
Hana was lying in her bed feeling better but her fever was still there

The girl was to tired to even get up and eat dinner

The bell rang making the girl groan

The girl stood up slowly immediately feeling dizzy but she stabled herself

She then slowly walked to her door as the bell rang one more time

The girl opened the door alittle and sticked her head out to see 7 very fimillar faces

The girl looked at them confused

"Can we uh come in?"yorch asked as the girl hesitated but nodded

She opened the door far open and let them come in

The girl was thanking god she had checked herself in the mirror 5 minutes prior thus she knew she wasnt looking crazy

"Soo uhh-"the girl spoke awkwardly

"Are you okay?",jihoon asked which shocked her

"Uh yeah?",the girl spoke confused

"Doesn't seem like it",james spoke as the girl rolled her eyes

"Just a fever",the girl spoke as woochan steped foward and put a hand near her forehead before looking down at her as if asking for permission

The girl hesitantly nodded

The boy kept his cold hand on the girl's forehead as she shivered at the cold feeling

"You are burning!"the boy spoke concerned

The girl looked at the boy confused

"Uhhh-",the girl started

"Sit down",leo spoke as she gestured the girl to sit on the couch

The confused girl sat down

Leo then turned towards james,"order some soup",he told him as james nodded taking out his phone and ordered soup

Leo then took hold of the girl's wrist with the mark as he looked at the girl his eyes asking permission the girl sighed and nodded

The boy turned her wrist around as her mark was visible


Even with those cuts the boys were mesmerized with the mark

The boys also noticed some other scars on her wrist but they weren't sure if it was what they were thinking it was

Leo ran his hand on the mark without noticing as both of them bonded

The mark started bleeding again making the boy more concerned as he looked at the girl

"Where is the first aid kit?"he asked as the girl pointed at a shelf

The boy nodded getting up

"Someone clean the blood",leo spoke

JJ crouched infront of the girl as he took a tissue from tissue box kept on the table next to the couch

The boy cleaned the cut and once it was clean he couldn't help but admire the mark identical to what the 7 of them had

It just looked different on her

The boy ran his thumb on it causing them to bond the mark began to bleed again making the boys both confused and concerned

JJ took some more tissues as he cleaned the girls mark again his touch very soft

JJ then got up giving space to leo as the boy treated the mark

After about 5 minutes the boy was done as he got up

The boys stood their awkwardly as the girl sat down there looking down as she felt even more awkward

Not even a minute later the bell rang as hana stood up butbshe was immedeiatly made to sit by none other than leo

While james who was sitting on the couch opposite to her got up and went to check

The boy came back with a plastic bag

"It's here",the boy spoke

Yorch took the plastic bag from the boy before going to the kitchen

He soon came out with a bowl full of soup and a spoon


He put it foward gesturing the girl to take it and eat but the girl shook her head having no appetite

Woochan who was standing looking at the scene shook his head before taking holding the soup as he sat next to the girl

He moved her shoulders slightly to make her look at him as he first took a bite if the soup checking the temperature

The boy then started feeding the girl who hesitated but ate after seeing the 7 stern faces looking at her

The girl ate as the 7 watched her

She felt weird and awkward

After about half an hour the soup was finished as yorch took the empty bowl into the kitchen and washed it

The girl was now sleepy and the boys could tell

The girl could barely keep her eyes open and the boys found her attempts to stay awake rather adorable

"Go do your night routine"leo spoke patting the girl's head as she nodded

Getting up rather too quickly as she felt slightly dizzy which the boys could tell as woochan who was standing near her immediately stabled her using her shoulders

"Woah there"he spoke concerned

The girl shook her head indicating she was fine as woochan let go off her shoulders the girl went to her room and went to the washroom as she did her routine

It was honestly confusing for the girl seeing her soulmates care about her but it also made her feel happy

And she wishes they would stay like this


A/n:so we got leo yorch woochan and james moments yayyyyyy

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