
Warnings:mention of severe bullying beating up, burning,removal of clothes.also mentions of self harm,swearing and curse words

Hana was pulled by someone inside an old classroom

She was pushed on the groundas she looked up to see heejin along with her group of friends looking at her laughing

"Poor hana I just libe the way everyone belived me",heejin spoke laughing as she step foward and slapped the girl very hard

All of them laughed

She then lit a match as she lit her cigarette thenshe harshly grabbed the poor girls hand and burned her mark making the girl groan in pain

Heejin only laughed seeing the girl in pain before throwing the match stick away she and her freinds then started beating the girl up leaving her face untouched

Once the beating session was done one of the girls pulled hana up with her collar

She the pushed the girl to the wall as two other freinds held her hands from both the side

She then started un buttoning her shirt one by one and then took her shirt off

The girls then started to throw water on the girl making her drenched

Heejin then took her phone out as she recorded the girl laughing the girls continued bullying her as heejin filmed them

Aftet what seemed to hana like hours the girls finally stoped

Heejin then harshly grabbed the girl's chin as she went near her

"This is only the beginning",she whispered to her and harshly let go her chin and tje while group then left

Hana crawled towards her sgort as she picked it up

She felt dirty

The girl wore her shirt,took her stuff and ran home not bothering to go to work

As soon as she reached home she threw her stuff on the sofa as she went to the shower and scrubbed her body as she cried


After 45 minutes of staying in the shower the girl finally got out

She cried screamed and sobbed her heart out

She hated every thing she then went to her room taking out her blade

She sat on her bed as she cut her wrists as she continued crying

The girl stoped after a couple minutes as she layed on her bed emotion less


The girl wokeup as she dod her normal routine

Today she wore her schools hoodie on top to cover all her wounds

The girl walked to school as dreads filled her up

When she entered the school just like normal people whispered as she got glares

She was standing infront of her locker when someone slammed it shut

"Bae hana",a voice spoke it was woochan

"So you were the secret admirer how phathetic",james spoke loudly as people snickered

Tho yorch,he felt bad,when he saw tears in her eyes he wanted to protect her?something inside him told him that the girl was innocent but he ignored it

"No one would love you with this attitude of yours bae hana",jihoon spoke

"Maybe there was a reason we were never attracted to you",jj spoke

"How phathetic",leo spoke

"Just so you know we live heejin not you",sangwon spoke

Tho yorch kept silent during all this

"STOP!",the girl screamed finally as people just glared at her


She ran up to the rooftop and started sobbing

The girl was done

Maybe I should give up

Maybe they would never love me


Who are you even kidding bae hana

Who would love you?

The girl laughed,she laughed atbher misery,she laughed bitterly

She started to hate her self

Why was the universe doing this to her


The girl slowly started loosing her self as her freind only saw her sadly not knowing what to do

Today yuna was done

She asked all her soulmates to meet her privately


She slapped jihoon who was near her

"How fucking dare you all?!"she spoke

"Because of you she is slowly loosing her self,She hurts her self watching you love someone else when SHE is your soulmate how can someone be this cruel?!",yuna let out her furstration

"Shin yuna we cant helo who we love and after all she did she deserves all that",leo spoke

"Those rumors were fake you idiots!",yuna spoke

"Those videos say otherwise",both jihoon and jj spoke

Yuna took a deep breath,"you guys are litreal assholes I hope you regret this so bad and feel what hana is feeling",yuma spoke before leaving them

The 7 just scoffed but one of them felt whatever she said was right.


Both yuna and hana were eating when someone tapped hana's shoulder

The girl turned around to see a girl

"Hii do the both of you want to sit with us?",the girl asked pointing towards a tavle where 3 more people were sitting

The girls looked at eachother for a breif moment before nodding

Both of them got up and sat down hana sat next to yuna and a boy

"Hiiii",the boy spoke waving at hana as she waved back a smile coming on her lips after a long time

"I am beomgyu",he spoke as the girl nodded

"I am hana",she spoke

"I am taehyun",another boy spoke

"I'm ryujin",the girl who brought them here spoke

"The names Huening kai"the last boy spike as he started at yuna

Hana eternally smirk as she knew where this was going after she saw that both yuna and him had the same soulmate marks

Tho for once in a longtime did she feel happy

In the other hand yorch let out a smile as he felt happy all of a sudden

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