
The girl got out after 30 minutes

She thanked god she always carried a brush with her as she let down her hair from the pony she was wearing the whole day

Her hair were of medium lenght as she didnt really like too long hair

She exited her room to see JJ and james there

JJ got up an went to his room to take a shower while the girl stood theor awkwardly not knowing what to do

James gestured the girl to sit next to her which she did

Her wrist which had the mark on it was on her lap positioned in such a way that the mark was showing

James slowly lend out his hand to the girl his eyes asking for permission

The girl looked at him confused

James pointed his eyes at the girl's wrist giving her the hint

The girl put her wrist mark side up on the boy's hand

The boy ran his hand on the mark as he started at it making them bond

The mark to him looked mesmerizing

Soon the other boys came as james got up before putting his hand out gesturing the girl to take it

"Let's go and have some lunch",he said before taking the girl to the dining room

Eating a proper lunch was already weord for the girl since normally she wouldn't have the time but this lunch was even more not normal seeing the amount of food that was served

The girl took some pasta as she ate quietly

The girl was soon finished as she got up excusing herself to wash her hands

"You are done?"james asked as the girl nodded

"You barely ate anything eat more",the boy spoke pulling the girl backdown

"I'm full tho",the girl spoke

"With that little?",woochan asked as the girl nodded


"Just eat a little more maybe?"sangwon asked softly as the girl sighed and nodded

The girl ate a little more before saying "done"

The boys sighed and nodded

The girl went to the kitchen she had seen before eating when they all washed their hands

the girl washed her hands before returning to the lounge sitting down on the couch as she took out her phone

Soon all of them also came and sat down on the couches

It was awkward for a while before woochan broke the silence

"Soo how old are you?"woochan asked

"15 I'll turn 16 in August",the girl responded

"Oh wait then how do you have your own apartment?",leo asked

"It's under my brother's name",the girl answered

"What about your parents?",the boys spoke as the girl froze for a moment before replying

"They died when I was 4 years old",the firl answered

The boys looked at the girl shocked

"U-uh we are sorry-"the girl cut woochan off slightly shooking her head

"Don't be",the girl spoke

"Are all of you siblings?"the girl changed the topic

"Only leo and sangwon are siblings all of us are bestfriends from childhood just like our parents",yorch answered as the girl nodded

The 8 spent time getting to know and being comfortable around eachother


"I think I should get going"the girl spoke as she got up much to the boys dismay

"Wait let me drop you home",yorch spoke as the girl nodded

Both of them left the mansion as yorch sat on the driver seat of his own car while the girl sat on the passenger seat

After an hour of driving they finally reached the girl's apartment

The girl mumbled a small thanks before openeing the door and standing up to get out but yorch held the girl's wrist making her stop on her tracks


"Can we uh like pick you up for school?"the boy asked as the girl nodded making the boy smile as he let go of the girl

"We'll pick you up by 7:30",the boy said as the girl nodded before going to her apartment as the boy watched


The girl woke up as she got ready

She ate some breakfast for the first time in a while

She looked at the clock striking 7:20 the girl washed her cereal bowl before taking her bag and looking at the mirror one more time

Soon the girl got a nonfication telling her she has recived a message from someone

The girl checked it to find out that it was a message from leo telling her to come out

The girl checked her self in the mirror one more time before going out and locking her door

She then exited the building to find the fimillar car outside

The girl lightly tapped on the car door as it opened the boys smiled at the girl welcoming her inside

The girl sat next to leo and closed the door

The car started to move

"Did you have breakfast and don't lie",leo spoke

"I did",the girl said slightly laughing as the boys were shocked to see her laugh

Soon they had smiles on their faces hearing the girl's laugh

Soon they all reached the school as they entered the school

The girl wwnt to her locker as she took out the things she needed

She closed ber locker as she looked around to see if yuna or ryujin were there but they were not thus she went to class by herself


The whole day went by

The girl went home tired

She took a shower and got into comfortable clothes

And went to take a nap


The girl woke up when she heard her phone ring

"Hello"the girl asked sleepily not bothering to see who's number was it

"Hana?"woochan spoke from the other line

"Hmm",the girl spoke

"Uh you wanna come over amd live with us for the weekend?"woochan asked hope hidden in his voice

The girl knew she had nothing to do the whole weekend thus she agreed

"Great I'll pick you up in an hour"he spoke and ended the call

Without knowing the girl fell back into slumber

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