《Show You (Chandler Riggs LS)》6


(This might be a little confusing but its the scene from the walking dead that they are rehearsing. I'm making it like that's what's really happening.)

I held my knife tightly in my hand as I slowly crept through the woods. Then I heard footsteps. My head shot that way and I saw a black female and a young white male. The male was probably my age. They seem to be looking for something. I quickly hid behind a tree as they got closer. "Do you honestly think people would be hiding in the woods?" The male asked. "Carl. Just trust me, okay?" The female said. "Fine. But I don't see wh-" Shit. I accidently stepped on a twig. "Who's there?" The male, Carl, asked. I stayed quiet. I heard their footsteps get closer but I closed my eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Tell me where my dad is." I said to him. "What?" He asked. "Carl, I know you remember me. And I also know that my dad is with your group. He has been since the beginning. I've been searching for him. But I could never get close enough without almost getting attacked or killed." I said. "If your who I'm thinking, then you look way different. Daryl is gonna be so happy." He smiled. He pulled me into his chest and I hugged him back. "Carl? Who is this?" The black lady asked. "Michonne, this is Harley. Daryl's daughter. He told us she got separated from him before this started. She was with her mom a week before it happened. Where is your mom?" He asked. "That bitch is dead. I'm happy she is too. She abused me, almost killed me. Believe it or not, she raped me every night. I don't know how she got custody of me." I said harshly. "Well come on. Oh my god, I've missed you." Carl said. "I missed you too, Carl." I smiled. I grabbed my bow and an arrow and pointed the arrow towards the ground as we walked. I saw a herd of walkers, maybe 15 of them, heading our way. "Carl, get behind me. I've got this." Michonne said. Carl nodded, getting behind her. There's something wrong with his eye, but I'll ask him later. I aimed my arrow for one and hit it straight in the head. It went down and michonne went and sliced them with her Katana sword. I kept shooting them down, until I heard carl yelp and a thud. I shot around faster than lightening and grabbed my knife as I saw a walker on top of him, another one about a foot away. I stabbed the one on top of him then the other when it got too close for comfort. I scanned the area after it got quiet. No more walkers. I put my bow on my back and gathered up my arrows. I kept a tight grip on my knife as we continued back to their camp. Then we reached a place that had huge walls surrounding it. A gate at the front. Michonne walked up to the gate and did a secret code knock or something. The gate opened and they walked in. I followed behind carl, but we got stopped. "Who's this?" Some guy asked. "She's Daryl's daughter Spencer. She's good." Carl said. Spencer nodded and closed the gate behind us. "Now we gotta find Daryl." Michonne said. "He is most likely with either dad or carol." Carl said. "Carol?" I asked. "She's from our group. Since the beginning she's been with us." Carl said. I nodded and followed him around. "Dad!" Carl yelled. His dad came over and looked at me. "Who's this?" He asked. Carl looked at me. "Told you that you looked different." He said. "Its Harley dad. Daryl's Harley." Carl said. "Oh my god." His dad, Rick, said. "Its nice to see you again, Rick." I smiled. He smiled big and pulled me into a hug. "Daryl's in his house." Rick said. "Do you think he'll recognize me?" I asked them. "Most likely. Your his daughter. Your closer to him than any of us." Rick said. I nodded and followed carl over to my dads house. When we got there, I saw him sitting on the porch, cleaning his arrows. I felt tears sting my eyes as he looked up at carl. Then his eyes met mine and he froze. Like stopped everything. "Harley?" He asked. "Hi daddy." I cried. He threw his arrows down and ran to me. He picked me up in his arms and spun me around as I hugged him tightly.


"Cut!" I heard. I felt Norman set me down and I smiled. Chandler pulled me into his arms. "That was perfect! I'm glad I recorded that." The camera man said. "You did amazing babe. I told you that you could do it." Chandler smiled. I smiled back and wiped my eyes. "I'm gonna go show this to Robert and see if he likes it." The cameraman said. We nodded and chandler looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Your an amazing actress. I honestly didn't know you were this talented. You always say you can't act." He said. "Well usually I can't. Usually I'm not that focused." I said. "Well you were amazing. You had me fooled." Norman said. I smiled. "Thanks Norman." I said. "No problem." He smiled. Then the cameraman came back. "He said it was absolutely perfect." He said. "Hey what's your name?" I asked. "Jim. Why?" He asked. "I was just wondering. I didn't like not knowing your name." I said. "Well usually no one cares to know the cameraman." He said. I looked at chandler. "He usually doesn't record my scenes." He said. "I usually record andrew, Norman and Danai's scenes." Jim said. "Well Andrew Danai and Norman are usually with chandler." I said. "I've only filmed this kid like 2 times." Jim said. "Okay. I understand." I said. We continued recording for about 7 hours before we finished. I plopped down on the ground after Robert said we could go home. "Oh my god." I said. Then Robert walked over to me and chandler. "Let me know when you find out. If your pregnant, I mean. Cause if so, I'm gonna need to fit in a little scene that tells people Harley had sex with Carl." He said. "We will. But we still gotta wait a few more days. Its too early to tell right now." I said. "Just make sure to tell me if you are." Robert said. We nodded and went back to his trailer to change back into our other clothes. After that, we got back in his car and went to his house. "I'm tired." I yawned. "Me too." Chandler said as he turned the car off. "How am I gonna get a pregnancy test? The paps are always on our asses." I said/asked. "I'll get mom to. She already knows about last night. She might be willing to get us one." He said. I nodded and we got out of the car. We walked into his house and up to his room. I changed into a pair of my gym shorts and one of his shirts then hopped in bed. Chandler got in next to me, shirtless. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and smiled. "I love you Coral." I smirked. "I love you too Harley." He smirked. I narrowed my eyes. "I love you Ashley, my beautiful angel from heaven." He smiled. I smiled back. "I love you too Chandler, my knight in shining armor." I said sleepily. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

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