
The weekend passed by very quick the girl stayed with the boys since she packed a uniform and the important things just in case

All 8 of them got ready

"Lets go?"yorch asked

"Hmm"the 8 hummed


All of them went to their respective classes

The school went normal

After school hana went to her work for the first time in a while

Hana wore her apron and started to work

Soon a certain group of certain 7 entered the cafe

The girl looked up after hearing the bell ring as she looked up from her computer spoting her soulmates taking a seat near the front as she passed a smile to them before continuing her work

"We are ready to order"leo spoke as hana looked around to see no waiter free so she went to take their order

"The usual?"she asked to which they nodded

Hana went back and made their usual

In the middle of her order making the door opened as she looked up

"Ayo where is my favourite waiter"a boy spoke as he walked to the counter

"Nishimura riki!"the girl spoke as she pulled the boy's ear

"Ah ah,stop you cruel woman"niki spoke as he tried to pry off the girl's hand to which ahe only pulled his ear harder

"Ah sorry okay I'm sorry" the girl let go off the boy's ear satisfied

"Yah I'm older than youand that's how you treat me?"the boy spoke counting

"Well you don't act older" the girl spoke as she stuck her tongue out

"Lemme help you today"the boy spoke seeing how the girl looked like she was struggling

"Yes please"the girl spoke as the boy wore an apron and helped the girl both of them joking around as they did the work

what was unknown to them was that the girl's soulmate were glaring at them


Soon hana and niki brought the orders to the soulmates

Hana noticed that they looked angry but shrugged it off thinking it was just her

Soon the boys payed and left

The girl continued to work as niki left soon after

After a few hours her shift was over


The girl went out as she started to walk home

After a long walk hana finally reached her apartment

The girl did her routine and went to sleep


The next day she went to school like Normal

She greeted her freind group and then looked around for her soulmates,once she found them she waved her hand to them only to be ignored by them the girl got confused but shook it off thinking they probably hadn't seen her

Through out the day the girl noticed the group of soulmates was ignoring her barely even replying to her text

She went to work and not much to her surprise her soulmates weren't there

She finished her work and went home now worried

She took a quick shower and sat down on her bed as she tried calling each one of them

After god knows how long JJ picked up "what?"he asked annoyed,this took the girl by surprise as she kept quite for a bit before speaking

"Are all of you okay?"the girl asked taking aback the boy,"what do you mean?"he asked,"its just you guys were ignoring me through out the day"she spoke,"why do you care go to other boys and get the attention you want and stop annoying us"this time james spoke the girl was shocked at this "wha-"the girls started only to hear a beep sound indicating the call has been ended

The girl looked at her phone hurt as she layed on her bed


"why did he say that and am I really that annoying?,I swear that's not my intention at all"the girl thought

Through out the night she overthinked the situation a little too much

Hana got up tired having no sleep the night before she left for school after getting ready without having breakfast since she had no appetite

At school her friends noticedhow down she looked

"You good?"ryujin asked

"Hmm"the girl spoke

"Hana",yuna spoke sternly as the girl sighed

Hana told everything that happened yesterday

"Ugh bunch of assholes I shouldn't have trusted them"yuna spoke furiously as kai held her hand calming her down

"Forget about them they don't deserve you thinking about them"beomgyu spoke

"Yeah cheer up now"taehyun spoke ruffling the girl's hair

All of them went to class

The girl rested her head down on her desk falling asleep soon after

"Hana wake up"yuna spoke shaking the girl

The girl slowly wokeup from her slumber as she looked around

"Huh?",she spoke

"You slept through out the periods its lunch time now"yuna told her bestfreind

"Oh"the girl spoke

"Lets go?"yuna asked as the girl nodded

Both of them entered the cafeteria as the girl spoted her soulmates immedeiatly feeling sad

Yuna glared at the 7 boys before pulling hana with her

All of them started eating,in the middle yuna excused her selfto have a talk with certain people


A/N: I am back

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