《Show You (Chandler Riggs LS)》18


"How's it been going guys?" Dr Addison asked. "He had an asthma attack yesterday. My mama was watching him cause me and chandler had to work, and she told me he almost died." I said. Chandler isn't with me. He went to visit his parents. "Well we can do some tests to see how bad his asthma is. If its minor, we will give him a breathing machine. You will have to give him breathing treatments every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to sleep. If its in the middle, we will give you an inhaler that helps babies. If its severe, we will have to keep him over night." She told me. I nodded and stood up. We walked into a different room and she did the tests. After a while, she came back with the results. "Its not minor but its not severe. So I'll prescribe an inhaler and you can pick it up at your local pharmacy when you leave. The best way to tell if a baby is having an asthma attack, their face gets kind of splotchy, their eyes get wide and their mouth is usually open. Cause they are trying to catch their breath but its being restricted. I have a little demo inhaler to show how to use it." She said, holding up a tube like thing with an inhaler on one side and a breathing mask on the other. "So you shake it, put this side to his mouth, then press down on the inhaler and keep it there until he is breathing evenly. Sometimes you'll have to press down twice. But no more than twice a day. It could mess up his lung patterns to where he will have to be on a breathing machine the rest of his life. If he still isn't breathing after the second time, put the inhaler down, pick him up gently and tap his back lightly. Switch between rubbing and patting lightly. He might start coughing but that just means he's catching his breath. When he starts coughing, only rub his back until he stops. Okay?" She asked. I nodded, taking in this new information. "This is very common ms Brown. Its okay. He just has asthma. I know your mom does. She told me when I was your nurse. I did some tests on you but yours was a minor case. That's why you had to do the breathing treatment." She said. "I still lose my breath a lot. I use moms inhaler sometimes. But I've recently moved out of their house and when I lose my breath, I have to stop what I'm doing and sit down. Its really hard at work too." I said. "I see you on the walking dead. You run a lot. But I can prescribe you with an inhaler if that will help." She said. "That would be fantastic, thank you." I said. She nodded. "So how is it? Being on the walking dead?" She asked. "Its fun. The cast is amazing. The only thing I don't like about it, is when people die. Cause you never get to see them again once they leave the set." I said. She nodded. "Well I've got your prescriptions. I'll call them in and you can get them when you leave. So I'll be right back." She said. I nodded and parker made a noise as she left. He kept looking at the door until she came back. He made another noise then looked at me. He looked back at Dr Addison then plopped down on my lap and put his hand on my stomach. "I think he's trying to tell us something." She smiled. "How long ago did you last get sexual with Chandler?" She asked. "Christmas night." I said. "Come back in 6 days and let me do some blood work. You might have a genius in your arms right now." She smiled. "Well if he can tell if I'm pregnant, that would be pretty amazing." I giggled. She nodded and handed me the prescription papers. "Bring parker back in a month for his monthly check up." She said. I nodded and walked out. I put parker in his seat then got in the drivers side. I pressed a few buttons then I heard ringing coming from the Bluetooth. I pulled out of the parking lot as chandler answered. "Hello?" He said. "Hey babe. I'm leaving the doctor now and I'm headin to moms house. Meet me there when you can." I said. "Alright, I'll be there soon. No mom, I can't stay. I gotta talk to ashley about parkers asthma." He said to me then his mom. "Alright, I love you babe. See you when you get here." I said. "I love you too." He said. I hung up and pulled into moms driveway. I cut the car off and went to the back to grab parker. Once I got him settled on my hip, I closed the door and locked it then walked inside. Summer was rummaging through the fridge. "Man, there is nothing to eat in this house." She said. "Yea, we never usually have anything good." I said. "Your mom wants to see parker, by the way." She said, turning her head to look at me. I nodded and walked upstairs. I walked into their room and saw them sitting up, watching TV. Mama paused the show and looked at me. "Hi mama." I smiled. "Hey baby." She smiled. I walked over to her and gently set parker in her lap. "I gotta go get his inhaler from the pharmacy. I might ask summer to go with me. Are you good with watching him and Sadie for a bit?" I asked. "Yea that's fine." She said. "Alright. We'll be back soon." I smiled, kissing her cheek. I quickly ran back downstairs and into the garage. Summer was packing a bowl. "Hey, I gotta ride to the pharmacy real quick. Wanna come?" I asked. She nodded. "We'll smoke when we get back." I said. She nodded again and set the bowl on the table out here. We quickly walked to my car then I heard someone pulling up. I looked and saw chandlers car. He parked next to mine and got out. "Where you goin?" He asked as he locked his car. "Gotta get his inhaler. And mine. So we will be back in a minute." I said. "Yours?" He asked. "Yea. She prescribed me with one since I lose my breath a lot. You told me to go to the doctor about it. I just didn't go to mine." I smiled. He chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. "I love you." He said softly. "I love you too." I smiled. I got into my car and quickly drove off to the pharmacy drive thru. "Name or names?" The lady asked. "Ashley Brown and Parker Riggs." I said. "Birthday for Parker?" She asked. "September 27th 2016." I said. "Birthday for Ashley?" She asked. "December 27th 1998." I said. "Are you ashley?" She asked. "I am." I smiled. "Happy birthday." She smiled. "Thank you." I smiled bigger. "I'll be right back." She said. After a minute, she came back and gave me the prescriptions. "It says they are already paid for. So your good. Have a good birthday." She smiled. "Thank you. Have a good day." I smiled. I rolled my window up and drove off back to moms house. When we got there, we both got out and sat down in the garage. Summer finished packing the bowl as chandler walked out. "Hey babe." I smiled. "Hey." He said. I grabbed the bag for Parker then handed it to him. "Take that to mom. Its parkers." I said. He nodded and walked back inside as summer started hitting the bowl. She handed it to me, but held a tight grip on the lighter. "I remember I didn't smoke after I found out I was pregnant. And the first time I did after she was born, I was out of it with two hits. So be careful with how hard you hit it." She said, then let go of the lighter. I nodded and lit it up, taking a small, but good hit. I handed the bowl back to summer as I blew the smoke out. She hit it again then handed it to me. I took a slightly bigger hit this time and felt the high come on quick. I blew the smoke out as summer grabbed the bowl. I started coughing slightly and summer laughed. Once I calmed down, I looked at her. She chuckled at me and took the last hit. She lit up a cigarette and offered me one. "I can't. I might be pregnant again and I just risked it with the weed." I said. "Does chandler know?" She asked as she put the cigarette back in her pack. "Not yet. I don't even know if I am yet." I said. "If you are, how are you gonna tell him?" She asked. But then the door opened and we both looked. It was chandler. He narrowed his eyes playfully at me. "What? Oh god, what did I do this time?" I asked. He crossed his arms, but I knew he was joking. He didn't really seem upset. "What?" I giggled. He gave me a certain look and I sighed. "What did I do?" I asked, laughing slightly. "Nothing. But I have to pee." He said. He walked back inside and closed the door. "If I am, I'm gonna buy a cute onesie that says 'I'm gonna be a big brother' or something like that for Parker." I said quietly with a smile. "Aww that's cute." She smiled. I nodded with a smile then the door opened again. "Damn, you pee fast." Summer said to him. I giggled and he smiled. "I'm hungry." I whined, giving chandler the puppy pout. He stared at me as I intensified my puppy pout, poking my bottom lip out and furrowing my brows sadly. He sighed and closed his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked. I smiled. "I'm craving McDonalds fries right now. Like only the fries." I said. "How many?" He asked. I sheepishly held up two fingers and smiled. "Yo, can you get me some too? I'll pay you back when you get back here." Summer said. "Yea. I'll be back." He said, walking towards his car. "Oh, I know you ain't leaving without giving me a kiss first." I said to him. He chuckled and turned around, walking back over to me. He leaned down and pecked my lips. I let out a slight whine as I stared at him. He raised his brows and smirked at me, but didn't move. I huffed and scooted my chair back, standing up and walking towards the door. "Fine then." I said jokingly. I opened the door and tried to walk in, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back against him. One of his hands went up and moved my head to the side. Then he pressed his lips to mine and he got my heart racing by doing that. He kissed me slowly and passionately and I was going crazy. My heart only seemed to pick up speed as the kiss continued. And I don't think this is healthy. When we parted, he stared into my green eyes with a smirk. "You are gonna be the death of me." I said softly. He chuckled. I grabbed his hand and put it over my heart. His brows shot up. "Yea, one kiss like that and you give me a damn heart attack." I said. "So, no kisses like that?" He asked. "Actually, the opposite. I like how my heart races like that." I smiled. He chuckled and kissed me again. When he pulled back, he let me go and walked towards his car, backwards. He had a smirk on his lips as he stared at me. "I love you, you creepy nerd." I giggled. He chuckled and turned around, opening his car door. "I love you too babe." He said then got in his car. I quickly ran upstairs and saw summer was playing with Sadie. "Mama, parker seepy." Sadie said. I smiled and crouched down, gently scooping parker in my arms. He let out a whine but quickly got comfortable again. But he didn't go back to sleep. "I'm gonna put him down for a nap." I said. I walked into my old room and laid down on the bed, lifting my shirt and letting parker breast feed. I just played on my phone as he fed. When he finished, I pulled my bra down and continued to play my game as he slept.

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