《Black Cat » The Vampire Diaries》Santa Klaus is coming to town
2 of April 2010
I'm normally not one for tea parties, nevermind Historic Societies but nonetheless here I am at the Lockwood Mansion sipping on a, unfortunately, non-alcoholic drink. Apparently Carol made sure nobody would serve me alcohol because she knew I had a habit of leaving her parties with a few bottles in my bag.
John bloody Gilbert was here too and had made sure to sent a few glares my way. I guess almost killing him left a bad impression.
I mingled for a while until I saw Elijah leaving one of the side rooms and joining the party. My best bet was that Damon was taking a time out after annoying said Original. I grabbed a random glass of champagne and silently took a step next to him.
"Drink?" I inquired, tilting the glass in his direction.
"Much appreciated." Elijah replied, taking the glass before fully turning to my direction. "I don't believe we've been introduced. Elijah Smith and you are?"
"Bonnie Bennett." I replied with shrug. I really wanted to mess with him by calling him out on his fake last name, but still, I'm not that suicidal.
"I've heard much about you Miss Bennett." Elijah replied, not sounding at all surprised by who I was.
"I bet. After all, you sent that baby warlock to spy on me." I casually replied. "You know if you wanted to know where the witch burial ground is you could have just asked."
Elijah narrowed his eyes at me as if trying to figure me out. After a whole minute, he nodded his head. "From what information I've gathered you're prone to make deals, isn't it so?"
"Indeed." I responded with a very Rumpelstilksin grin, wondering what the vampire wanted to offer.
"I've promised Elena I would keep her friends and family safe, you're part of that deal." Elijah informed, and I nodded along.
"I'm aware, however, that deal doesn't have anything to do with me." I replied with a lazy smile. I knew Elena was going to break that deal soon rather than later, I really didn't want to be collateral.
"What do you propose then miss Bennett?" The Original vampire inquired, arching his brow at me.
"Well, you need the magic that my ancestors left behind after their god-awful deaths but I don't plan on giving it to some random warlocks of yours." I replied. "However, if you're interested I can obtain said power and help you in your endeavor for a price."
Elijah nodded as if he was already expecting what I said. "And the price would be?"
"In the future, you will owe me one." I informed, with a grin. He might just regret that later, but I wasn't going to tell him that. He was a big bad Original, he would underestimate me thinking I was just a teenage witch and not much of a threat to him- I definitely wasn't going to change his mind.
"Just that?" He inquired, obviously amused at me. As if whatever I could possibly demand would be nothing to him.
"Yes, and whatever I wish you will have to accomplish. There will be no maybes." I informed.
"I believe we have a deal Miss Bennett." Elijah replied, holding his hand up to shake mine.
I put my hand up to met his and gave him a strong shake, while grinning like a shark smelling blood. My plans were looking up, Elijah was just step one.
Too bad the guy was going to get stabbed in the heart the next day.
10 of April, 2010
So Elijah got stabbed, the Martin's got killed and I got juiced up with the power of an undread dead witches. My darling ancestors were kind of happy that I let them play around in my new house, lending me their power was just the rent. But having so much power was kind of idiotic, it took its toll on the body, but surprisingly I didn't feel the drag down. Maybe it had to do with the power I got from the ritual, but I felt great.
Elena's crazy mom came to town and went bye-bye with the sunlight. The Salvatore's were running around like chicken's without their heads, afraid that Klaus was going to pop up like the bogeyman. Elena was trying to be brave but failed spectacularly at it.
One change was that Caroline didn't live her rock star dreams in the grill, and neither did she get back together with Matt. Honestly, I'm pretty sure she was too busy shipping me with Kol. The girl was always questioning me about the guy, I really didn't get why. Sure he was cute, but I'm a witch and, unlike Elena, I don't have any kind of vampire fetishes.
Klaus was a few days away from getting his ass into town, Katherine was somewhere around here and the waiting was killing me.
The waitress put my burger down at the table and I said thanks before gobbling it down. Now it was just a matter of waiting. Everything was set, and Santa Klaus was coming to town.
26 of April 2010
Klaus, in the body of the history teacher, was having a great day. He finally caught Katerina, his doppelganger is but a few minutes away from him and as soon as the full moon is high on the sky he's going to break the curse that has plagued him for the past thousand years.
He opened the closet and took out two equally ugly shirts. "Who's this guy, Safari Sam?" He inquires, turning towards the vampire doppelganger tied to the chair as he throws a few shirts at her.
"Ok, bad or badder?" He asks pulling two shirts up, not liking any of them.
"The dark colors suit you better." Katherine sarcastically replied, throwing him a snarky smile.
"Oh, thank you, honey. Dark colors suit my black heart after all. " Klaus replies amused, her hate for him just entertained him all the more.
"Okay, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatores' possession, correct?"
" The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house." She replied.
"Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Oh, that guy is a buzzkill." The last thing he needed was Saint Elijah ruining his plans to break the curse, again. No matter what Elijah said, Klaus always believed he had a hand in Katerina escaping last time.
"Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna." Katerina informed.
"Right. Elena's aunt." He nodded along. "For all the lies about Isobel. What else?"
"That's it." She casually replied, too casually actually. He walked closer towards her and touched her face, the face that he had hunted for the past millennia. She tried to back away from him, obviously afraid.
"Oh, so jumpy." He jokes with a smirk on his face.
"Please, just...kill me. I've told you everything that I know." Katerina Petrova begs, and while he would like nothing better, death would be too kind and he was everything but kind. He puts his hands on the armrests of the chair she's sitting on and looks her in the face.
"You see, I believe that you believe that, but what would you not know? What could they be keeping from you? Hmm? Anything? Tell me." He said, compelling her.
"The Salvatore's thought Bonnie could kill an Original without a dagger if she got enough power." Katerina informed.
"Bonnie the best friend? I thought you said she wasn't a problem." Klaus inquired.
"As long as they don't have anything to negotiate with she isn't a problem, that one will only help if there's anything for her in it. She's Elena's friend, but that one knows the meaning of self-preservation." Katherine informed.
"Do you think they have anything to negotiate?" Klaus inquired, curious about the witch.
"They don't or didn't, I don't know. You kidnapped me, remember?" She replied with sarcasm again. "I'm kinda out of the loop, but to take you on she'll have a heavy price."
" Well, we'll have to get to the bottom of that." Klaus replied, planning ahead to mess with the witch.
"Please, just kill me, Klaus, and be done with it." The doppelganger begged again.
"And show you kindness? I've searched for you for over 500 years. Your death is going to last at least half that long." He informed, as he took a pocketknife from his pocket and opened it, before holding it before her. "I want you to take this knife, and stab yourself."
She takes it and stabs her tight, grunting in pain.
"Now take it out." He compels again.
She takes it out, and whimpers as the wound heals.
"Now while I'm gone, I want you to do that over and over and over again and if you get bored, switch legs." He compels, even if he really wanted to torture her good and proper. Just stabbing herself with a knife was a pathetic torture method to use on a vampire, and the wench was over five centuries after all. Maybe he should have compelled her to take out her spleen, or one of her lungs.
"Where are you going?" She questions, as he gets ready to leave the apartment.
"I'm gonna go lay eyes on my precious doppelgänger." He replies, kissing her on the forehead which promptly terrifies her.
"Oh, don't look so glum, Katerina. The fun is just beginning." He replies before leaving the room. "Again."
Katherine stabs herself once more, groaning in pain as she does it.
I had a feeling that today was Christmas day, so to speak, because Santa Klaus was already in town. I knew for sure when Elena showed me the poster of the 60s decade dance before history class started. I should have known about it before, but I normally tune out Care when she starts going on about dances and things like that. I hardly had time to mentally prepare myself when Rik swaggered into class with more flair than usual.
"Hello, class. What are we learning today?" Riklaus inquired, looking down at the books in his desk.
"With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week." One of the chicks in the front replied.
"Right. The sixties." He said, glancing at Elena before turning towards the board to write on it.
"The sixties. I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but...Actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the...we walked on the moon. There was Watergate." He rambled before I interrupted.
"We get it Teach, you're a Beatles fan." I said, rolling my eyes at him and his fanboying.
"Indeed I am Miss Bennett." He said, glancing at me before smirking which looked very strange in Alaric's face. "What about you?"
"I am a 'The Who' fan myself, but musical tastes really shouldn't be discussed." I replied with a shrug, trying not to be bothered by the predatory look he was giving me.
"Not to mention Watergate was the seventies, Ric. I-I mean, Mr. Saltzman." Elena said, amused at the both of us.
"Right, while the Beatles are definitely the better choice we shouldn't discuss this while in class." He said to me, before turning towards Elena. "It all kind of mushes together up here, the sixties, seventies. Thank you, Elena." Riklaus replied.
I rolled my eyes, of course bloody Klaus would want to have the last word... even if it was about whose favorite band was better.
I kick the front door like I've done millions of times before, and walk into the Salvatore Boarding House in a pissy mood. Really, every time I enter this house I'm annoyed.
"How many times do I have to tell you Peaches that I am not your slave?" I growled, narrowing my eyes at Stefan while ignoring everyone else in the room.
"Well, I guess I'm not the only one that was late." Riklaus comments, as he walks through the door I just left open.
"Not the time Ric." Damon comments, before glancing at me. "Witchy, the big bad that Katherine and Elijah were foreshadowing for weeks is here. Put your big girl panties on and join the party."
"That's funny because I don't remember this big bad of the week threatening me." I replied with a pondering expression as if trying to remember that happening. "Nope, big bad needs a doppelganger, a vampire and a werewolf. I, fortunately, happen to be a witch."
"What about your deal with Elijah?" Elena asked, with pleading eyes. "He mentioned that you would help him take out Klaus."
"Did he mention that before or after you stabbed him in the heart?" I turned towards her with a charming smile. "I would guess before you stabbed him. But hey, Elijah is out of commission and I made the deal with him not with any of you."
"What if we pay his price?" Stefan inquired, trying to fix their mess.
"The price for this deal isn't something you two could pay for, nothing you could give me would be worth the same as a favor from an Original Vampire." I explained.
"But Elijah is daggered, how is he going to pay you back?" Elena countered.
"The future is such a tricky thing, you never know what might happen after all." I replied, trying to sound all mysterious and shit. Meanwhile, Riklaus was looking at me as if I was the most amusing thing in the room. I guess I should feel kind of proud that I amuse him so.
"How about the Martins' grimoires?" Damon countered. "I got them after we killed them, there are more than a hundred books. How's that for a deal witchy?"
"Size isn't everything Damon, a lot of books doesn't mean squat." I replied with a shrug. "I still haven't hit half of my family's library, what do I want more books for?"
"Knowledge is power witchy, we all know you're a power-hungry little witch bitch." Damon replied, not amused at my response.
I put my right hand to my heart and pretended to be offended. "Rude. This little power-hungry witch bitch is Elena's only chance at survival after the full moon, and you know what? I'm not feeling particularly kind today. You dumbasses are the reason my Grams is dead, why should I kill myself for your sake? I'm not suicidal, and I am definitely not sacrificing myself for you."
"But then why did you make that deal with Elijah?" Stefan inquired, narrowing his eyes at me. "That much power would kill a witch, but you told Elijah you would help him."
"Oh, so you know that it would kill me but decided that Elena living was worth more. Am I right?" I inquired back, catching on what Stefan wasn't really saying.
"No!" Elena said, turning to the brothers. "You didn't tell me that, we aren't sacrificing anyone!"
"Wake up Elena, someone wants to sacrifice you." Damon replied loudly.
"And I am not sacrificing anyone so that I can live Damon." The doppelganger replied in the same tone.
"It's funny you think you have a choice on the matter." I interjected before this turned into a screaming match between Delena. "There's a thousand-year-old vampire trying to break a curse after he failed for the first time five centuries ago, you can bet your ass he's not going to stop and he's not going to leave anything to chance because he will not fail. That curse will be broken, but you're asking for the wrong favors. It's not about stopping Klaus, it's about surviving Klaus after he breaks that curse."
"What do you suggest then, oh know it all witch?" Damon asked, glaring at me.
"Make a deal with the devil." I replied with a shrug. "Elena gets sacrificed as Klaus wants and instead you find a way to keep Elena alive after the deed. Everyone wins."
"I don't want to be a vampire Bonnie." Elena replied, shocked I even mentioned something like that.
"Bo-ho, the human girl dating a vampire doesn't want immortality." I said, rolling my eyes. "Seriously, why are you dating a vampire if you plan on aging normally? Because that sure has no future. Not to mention, with how much of a danger magnet you are you'll get killed sooner rather than later. Plus, nobody said anything about you coming back as a vampire. If you're really that delusional than pay me enough and I'll bring you back from the dead as human as you have always been."
"You can do that?" Riklaus inquired perplexed. Since I had mentioned that they should make a deal with him he had been quietly observing the rest of the room.
"If I feel like it, maybe." I replied, before turning towards the doppelganger. "But I sure as hell am not going to fight against an immortal thousand-year vampire in your place Elena. I'm not my mother."
"What's that supposed to mean?" She frowned at me.
"The last time an older than dirt vampire came to town to take you away she sacrificed herself for you, and then left me in the dust. I proud myself in being nothing like her, and I'm not going to start emulating the woman now." I informed her because I wasn't Abby fucking Bennett.
"So, mommy issues huh?" Damon snarked with that bastard smirk of his.
"And daddy issues, and grandmother issues and a few more shitty issues. At least I don't have sibling issues, but then again, I would say you Salvatore's win that one." I replied back with snark, not letting him have the last word.
"Are you helping us or not Bonnie?" Riklaus inquired, trying to just speed this shit up.
"No." I sassily replied, getting up from the couch. "Unless Elijah rises up from the dead I will have nothing to do with this mess."
"I'm your friend Bonnie!" Elena tried once more.
"Yeah, and if you need a cute outfit or help with your homework give me a call. I, however, am not going to die for you just because we happen to know each other since diapers. I would never ask that of you, or anybody else, at least give me the same consideration." With that said and done, I walked around Riklaus and passed through the door leaving them to deal with their own mess.
Meanwhile, I drove home while whistling 'Santa Klaus is coming to town'. Sure it's April, but I was feeling very 'Christmas-sy' today.
While the 60's dance was going on Bonnie Bennett was becoming a high-class thief. High-class because what was more high-class than stealing the body of an Original Vampire from his overlord of an older sibling? The answer was nothing. Even the crown jewels would have been easier.
The plan was risky and had a few complicated turns, but I was going to make it.
The first part of the plan was making sure that no one figured out that the body was missing, or Klaus would go on a rampage. He would eventually figure it out, but it needed to be later. As in later when Elijah was awake so that I could use him as a shield from Klaus.
After a quick call to my old teacher Gloria, a few days before Klaus was in town, the witch gave me an idea. An illusion voodoo doll. Not the easiest to do, but it would last for at least ten months with the proper ingredients. It wasn't that hard and after getting the ingredients it was easy enough to make it.
With that done, the second step was actually finding the body of one Kol Mikaelson. Well, all that took was pestering my resident ghost of an ancestor. I pestered Emily, but I'm sure Kol was pestering her on the other side as well. It didn't take more than an hour for her to crack and tell me that Kol said his body was in a barn an hour away from Mystic Falls.
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