stay mommy. Don't leave." He said, his eyes closed. "No mommy. Stay. Don't leave me again." He cried. I laid down next to him, figuring he was having a nightmare. The reason he said again, was because I went over to my parents house for a weekend when he was three and he thought I left him. He cuddled close to me and I ran my fingers through his hair. "Don't leave." He cried. "I'll never leave you Parker. I love you." I said softly. He snored quietly and Chandler opened the door. He nodded to the bedroom but I motioned to our son who won't let me go. He walked over and helped me out of parkers grip. Once I was out of the bed, I saw tears coming out of his eyes. "You left me mommy." He whispered. I rubbed his arm and he woke up. "I didn't leave you baby. I'm right here." I said to him softly. He wiped his eyes and I kissed his head. "I'll never leave. Don't forget that. I'll never leave without you, your dad and your sisters by my side. I can promise you that." I said, looking into his eyes. He nodded and kissed my nose. I smiled and kissed his. I got up and walked out, blowing parker a kiss before I shut the door. Me and chandler walked into our room and laid down. "I love you baby." He said. "I love you too Chan." I said sleepily. He kissed me once more before we both fell asleep.

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