《flower boy || peter parker》that's pretty gay || special chapter


'its not what i wanted, to leave you behind

dont know where you'll land when you fly

but baby, you were the love of my life'

- love of my life by harry styles

June, the time for capitalists to profit on a rainbow smacked upon merchandise haphazardly in the name of the queer's and well let us be honest here, filthy capitalist agenda that is homophobic eleven out of twelve months a year. Yet, something about watching Kyungsoo proudly walk through the halls of Midtown High wearing an unfortunate shirt that homed a printed Spider-Man in the middle, but rather the red, white and blue becomes the colours of the pride flag and in a horrific font above the fashion atrocity of a gay spidey suit are the words 'Protecting the city, one gay at a time'.

Just like any fake school, they preach the idea of 'there is gay people cool teaching done' however they probably fear open LGBTQIA+ pupils and these pupils probably feared coming out, yet here Yoo Kyungsoo was, walking with a smug smile on his face towards a Peter Parker that could do nothing but keep his eyes on the shirt that seemed to be purposely a little tight on his significant other.

"Hey Pretty Petey, hey Ned. I hope this shirt is to your taste, got hate crimed for it but for a gay spidey I'll take it any day."

"By that he means Brad walked up to him and simple went 'that's pretty gay' and then he himself smacked Kyungsoo's ass." MJ's eyes remained on her perfectly fitting book, The Song of Achilles. The nonchalant attitude she always carried was accompanied with a shrug as she turned the crisp page of the book.

"It's pride month, it would be homophobic to not smack a gay guys cheeks." At those words Kyungsoo reached up to Peters face and sandwiched his cheeks causing his lips to forcibly pout. "What a cute dick, I mean duck."

"I love the shirt Kyungsoo!" Ned enthusiastically supported the hockey teams captain and his bold fashion statements, fashionista to fashionista.

"Wise words from the wisest man I know. Thank you Ned, at least I'm loved by one of you in this thruple." Kyungsoo said all this with Peter's cheeks still restrained in his hold.

Peter responded as best as he possibly could with the lack of mobility at his lips.

"Woah there Petey, no need to throw a slur at me during the month of homosexuals." Kyungsoo finally let go of Peter's face now red with both anger and embarrassment from the teasing as the joke was heard by a passer byer who sent an ill-mannered glare at the boy. Neither knowing if it was for the so called slur throwing or if they didn't appreciate the homoerotic act going on in front of Peter Parker's locker.

"It's an eyesore Kyungsoo."

"You just called yourself ugly Peter. It is literally Spider-Man. I don't like people calling my boy ugly so watch out, I'll punch you then kiss it better." Kyungsoo leaned towards the boy with his lips pouting towards him in a kissing like manner, to which Peter just slowly leaned backwards. Brad walked up at the perfect time for his shitty jokes "What I am currently seeing is even gayer then your shirt. Anyways-"

"Anygays." Kyungsoo got a flick to his arm from the shorter Peter by him so Brad could continue.

"Anyways, Flash wanted to throw a party but I, as the responsible adult, said no-"

"Desperate for a wank?"


"No, desperate to watch a film and fall asleep thank you. You make me seem like some type of badboy trope. Away from the clear insults, I suggested that and then I remember rich guy Yoo has a home cinema." Kyungsoo just blankly stared at the audacity of Flash and Brad inviting, well intruding themselves into the Yoo home without a team meeting. The stare was a clear and firm 'no' but Brad refused to back down.

"Invite your boytoy because we will show up." Peter just opened and closed his mouth like a fish, not knowing what part of that sentence to address first.

"I can't invite Peter, Flash doesn't know you idiot."

"Well he is inviting a girl, I'm hoping MJ will go-"

"No." MJ was still there which made Peter double take in the conversation about him without his involvement.

"I am hoping to go lone wolf then, Ned will come too won't you?"

"Fine, we can do this if I or Petey get to pick the film?"

"We are not watching Call Me By Your Name again."

Kyungsoo was annoyed, not only did Flash bring multiple people to his humble abode, but he also didn't get to pick the film, Flash let the girls pick and they picked the straightest romantic film they could find. Now don't get Kyungsoo wrong, he loves a rom-com, romance, erotica and more tags in the description, straight or not, but he likes watching these things late at night slash early in the morning. Just him and Peter and the dim light from the screen. Cuddled up on the large sofa of the home cinema or one of their beds. Just as Peter falls asleep on his shoulder, with little warm breaths hitting his neck, meaning he gave up watching whatever Peter chose in a tired mumble and just watched the tired boy trust Kyungsoo enough to let his guard down and just sleep with ease.

That's when he could tolerate watching 365 Days, but right now he was done with existing. Peter was on the other side of the room looking awkward, Flash was trying to get with Elle Michael's friend meaning he was pushing Kyungsoo to distract Elle. Her constant shoulder and bicep rubs were making him cringe as he witnessed Peter's eyes follow the exact path her hand would take.

He wanted to keep up the golden retriever aesthetic so he eagerly nodded away to her stories, inputting generic answers when prompted. Each minute passed with him taking little steps back until he found the perfect escape plan.

"This film sucks and not in the hot way."

"Hello to you too Kyungsoo." Peter turned to look up at the taller who finally had found that window of opportunity to tiptoe away from Elle's feeble attempts of flirting with a boy who very much had heart eyes for the neighbourhood's hero. That moment was a rather unpleasing golf scene that was so badly written that Kyungsoo felt a sudden urge to sue Netflix.

His head fell to Peter's shoulder in a dramatic sigh, eyes closing tensely in hopes to get rid of the migraine that this night was for him.

"Want to go somewhere quiet?" Kyungsoo let out a low laugh, biting onto Peter's clothed shoulder before returning to his full height, eyes trained on Peter's with humour.

"Take me for dinner first Petey." Kyungsoo's smile made his eyes form the crescent shape Peter adored to watch happen due to him, even if it's at him rather than with him.


"Have taken you out many times Kyungsoo, I think you forget we are dating?"

"Sorry Elle makes me think otherwise."

"Funny." Peter subtly wrapped his hand around Kyungsoo's index finger, leading him to the off limits section, his free hand going straight for Kyungsoo's back pocket with no hesitation. Kyungsoo loved that Peter had this cocky confidence sometimes, even if he knew that if Peter knew what he was actually doing he'd retract and apologies for his forwardness.

Peter continued forward, the noise becoming a low rumble to their ears the further he stepped. His hand still grasping onto Kyungsoo's finger as Kyungsoo just watched with a glimmering shine over his eyes. He never wanted to say goodbye to this, he never wanted Peter to be the infamous 'one that got away'. The sad trope of lovers to strangers to the best man at the others wedding.

Peter halted when he was happy with his mapping of the house, the destination being a door that was wide open with the other Yoo's munching away at food that was freshly homemade.

"May we join you?" The two heads sprung up at the shy and timid voice of their brother's one and only.

"Peter!" Eric seemed to teleport with eagerness to hug the boy in his perfectly fitted button up. The same button up Kyungsoo kept spacing in and out about.

"Eric-Ah, remove yourself before you kill the poor boy. Of course you can join us, you are family Peter, our food is yours. Though that dog you've walked here isn't allowed any." Peter looked to the so called dog with questioning eyes.

"He is mad at me, even though this wasn't my fault." Kyungsoo gestured with his thumb towards where the noise was forcing it's way down through the halls.

"I have every right to be pissed, Yoo Kyungsoo. They are messy, nosy, noisy, sex driven imbeciles in the double digit count, when you promised me it would be you and some friends watching a film."

"I thought that too, Hyung!" Eric just pushed himself through the tension like a knife, lapping up all his homemade selection on to a plate, quite friendly with his portioning too, every bit of it for the favourite of all the people Kyungsoo has ever brought home; Peter Parker.

"Ignore them, they just need a old fashioned Taekwondo match. When one of them starts bleeding they will be the best of brothers again. Eat, I made plenty to share!" Eric turned to his family members, "You both, now come on. Do not waste my talents because you want to be the parent he doesn't have for the problem child." Peter choked on his bite, the honesty of the words striking him with how comfortable the Yoo siblings were with Peter around.

Jae wasn't lying when he welcomed the boy to the family.

They all sat enjoying each other's company, minus the kicks to the shin from Jae to Kyungsoo, the teenagers in the other room being little interest to them. This is what Kyungsoo preferred now, old him would have enjoyed Flash's sudden appearance with multiple school mates, but now the very thought of them annoyed him. He wanted down time with the people he was close with, Flash annoying albeit still someone who was there for Kyungsoo.

"I was dying to watch the new Top Gun, they teased the beach scene and let me tell you, homoerotic. Instead I had to see a grown man growl at women with Stockholm syndrome and not the One Direction song."

"I like that Niall Horan."

"We know Jae, you can say that proudly."

The small talk was once again replaced by eager munching, the food always tasting too good to offend by ignoring it or not giving it the full attention it deserves. Even amidst an argument neither Jae or Kyungsoo could bring themselves to dishonour the chef by saying his food was bad, risk never having a proper meal? They would much rather lose their dignity then that.

Peter, being Spider-Man and all, has quite the talent for people watching. But people watching was different when the person you watched was rather art in ones eyes then a mere human. Peter never looked at Kyungsoo and let him walk by, like he was something that was just a passing moment, he was much more than that to Peter. To him, every part of Kyungsoo was moulded by the hands of Aphrodite, and Peter was the fortunate one to be cursed, blessed in his eyes, to have that view eyes open or closed. Kyungsoo was an intricate piece of artwork, even his flaws were deemed perfect to making the blueprints of what one strives to be, to hold, to crave. The flaws he adorned were just simply Aphrodite signing her name proudly upon the boys skin, making him even that much more interesting to study.

Peter's Spider-Man senses made all of the things Kyungsoo would do even more heightened. Ever lip bite Peter picked up on. Every extra heavy breath Kyungsoo would take when Peter stumbled through in his Spider-Man suit, Peter picked up on. Ever side glance, quick look, pleading stare towards him, Peter would pick up on. Everything Kyungsoo thought was subtle, Peter knew of and even jotted down in a overused notebook.

Love wasn't how Peter saw it to be honest, he was too young for love in his mind. Though there was something about Kyungsoo, the creases as he smiles, the messy hair often stumbling his into eyes, the pouty lips that would mock Peter flirtatiously. Love maybe, but that wasn't the first thing that came to Peter's mind.

Infatuation, adoration, obsession, longing, worshiping.

Peter was hooked, mutually so was Kyungsoo.

"Hey?" All the attention was now on Peter with the one syllable he uttered. Whipped.


"I think you- we should head back in case it gets out of hand." The look in Peter's eye was a rather false sense of responsibility. Sure he was worried about the mess, it was a nervous tick in his mind constantly, but right now Kyungsoo's fingers tapping away on his knee to the tune of Niall Horan's Slow Hands was all his mind cared for.

Kyungsoo picked up on the glint in Peter's eye.

"Oh sure, don't date bores like this one here Hyung's!" With that they were out of the door and chasing the wind, their fast paced steps going any where but towards the uninvited guests. Peter was rather heavily abusing his super strength, dragging Kyungsoo by his wrist. The hold wasn't painful, just eager but soft. Peter knew how to latch onto Kyungsoo comfortably.

Peter finally stumbled into Kyungsoo's room with a giggle, moving around with a fast know how. His mindset on his plans, which seemed to be making a rather comfortable blanket fort atop a bed he knew to well due to 4am stumbles after a long patrol.

He turned to the big screen located on the wall at the end of Kyungsoo's bed and within a second he beamed up at the boy who watched every movement with crinkled eyes and a tooth filled smile. He held onto the soft Blue Staffy teddy that was once won for Peter, but remained at Kyungsoo's as a promise to always return to Kyungsoo if he needed comfort.

"Top Gun time, come enjoy a fort built for a Maverick!"

Kyungsoo took two rather large steps towards the soft toned boy. God if only the world knew the weakness that ran through Spider-Man's veins, then they'd have him beat with a swift, deft movement.

Kyungsoo was a weakness and strength to Spider-Man, to Peter Parker.

"Don't let the bad guys see you trembling like this, they might offer me a nice prize to tell them my secrets."

Peter was now forcibly sitting at the edge of the bed, the intro to Top Gun playing loudly by reaching deaf ears.

"Spider-Man is so hot. You know that right Petey?" Peter just looked up and nodded.

"But goddamn Peter Parker is beautiful, you know that right Spider-Man?" Peter chuckled with a blush at the taller's playful but earnest antics, he knew that Kyungsoo always said these things to assure the boy that he was there for Peter and not the famous so called Avenger. He fell for Peter Parker, Spider-Man was just something that tagged along with him and he accepted that but treasure the one under the mask.

He could never pick Spider-Man over the stuttering mess that was under him covering his face with a cute plushie.

Kyungsoo nudged the toy away, Peter accepting the eye contact still smiling even in the dynamics they are currently situated in.

"I love you."


"I love you, Peter Parker."

"That's pretty gay of you to say, Yoo Kyungsoo."

"Don't ruin the moment."

shame kyungsoo left him huh lmao.

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