
It has been 2 weeks eversince they became friends

It has also been a month since hana was given the detention punishment

Due to her very kind cafe owners she didnt loose her job

Tho heejin continues to bully her she doesn't care anymore

Her soulmates are also starting to gain ever so slight intrest in her but they are in a relationship with their first love so it confuses them

Right now they are in the cafe as they steal some glances if hana from time to time

"Soo are we going on a shopping date this saturday?",heejin asked as the boys only nodded

"Great",heejin spoke showing a smile

Tho will there relation go on till saturday

Hana didn't know that her now 5 friends were planning something that will finally change her life


Hana wenr home today feeling more tired than usual

She didn't even eat anything and went to sleep


"Are you guys ready for today?",ryujin asked everyone

"Yes"all of them responded

"Where is hana tho she usually comes early",beomgyu asked

All her freinds started to worry as hana didn't come to school today

Soon the classes started as hana still didn't come


"Did she contact any of you yet?" Taehyun asked

As all of them shook their heads no

"What do we do now?",ryujin asked

"Are you guys skipping school with me?",yuna asked

"For what?"I need to know what happened I tried calling her but she didnt pick up

All her freinds started to worry that they forgot about the plan

"Yeah lets go",huening kai spoke as all of them nodded

They sneakily left the school

"Oh my god guys! We forgot about the plan",beomgyu spoke

All of them gasped in realisation


"Plan b then?"kai asked as all of them nodded

They all nodded as kai's driver continued to drive to the adress yuna told him

Once they reached her house they knocked the door they waited for a while but got no answer which worried the even more

Thankfully after what happened a month or 2 ago yuna kept a copy of the girl's key with her just in case

She unlocked the door as all of them entered

They looked around the girl's small yet cozy apartment

The then started to look around

Yuna found the girl lying in her hed paler then ever as she ran to her

"Guys I found her" yuna called out loudly and soon all of them came in the room

"Shit shit shit she is burning",yuna spoke as she touched the girls forehead

All of them panicked as kai picked the girl up bringing her to his car as all of them followed

Yuna made sure to lock and then followed the others as they drive their youngest friend to a hospital


All of them stood around the girl's bed as their mind was on what the doctor told them

"She hasn't been taking care of her self she is underweight and we also found some scars on her wrists"they spoke

She has been hurting herself?

Yuna asked herself internally as tears filled her eyes

Huening kai who sensed something wrong with his beloved soulmate reached to her giving her a side hug

All of them stayed with her as they sat around her bed

"Guys the plan",taehyun reminded them as all of them looked at eachother

They knew that had to do it now,the girl had suffered way to much

All of them took out their phones posting the proofs on their social media that showed hana was innocent and that heejin was the one who bullied the girl


They used the school cctv camera to gather the proof tho there was one thing they had yet to see which would break their hearts


Hana woke up at midnight and was discharged early morning

The freinds took the girl to her apartment before leaving to their own houses

Hana got ready like normal and left her apartment


She entered the school with her head down thus she didnt notice the looks of symphaty and regret other students were giving her

"Bae hana!" Heejin spoke out loudly as she walked to her angrily rasing her hand

The girl flinched but felt nothing she looked up to see

Sangwon holding heejin's hand making the girl drop her phone

Sangwon then dragged the girl somewhere

The girl was just shocked as she went to her class after taking her stuff not noticing the phone on the ground

But yuna did when she reached school

The girl picked it up recognising it as heejin's phone

Her gut told her to open it and that's what she did

The girl went through heejin's phone to find out that she was cheating on the boys

Suits them right

She then went to her gallery where she saw a video which had a face of the girl who looked like hana

The girl clicked on the video

(This was the video heejin made when she bullied hana that day)

Yuna gasped her body shaking after watching what heejin did to her bestfriend

soon the other 4 came,yuna gave the phone to huening kai as he and the other watched the video having the same reaction as yuna while yuna ran to find heejin

Huening kai sent the video to himself and the other 4 as all of them saved it before deleting the chat from heejins phone so heejin doesnt know

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