《flower boy || peter parker》mile high club || chapter two


'i see i caught your eye, again

your pretty little lies

wish i could stroke your big ego

but sorry not tonight, or ever'

- aint about you, wonho


"Yo, Parker! This, is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to, except it flies over the poor neighbourhoods instead of driving through them." Flash said while lifting a glass up towards where Peter was. Brad and MJ walk into together but she stops to talk to a flight attendent.

"He blipped, so technically, he's 16, not 21." This causes many people to laugh at Flash including Brad.

"Classic MJ, right." Brad leans towards Peter, the boy looks over at Brad Davis with a creeped out expression forgetting that he would be on the trip with the other 2 Idiots. Peter looks down the aisle and spots the last of the three alone fiddling with his abundance of necklaces.

"It-- It's so weird. Like, one day, he's that kid who cried and got nosebleeds all the time, and suddenly, we Blip back, and he's totally ripped and super nice and all these girls are after him." Peter panicked, Ned was right Brad has become quite the catch of Midtown.

"Not all the girls are after him." Peter faux confidence with his statement. MJ's laugh can be heard after the sentence, the faux confidence falling from Peter's face as he turns dejected towards Ned. "I need your help to sit next to MJ." Peter didn't want to waste an opportunity to spend 9 hours with MJ.

Ned finally headed towards MJ and Betty. "Hey, guys. Uh, there's an old lady in front of us wearing a crazy amount of perfume and it's kind of setting off Peter's allergies. Uh, Betty, if you could switch seats with him, that would be--" Ned attempted to convince Betty to move.

"Peter has a perfume allergy?" A sudden head in the form of Mr Harrington popped over the seats after eavesdropping on the conversation "Ned, take MJ's spot. MJ, you take my spot. Peter, let's get you out of there. Zach and Sebastian, you take Ned and Peter's seats."

As a result MJ was sat next to the new and improved blip boy Brad, the complete opposite of what Peter hoped for.

"Mr Yoo, do you mind if I shove Peter here next to you, I'll sit behind incase those allergies pick up suddenly. Got it?" Peter ambled towards the aisle seats where Kyungsoo waited with a bored expression.

"Good morning Parker, lovely to see your face looking so happy to sit next to me." Peter ignored the boy and moved to the middle seat giving access to Kyungsoo having the aisle seat.

Both boys sat down without a mutter to one another, Brad and MJ could be heard laughing together which caused Peter to slump into his seat with a sigh.

"I downloaded Star Wars Parker, got a dual adapter?"

"Huh- oh um- yeah here take it." Peter handed it to his neighbour without glancing towards him.

"Parker, why would I ask for a dual adapter if you aren't going to use it as well."

After one Star Wars, Peter had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position. Stirring from his left nudged him awake just to see Kyungsoo get up and walk towards the toilets. Peter stretched and followed the steps of the boy, needing to go himself after a drinking too much water to avoid any conversing with Kyungsoo.


Peter waited for the occupied to flip to green, but from the corner of his eye he saw MJ heading towards where he was. Being the awkward kid he is he had no idea how to handle the situation which led to him shoving a surprised Kyungsoo back into the toilet with himself. Peter pushed the taller onto the wall with a little too much force that it knocked the air out of Kyungsoo for a second.

"Are we going to join the mile high club Parker? Because, you know what, you probably would have been my first choice too." Kyungsoo finally got some oxygen back to tease the nervous wreck.

"What, no be quiet please-please. MJ was walking up and I - just. Why am I even trying with you."

"So MJ is the one you wanted to partner up with for the mile high club huh? I'm bruised Peter, bruised I tell you." The boy manoeuvred his arm through Peter's to hold his heart dramatically. Their faces and body in a position that would look slightly inappropriate if they were caught.

Up close Peter's annoyance towards Yoo grew larger, even up close the boy was attractive. Pink lips, bright skin and eyes that Parker wish didn't use witchcraft to entice many admirers. Peter was becoming more self-conscious the more he observed the taller boy.

"Parker. Hey pretty boy? You doing good you look lost? Claustrophobic?" Peter wasn't claustrophobic, the guy had been squashed by rubble and thrown about by Thanos, right now though in the airplane toilet Parker felt like it was too small. The air around him was thick. The more he picked at every detail of Kyungsoo the more the walls caved in. No wonder why he didn't have a chance with MJ, him and Brad clearly hand a running head start, even if Kyungsoo wasn't interested in MJ he'd still lose to the older.

"Peter? Petey? Pretty Petey? Come on Parker if you keep looking at me like that I'll kiss you until you drop." The skittish boy broke from his still trance and stepped back knocking his hip aggressively on the sink side. Kyungsoo responded with a loud laugh. "Fuck Parker, are you okay?" Kyungsoo gently reached for the boys hip and attempted to sooth it. "You are going to make people nosey if you keep this up, and you clearly don't want to be caught like this as I'm such an embarrassment, too ugly for you Parker?"

"No- No you are very pretty, I mean handsome. I mean, shit, just please stop- stop talking I'm trying to hear if no one is there." Peter focused on his surroundings, only slightly aware that Kyungsoo's hand lay on his already healing hip still. The boys still stood in close proximity, their breathing colliding into one.

"By the way t-thanks for all the biology notes and notes in general that I keep missing. Thought you'd give me fake notes but I ended up get a 99/100 on that test. I owe you Kyungsoo."

"Show me your aunt then Parker, and I'll sweep this all under the rug."

"Why does everyone want to see my aunt?! Literally in toilet on a plane, just you and I, so many people have fantasies about this and you ask for my aunt!" Peter rambled out, getting fed up that his aunt was always a hot topic among the hormonal boys of midtown.


"Do you watch porn?"

"I- What - Why do - Shut up Yoo Kyungsoo." Peter burried his face into his hands deeply, at last he couldn't hear any shuffling feet and clothes outside the door. He went for the door handle.

"Take that as yes then Parker, no shame. Boys got to do what he's got to do. Clearly your taste is 2 guys, publicly, a small room and flexibility to make it work. We can try it, for science, get that mile high club wish list ticked off too Parker." Kyungsoo leaned in towards the startled boy, the shorter one thinking he was making a move to kiss him, he was shocked and stood still. Kyungsoo kept getting closer. His lips tinted with lip balm that Peter watched him apply earlier.

"I'm- I'm a virgin." The words fell as the door opened. Kyungsoo wasn't making a move on Peter, he was simply making a move to open the door. Tony would be proud. 'Of course he wasn't going to kiss you Peter' his mind scolded his idiotic previous thoughts. He blamed it on nothing but being enclosed with the boy for too long that oxygen didn't get to his brain.

"Oh good to know." Brad eyed the boys, not really caring about the situation. He was more concerned on the words that left Peter's mouth. "What's up Yoo? Parker trying to get with you?"

"He can try." Kyungsoo winked at Peter. "Coming Parker?"

"Huh- I- Oh you mean like to the - to the seats. Yes, coming." Kyungsoo released another full laugh at Peters antics.

"Definitely watches porn." Kyungsoo dropped his head slightly to hide the grin from teasing the boy relentlessly. He waited for the beet red boy to sit back in his seat so he could follow. Kyungsoo watched as Peter fiddled with his shirt, fingers then his trousers. He analysed Peter's movements. The boy was clearly well built yet so nervous and awkward. Peter didn't even like Kyungsoo but he still was a stuttering and fidgeting mess like he was asking his crush to prom. Kyungsoo knows that the last dance for Peter Parker didn't end well with Liz' dad being arrested and all.

Not wanting to annoy Parker anymore, Kyungsoo leant back with his headphones playing and his eyes closed unaware of the glances from Spiderman himself.


Peter stands in front of a stern faced women at customs, his luggage bag open for many to see but he hopes that the impatient Kyungsoo a few steps away is too occupied texting to see the Spiderman suit. Laying on top is a yellow post-it-note with "You almost forgot this — May xx" scribbled neatly. The women in uniform looks at Peter with raised eyebrows as she digs up a banana.

"This, no." She sternly tells the guilty looking boy.

"Sorry." He mutters and grabbing his bag as soon as she zips it back up. He does a quick look over his shoulder to see that no change in Kyungsoo's face occurred. He released a sigh of relief while running to the meet up point.

"I'm here! Mr. Harrington! I'm here, I'm here!" A hectic Peter skidded to a stop while Kyungsoo just walked up towards Brad and Flash, Flash was attempting to start a live stream for his so called fans.

"Whatever happened to being an American bachelor in Europe?" Peter asked as he finally reached the newly official couple of Betty and Ned.

"Peter... those were the words of a boy. That boy met a woman. A very strong and powerful woman. And now, that boy's a man." Peter let out a laugh under his breathe, at least he no longer had to feel guilty for his '20 Step Plan on How to Confess to the Person You Like', the title needed improving, he will figure that out later.

Their boat finally reaches the destination of the hotel, many touristy photos were taken by the group including the over excited Mr Harrington.

"This place is trash" Brad stated as he looked around the broken building. Flash continued once they entered inside, "This place is sinking."

Mr Dell tried to diverge the topic to something less grim and judged by the students, Harrington's excitement getting in the way.

"Okay everybody. Drop your bags off and we're gonna meet at the Da Vinci museum at 3. Let's go!"


Venice was gorgeous to Kyungsoo. The architecture, the colours and the feelings he gained from it. A small local seeming flower shop sat in pink brick building. All the walls having some form of vegetation growing on it making the cramped terrace building come to life and seem enchanted. The plants that were close to being thrown away from dying started to spring back into life as the boy grazed his hands over them.

A glass door across the walkway was where Peter Parker entered his own store, he spent a few minutes on the plane searching for the perfect store to buy a present for MJ. As he looked around his eyes caught sight of the familiar face through the glass of the flower shop. Something compelled him to move from one store to another. Maybe it was the sight of watching Kyungsoo's touch ignite life back into a dying Snapdragon.

"Staring makes me think you have a crush on me Parker, and after the situation in the airplane toilet I'm convinced you want it too." Kyungsoo kept his eyes trained on the flowers in front of him, but refused to touch them with Peter's gaze. "Snapdragons; deception, graciousness and for you Parker, fascination it seems."

"You- you like plants I take it?" Peter tentatively stepped towards the boy who glowed in the light.

"You could say that Peter. What are you doing here, a bit far from the group wouldn't you say?" At last Kyungsoo looked up as he sensed Peter being close to him, looking over his shoulder.

"The store over there." He pointed towards the store he abandoned for the taller boy, "wanted to buy something special but saw you here, that sounds strange now that I say it aloud." Peter stroked the petal of a flower. "I like this flower, do you know what it is?"

"A Gladiolus, a long lasting bloom representing strength. Suits you Parker." Kyungsoo leant over and grabbed a jar with just a single Gladious that was about to bloom, his other hand placing the 20 euros in the palm of the store owner. He turned back to Parker who stood awkward waiting for Kyungsoo's next move. "For you pretty boy." The taller jokingly booped Peter's nose. "Now let's go look for that something special huh."

Peter willingly followed Kyungsoo.


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