
The girl cameout in a new pair of night suit to tired to even recognise what she was wearing

Yet the boys internally melted at how adorable the girl looked

"We'll take our leave",sangwon spoke as the girl nodded

The boys stood up and left the girl's apartment much to their dismay

The girl closed the door as she went to bed and slept


The girl got up a little late but she felt much better then yesterday

She got ready and left her house as she did not eat her break fast a bad habbit she made recently

The girl walked to school as usual

After a 40 minute walk she reached the school and entered only to realise 10 minutes were left before classes start

The girl walked to her locker as sbe tiok her stuff out

The girl turned around after taling the things she needed almost bumping into a chest

The girl looked up to see yorch and behind him were the other six

"Are you doing better?" He asked as the girl nodded

"Did you eat breakfast?",he asked as the girl nodded but the boys could tell she was lying

Sangwon sighed as he took a protein bar from his bag handing it over to the girl

"Eat it",he said sternly as the girl obliged

The boys watched the girl eat the bar once she was finished she looked around for a dustbin but sangwon took the wrapper from her

Woochan then asked " how is your mark?"he asked the girl showed him her mark that looked a little better

"Do you uh know why this happened?"james asked

As the girl shook her head lying

"Its because not all of you had bonded yet it started when yorch took a look at her mark,you idiot bonded with her,the same day during night her while body started aching and she fainted during a call with me",yuna spoke from the behind


As she walked towards her bestfriend

The boys looked at yuna shocked after she disclosed the information

The boys felt protective ober theor soulmate knowing she was hurting for the past couple months

They also were mad at themselves knowing they were the reason for the girl's pain

"Now if you would excuse me I need to take MY bestfriend with me",yuna said fake smiling as she dragged the girl the boys let out a breath they didn't know they were holding

If hana was nice yuna was completely opposite


During lunch the soulmates stole some glances of their soulmate as they wanted to reach her more wanting to get to know her

Hana suddenly turned her face towards theor direction leaving them all flustered since theu got caught staring at her

The girl just passed them a small smile before going back to talking to ryujin and yuna

Suddenly beomgyu,kai and taehyun came and sat on the table with beomgyu sitting next to hana as they talked

Hana laughed at whatever beomgyu said making the boy's burn in jealousy

Have they already fallen in love with her?

You can't blame them the girl can make anyone fall in love with her dur to her adorable nature and face

The boys continued to stare at their soulmate and the other boy acting like a couple as they burned from inside

So that's how it felt like?

The boys then watched hana get up and leave as sangwon also got up after a bit aa he followed the girl

The girl went inside the girls washroom so the boy waited outside

Hana did her business and went outside and was startled when someone dragged her towards the side where noone could see them and pinned her to a wall

"Sangwon?"the girl asked confused

"Who is he?"the boy asked coldly


"Who?"the girl asked confused

"The boy you were flirting with,damn it!"he said slamming his hand to the wall next to her.

The girl was confused and angry

He doubted her?,didn't he and the other 6 did the same?

"Why does it matter plus you all also flirted and acted all lovey dovey with a girl did I ever say anything?",hana snapped for the first time ever making the boy sigh

He leaned near her as he held her wrist

"May I?"he asked as the now startled girl only nodded

The boy then flipped her wrist as he looked at the mark touching it with his thumb bonding them

The boy then looked at the girl as he leaned in to kiss her forehead before lifting the girl's chin up

"We all are sorry okay?,let us please mame it up to you?",he asked pleadingly his eyes showing hope and regret

The girl nodded her head slightly as the boy let out a smile

He let go of the girl

"Do you have work today?"the boy asked

The girl shook her head

"Then do you mind coming with us to our house to get to know each other more?"he asked as the girl hesitated but nodded they are her soulmates after all

The boy nodded with a smile

"Alright,I'll meet you at your locker",the boy spoke as the girl nodded

The both of them then returned to the cafeteria as hana went to her table

Botg ryujin and yuna were smirking knowing something happened

"Spill the tea"ryujin said as hana tild both the girls whatever happened

What was unknown to her was that was the part of her bestfriends plan to make the boys regret and make sime moves

"Ooo"yuna teased her bestfriend as the girl just hid her face


At home time hana stood next to her locker with yuna as she packed her bag

Soon sangwon came towards them

The boy bowed to yuna still scared of her as the girls beld their laughs

"Lets go?"sangwon asked hana as the girl nodded

She hugged yuna bye before letting go yuna winked at her making the girl roll her eyes playfully

"Byeee yuna",hana waved

"Byeeee",yuna answered

Yuna dramatically sighed "love birds",she shook her head

"Hi bubs"kai said giving the girl a peck in her lips as he wrapped an arm around her waist


Hana sat in the car next to a window

Right next to her sat jihoon the boy held the girl's wrist startling her before looking at her

The girl nodded slightly getting the hint

The boy touched the girl's mark while admiring it making them bond too

"Your mark has gotten better"the boy spoke as the other 6 directed their attention to the mark

It was looking far better

The girl nodded

"The bleeding has stoped tho it sometimes hurt",the girl said nodding before directing her attention outside the window while the 7 boys looked at the girl admiring herbfor a bit before looking away

Soon they reached their mansion as the driver beeped the horn and soon the gates opened

The girl was mesmerized seeing how huge the mansion was but stayed quiet to not make herself look like an idiot

The door opened as they got off one by one

Jihoon helping the girl

Jihoon then held the girl's hand leading her inside

Jj then went to his room and brought a pair of hoodie and sweat pants

"Go freshen up in my room's washroom"he said pointing towards his room

As the girl nodded and went to his room while the others went to freshen up in their own room's while jj sat down

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