《Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1》Chapter 10


We arrived at the ball a little after. Bela gave her invitation at the door.

"She's your daughter?" The guard asked and looked at me.

"Stepdaughter actually." Bela clarified and we were granted access.

I walked beside Dean, when Bela looked angrily at him.

"Are you chewing gum?" She asked. He just shrugged. "Try and act like you have been here before."

He walked over to a water thingy in the middle of the room and placed it under there.

"This is gonna be a long evening." I muttered to myself and exhaled deeply.

As soon as we walked into the other room, we went up to get some drinks. I took a glass too, when Dean stopped me.

"You are not drinking Champagne." He took the glass from me and put it back. "Can she have a glass of water please?" He asked the waiter, who went out to fetch me some.

"Why did you do that?" I groaned.

"Because you are 15, and it is illegal for you to drink." He answered sternly.

"Whatever." I muttered and took my glass, as it arrived.

That was when I made eye contact with Sam. He looked at me with a pleading look in his eyes. I couldn't help my laugh cause his date was an old lady. He said something to her, and they started walking over to me.

"Hi, Sam" I said still chuckling slightly. He just gave me a death stare.

"Hello " Sam's date said kindly and put her hand forward. "What's your name, young lady?"

"Leona." I shook her hand. "And you?"

"Gert Case." She smiled. "So how do you know Sam here?"

"He is my uncle." I quickly said earning a shocked glare from Sam. That was, when Dean and Bela came over.

"Hi, Gert." Bela smiled and Dean gave her a nod.

"Would you have us excused for a moment?" Sam said and motioned for Dean and I to follow.

"Uncle, really?" Sam sighed.

"Well we told the guard at the front that Bela was my stepmom, so Dean being my dad it made sense." I defended.

"You do realize usually Sam and I don't pose as brothers right?" Dean stated.

"Sorry I panicked." I threw my hands up in defense. "Besides it's only Gert, who knows."

"Anyway, did you find out where the hand is?" Sam asked.


"We think it's upstairs, but it's guarded." Dean answered.

"I am not staying with Miss Case for much longer." Sam stated angrily.

"Come on, you looked adorable together." I chuckled, earning a bitch face.

"Sam, you can get back to your date, and we will handle it." Dean said as Bela approached. "Come on, and don't be too touchy." He chuckled with another bitch face from Sam.

"Okay, so how do we get by them?" I asked as I looked at the guards.

"Well sneaking by is not gonna work." Dean answered. "Look at the way they are standing. Military."

"Faint." Bela whispered.

"What?!" I whisper-shouted.

"Pretend to faint. Now!" I did as she said.

"Wow, Dean!" She caught me.

"Crap." Dean went over and took me from Bela. "Leona, wake up!" He shook me and blinked one eye at him. He seemed to get, what I meant.

"Excuse me, sir." Bela said to a waiter.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"My stepdaughter's got a terrible shell allergy." She started. "Is there somewhere, we can lay her until she gets better?"

"Yeah, follow me." He said and walked up the stairs and into a room. "You can lay her down here."

"Thank you." Dean led the waiter to the door. "Oh and?" He took some of the small food, the waiter had on the plate. "Thanks." He closed the door.

"You just had to eat?" I gave him my best bitch face.

"I was hungry, and why did you not tell me about the plan?" He shot back.

"Not my plan." I said and looked over at Bela.

"It was not like, you came up with a plan." Bela smirked.

"I was thinking." He defended

"Well you shouldn't get overheated." Bela said, and I laughed.

"Let's just get that hand." Dean stated.

I started to get up to follow but Dean stopped me. "No, stay."

I growled. "I am not a dog!"

"Close enough." He responded. I was about to protest, but he beat me. "You were the one who 'fainted' so you stay here, if they come to check. And-" he pointed at Bela. "I don't trust you."

Before either of us could protest, he went out to get it.

"He's an asshole." I muttered under my breath.


"Yeah but a hot one." She said as she walked around the room. I sighed.

Footsteps came down the hallway. "Someone is coming."

"Lay down, and I will deal with it." She commanded. So I did.

"Hello." The waiter knocked at the door. "Are you done with the room?"

"Hello, I am sorry, she just woke, but I think we will need the room just a little longer." Bela said as she opened the door.

"Do you need me to call an ambulance to have her checked out?" He asked.

"No, that won't be necessary." She quickly answered. "We will just wait until she's not as dizzy and then we will be on our way."

"If you need assistance, just come and get one of us." He said.

"Thanks." She then closed the door. "Close one."

"True." I answered. "Dean is coming now."

As if on cue, dean entered the room. "I got the hand. Let's go."

We all went downstairs to get Sam. I found him first with Gert slow dancing. I bursted out laughing.

"What?" Dean asked. I simply pointed at Sam. He bursted out laughing too.

We then decided to come and safe Sam from his torment.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go now." Dean said politely. Yeah not two words, I would think of in the same sentence either. Unless there were a Not in between.

"It was nice meeting you, Miss Case." I shook her hand goodbye.

"And you too Leona." She smiled and turned to Sam. "Thank you for a lovely evening." I could see her give Sam a slap on the ass. Barely containing my laughter, we walked outside to the Impala.

"So you got the hand?" Sam asked as Dean turned on the car.

"Yes right in-" He stopped mid sentence, while he took out a cloth. "Here?" Removing the cloth revealed a small ship in a glass flask and not the Hand.

"Wild guess, Bela?" I sighed.

"She is probably already long gone." Sam sighed too. "Lets just go back."

And so we went.

"I can't believe that bitch tricked us again!" Dean shouted as he trashed the door open.

"Tricked you." Sam stated.

"What?" Dean asked angrily.

"She tricked you." Sam answered. "Not me."

"Is that really important right now?" Dean and I yelled in sync.

"I guess not." Sam quietly said.

"I am gonna change." I said and grabbed some sweatpants and one of Dean's t-shirts.

"So get this." I could hear Sam say from the room. "I think I might have found a link between the victims."

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"Miss Case told me, that Sheila had killed her cousin in a car accident, and the Warren brothers' dad died very suddenly." Sam explained as I reentered the room. "Making them inherit all of his money and his company."

"So you think they killed their father?" I asked curiously.

"It would make sense." He answered.

"So all of them spilled family blood." Dean started. "How does that tie into our ghost?"

"I am not sure yet." Sam sighed.

"One things is for sure. I am gonna get out of this thing now." Dean took some clothes and walked into the bathroom.

"Me too." Sam rose from his seat and went to grab some clothes.

"You can just change here." I said. "I will just look away."

"Are you sure?" He asked surprised and not exactly convinced.

"Of course." I smiled. I spun around on the chair. "So why do you think the ghost is targeting these ones? I mean it's oddly specific, it almost has to have something to do with it."

"We'll have to look into it." Sam said.

Bursting out laughing was how Dean was, when he came out of the bathroom. "That was not, what I expected."

"Dude seriously?" I could almost hear his bitch face. Dean just kept on laughing.

"It's not like I am looking or anything." I was so done with Dean right now.

"You can turn around now." I did as Sam said.

"I am gonna outside for a moment." I started walking towards the door.

"You're okay?" Dean asked slightly concerned.

"Yeah, I just need some nature." I walked outside and laid down on the grass. It was a little damp, but I didn't mind.

Lying there and just feeling the connection to the earth was something I had definitely missed.

I closed my eyes to relax even more and just focus on the nature.

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