《flower boy || peter parker》uh did you just kill thompson || chapter four


'that's right, we met that day

you still had an innocent look, i can't forget your profile.

since the day i met you, i haven't told you about my feelings

but today i will tell you how i feel.'

- kiss kiss kiss, shinee


"Hey, man. Are you sure you're good?" Peter worries about last night as Ned was completely out cold from Fury's dart gun.

"Oh, dude, I'm fine. Seriously, getting tranq'd in the neck by Nick Fury, probably the coolest thing to ever happen to me anyway." They both do their secret handshake with wide grins gracing their faces.

"It is pretty awesome." Peter was speechless, the way he met Nick Fury was rather impressive and he would never forget it, nor would Ned.

"Good news! We're going to Prague! The tour company called. They upgraded us. You should've heard me on the phone with them. I really gave them hell. All I heard was crying." Peter knew exactly what had happened, Fury agreed to it too easily, he should have seen this coming.

"Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation." Peter responds to Ned's discombobulated face that questions his best friend. The new and improved bus had Dimitri standing at the door with a sign saying 'Midtown High' and a stern and bored expression. Dimitri stared blankly and didn't respond to Mr Harrington.

Kyungsoo walks out a little later, grabbing Parker's case as he walks passed the dazed boy. He shoves both his and Peter's bags into the hull and watches Brad sit near MJ and Ned sit with Betty. Kyungsoo knows about the attempted fling Brad wants with MJ, he's got no chance but Kyungsoo will happily watch it occur.

"Mind if I plonk here virgin?" Kyungsoo didn't wait for Peter's 'No, sit over there' he just climbs over the boy to reach the window seat at the back of the bus and sat down with a grin at Peter.

Kyungsoo had fallen asleep his head drifting towards Parker's shoulder. Peter looked out the window that had the view of the Eastern Alps and the tall trees surrounding the windy road the bus smoothly glides down. Peter places his phone down on his right thigh that was touching Kyungsoo's left thigh, hoping the contact would stop the phone from slipping to the floor. His phone remained open with 'Top 10 Romantic Places in Prague' on his screen.

"Yo, what's up Flash Mob? It's your boy, the big F. Cruisin' through the Alps with my private driver, Dimitri." Peter looks over towards Flash who got up from his seat and is annoying Dimitri, evidence with the scowl dawning the mans face. Peter turns away and his eyes are captured by the 'Stark Industries' box, opening it the note is read aloud under his breath, "For the next Tony Stark, I trust you. (P.S.) say 'Edith' (-T.S.)" Peter places them on his face delicately, the last part of Tony Stark that he has. He said Edith as instructed.

"Retinal and biometric scan accepted. Hello, Peter. I am E.D.I.T.H., Tony Stark's augmented-reality security and defense system. Would you like to see what I can do? E.D.I.T.H. stands for 'Even dead, I'm the hero.' Tony loves his acronyms. " Edith continues once Peter stops talking, he speaks low not to alert anyone around him.

Peter looked down with a sad smile remembering Tony Stark, "Yeah, he did."

The glasses highlight everyones details and current phone status. Mr Dell's; internet search of The History of Witchcraft, Dimitri's; encrypted, Brad Davis; internet search of Prague romantic. Peter spots Brad search and asks Edith, "Is MJ texting? No. Don't look at it. That's–that's wrong. That's wrong." He turns his head to the boy next to, Kyungsoo's: Music, currently playing Today by CITI. Peter continues "Never heard of them, unique Kyungsoo I'll give you that."


The boy sleeping stirs awake to see Peter looking at him with a pair of funky glasses, "Fuck Parker, don't scare me like that. Nearly punched you. Want to explain the glasses there?" Peter shot backwards, head turning away.

"Oh these? Just um, just a present from someone."

"No receipt, ouch."

"Kyungsoo please."

"Right sorry, I'll go back to playing dead."

"No, I think we are stopping here for a bit, toilet break I guess. Come on Kyungsoo." Just as Peter goes to grab the boy, Dimitri states that they have around 10 minutes before they up and continue again. Peter pushes Kyungsoo to leave first as he puts his Stark glasses back safely. Peter's steps are stopped by Dimitri who gestures towards a door with a stern looking women waiting for them to enter.

"Take off your clothes." She ignores the offer for a handshake. Peter looks uncomfortable as he stares at her, making sure he didn't hear incorrectly.

"You told Fury Spider-Man cannot be seen in Europe. So I made you this another suit. Take of your clothes." Peter does what she says, compelled to in case Fury pops up and has a rant at him. Peter sets down his backpack and begins with his trouser buttons.

"Hurry up!" Peter jumps and continues though he finds this situation rather peculiar. He pulls down his trouser as a rustle from the door causes the agent to pull out a gun but Peter stops her from shooting. Brad and Kyungsoo have just stood for a couple of seconds before they realise that Peter Parker is standing with his pants down with a European lady.

"Woah! Sorry? Uh, I thought this was the bathroom." Brad brings up his phone and takes a photo.

"Are we interrupting something?" Kyungsoo not so subtly rakes his eyes down to the exposed legs of Peter Parker. "To think we had something special in that toilet."

Peter is in a panic, his eyes not leaving Kyungsoo who is eagerly looking at the half naked Parker in front of him. "This is not what it looks like. Just–" Brad interrupts the skittish boy "We will leave you two alone. Nice picture though Parker."

Peter chases after them while pulling up his trousers. "Hey, man, look, that's–" Peter says this with his eyes solely focused on Kyungsoo, for some reason Peter didn't want Kyungsoo to think about what happened in a negative light.

"Look, Peter, I'm not here to judge your life's choices, dude. If you wanna lose your virginity with a random hook up with some random European chick on our school trip, that's on you." Brad continues over Peter when he tries to put out the flames, "I can't pretend I didn't see what I just saw. I know you're trying to get with MJ. It's obvious. But I like her too." Peter is taken aback the sudden MJ plan, Peter didn't want anyone else to know about this let alone MJ. He looks towards Kyungsoo, pleadingly.

"Come on man, help me out here and tell Brad to delete it." He turns back to Brad, "You cannot show her that photo, dude. C'mon."

"Davis, I think this is a little harsh on the kid, even if you want MJ man, the kids about to cry. Delete it, Parkers probably got enough embarrassment from you walking in on it." Kyungsoo didn't like seeing Peter begging like this, desperate and scared, the boy just wanted to feel normal.


"Why you supporting Pantless Parker right now dude? Thought you'd be all for it, helping me and embarrassing that dork."

"I'm not you Brad, I have some form of empathy and sympathy. Just delete it."

"You literally said you'd sleep with his aunt."

"No I'm pretty sure I said, 'I'd sleep with that Parker." Peter was losing the will to live right now.

"Exactly! It was a picture of his aunt on his Instagram man!" Peter jotted that down in his mental notes, make instagram private so horny people like Brad and Kyungsoo don't look at his aunt. Peter stepped, "Right now isn't about my -"

"Davis, I was talking about THIS Parker you dipshit! Not his aunt!" Kyungsoo interrupted Peter's plea to go back to the photo at hand, he gestured up and down to the boy who was trying process the words that just flew at him like bullets unable to dodge.

"You're lying to get on his side Yoo, and you know that." Kyungsoo gave up.

"Whatever Davis, just delete the photo."

"I'm sorry, man. I have to. She deserves the truth." Brad walked off leaving Kyungsoo and Peter alone, Kyungsoo went to grab Peter, "Just- just leave me alone dude. You're both just bullys with nothing better to do." Peter glared and shrugged off Kyungsoo's soothing hand.

"Pete I'm s-" Peter whipped up to the boy "No! Call me Pete again like we are anything more than classmates and I will punch you, Yoo. I'm done with you and him, I tried."

Kyungsoo was dejected, the boy just admitted he at least had a physical attraction to the angry Peter marching away towards the bus. Kyungsoo was worried, did Peter now think he would tease him by saying he'd sleep with May and Peter himself, though only one really attracted him right now. He tried to help with the Brad and pants down photo situation, he realised that Peter really didn't want to ruin it with MJ, even as Kyungsoo realised he had an attraction to Peter he helped this new found interest in attempting to stop him from not getting the girl he liked, yet it blew up in his face. Thanks Brad Davis, way to be a dick to one of the only people that knows that your prick and stick around.

Kyungsoo had no hope with Peter before this situation. The little sexual and crush jabs clearly weren't favoured and now Peter fully hates him. He decided that their is no point in trying anymore, he will talk to Brad one more time about the photo and then leave Peter to go for the girl while he watches.


Back on the bus, the awkward air was ignored via Peter talking to Edith and Kyungsoo with his headphones loud and texting someone. Peter hopes that Edith can get rid of the photo, "Hey! Um... there's this guy in my class who's cutting in on everything I wanna do with MJ..."

"Peter, I'm having difficulty hearing you. Can you please speak up?"

Peter looks to the suddenly quiet boy, checking he's not listening to Peter talk to himself, technically Edith. Kyungsoo's phone activity enlarges for Peter to see, including a disclosed information section that he will have to ask Happy about. Kyungsoo's messages open for Peter to see, each one on Kyungsoo's side is trying to get Brad to delete the picture; pleading, begging, threatening and negotiating but to no avail Brad stays a stubborn prick who wants to watch Peter embarrassing himself in front of MJ. Kyungsoo's music is almost lulling him to sleep, Peter can see the boys head slipping towards his shoulder like before. Peter feels bad for arguing with Kyungsoo, truth be told he was more taken aback by the comment he made regarding, um 'sleeping', with Peter. Peter was confused, he told May the night before that someone was getting in the way, he thought it was Brad, but it seems that the culprit was actually the attractive Korean boy who gifted him 2 flowers in one day.

"Um... Brad Davis, he has a photo of me?"

"Brad Davis. Is he a target?"

"Is he a target? Um..." Peter looks over at Brad, his screen showing a picture of Peter with his trouser down, "Yeah. He's a target, he's a target."

"Copy that. Target is Brad Davis. Initiating strike. Intercept point determined. Releasing field vehicle." Peter panics at the sudden strike targeted at the bus and Brad. From outside Peter spots the drone flying towards them looking menacing. Peter attempts to stop the strike but Flash decides now to turn around and pick on Parker, Kyungsoo remains almost falling asleep with his phone in slipping towards Peter.

"Dope glasses Parker, how'd you pay for these?" Peter frantically looks back and forth between Flash and the front of the bus where Brad sits laughing at something Peter hopes isn't him, while trying to snatch the glasses back from Flash.

"Flash, give 'em back. Give me the- Flash-"

"No, no, no. I'm really paying you a compliment." Peter keeps reaching for Flash where his classes lay. To no avail Flash still holds them, so Peter reaches again but a little too harshly that he ends up smacking Flash and knocking him out.

"I'm so sorry." He places the glasses on as fast as possible, "E.D.I.T.H., don't kill Brad."

"Peter, would you like me to cancel the drone strike on Brad Davis?" Peter begins to nod his head rapidly but a half awake Kyungsoo decides now is the time to rekindle with Peter.

"Uh did you just kill Thompson?" Peter jumps at Kyungsoo's voice that is right next to his ear, breath hitting his neck.

"Uh no." Peter responds to a half awake Kyungsoo but Edith takes it as a response to the killing question and states that the drone is now firing. Peter climbs over a confused looking Kyungsoo practically sitting on the boy. He stretches himself and his web shooter out the window and shoots at the buses wheel to dodge the strike. Like planned the strike misses and hits the side mirror as the bus swerves. Peter falls back onto Kyungsoo who is still dazed by everything happening. Peter looks up to the boy realising his glasses fell off. Peter gets on his knees to check under the chair.

"This is spicy position Parker." Peter's left hand stays on Kyungsoo's thigh as his other picks up the Stark glasses swiftly. As Peter ignores Kyungsoo he places his glasses on and hears Edith state; "Commencing second strike."

Mr Harrington notices a missing head and turns to instruct "Peter, plant your fanny in that seat and buckle up right now." Peter lifts himself from where he is on the floor, looking at the teacher and out the window thinking of a way handle this situation.

"Look at the baby mountain goats!"

"Oh baby mountain goats." Mr Harrington and the rest of the students on the bus run to the the left side of the bus, each pushing to see the invisible baby mountain goats. Kyungsoo remains in his position as Peter didn't move out the way, his neck just stretching around to see. Peter heads to the middle of the bus and Kyungsoo can finally see out the window but his eyes train Peter for a second or so.

Peter leaps straight up through the emergency hatch at the top, his arms immediately aiming towards the drone flying and following behind the bus. A red light flashes on the drone as it prepares to fire again. Before it has the chance, Peter acts fast and webs both the drone's guns and then the drone itself to a large, passing boulder. This causes the drone to technically shoot itself, before it snaps free from the rock, careening into the road where it explodes and smashes into pieces. Peter drops back down, pulling the hatch closed behind him just in time for the rest of his class to turn back and stop searching for goats, Kyungsoo looks at him with wide eyes. Peter goes and sits back next to Kyungsoo who is still figuring out if Peter was there the whole time or not. His hair is windswept and is taking deep breathes after the hectic drone strike. No goats where seen by the bus residents, "You missed them."

Betty and Ned sit the aisle over from the out of breathe Peter and the still wide eyes Kyungsoo, Betty turns to Peter. "I know you think none of us have noticed, Peter." Ned looks panicked and Peter looks scared, "But your new look? I love it. Right babe?"

"Thanks Betty." Distinctly relieved, Peter collapses back into his seat forgetting that Kyungsoo is there.

"Yeah. Sophisticated, classy, very European." Peter smiles as they both turn back to talking to each other. Peter goes in to try again, this time without a target on Brad's head.

"Parker? Do I ask?" The boy sitting next to him looks over.

"Huh? Oh the - the hair, trying a new look." Peter pokes his head out looking down the aisle where Brad sits showing MJ his phone, his voice being picked up by Peter, "Uh, this is so weird. It was right here on my phone. I- I-" MJ responds back "Yeah, weird."

Peter returns to slouching on his sit, tired of what just happened so his head hits Kyungsoo's shoulder with no warning making the boy slightly taken aback. Peter releases out a large sigh, finally having some comfort. Kyungsoo decides now isn't the best time to ask if what he saw actually happened, he guided Peter's head to a more comfortable position on his shoulder and let the boy sleep away the stress wrinkles. His head later falling onto Peter's and sleeping himself. Both boys looking like they were having the best sleep they had in a while, the intense argument that happened earlier was dwindling into nothing but something in the past. Though Peter's mind at some point was going to surprise him with Kyungsoo's words in the very near future.


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