
Hana woke up looking around shocked to see the Change in her surroundings

"Oh my god you are awake",yuna said as she saw her friend was now awake

"What am I doing here?"she asked her friend

Yuna sighed and told her bestfriend everything

Hana could only sigh sadly

"Yuna",the girl spoke as yuna looked at her

"Please don't tell anyone about this not even those 7",the girl spoke as yuna just looked at her shocked as she opened her mouth to say something but hana cut her off

"Please",hana spoke as yuna saw a look in her eyes that made her agree

Tho that didnt stop her from being worried about her bestfriend


Hana got discharged yesterday as her bestfriend forcefully payed for her even after she denied it multiple times

Right now she is in her apartment as she takes the medicinethe doctor had prescribed to her to stop the pain

She left soon after walking to her school as she entered after 40 minutes of walking

She went to her locker to see her bestfriend already wating for her as she passed her,her adorable smile making the girl internally coo

Both of them went to their class and sat on their respective seats


After a long day of school the girl went to work but to her surprise the 8 of them didn't come today

The girl shrugged it off thinking it was nothing

After her shift finished the girl packed her stuff as she left


The next few days were hell for her as heejim would secretly bully her and would threaten her to not tell anyone

The girl was also growing visibly weaker

Her bestfriend was starting to get worried for her sensing that something was wrong

While her soulmates lived their life falling deeply in love with heejin who was taking full advantage of them


Today hana had this weird feeling when she was about to enter the school

It was as if she needs to run away but she shook it off

Tho when she entered the school she felt stares at her filled with disgust hatred and anger and whispers

The girl was confused already got more confused to see the 7 who were her soulmates walking towards her with glares that could kill

But before they could even come anywhere near her someone held her wrist and dragged her somewhere

The girl looked at the person to find that it was yuna

Both of them ran to the rooftop as yuna closed the door

Hana pinned herself to the wall as she slid down tired

"Yuna what happened?",she asked her bestfriend who looked at her concerned

Yuna showed her phone to her that had an instagram post

Bae hana a bully?

Some clips of hana bulling heejin were leaked a couple of minutes ago

*video that shows a girl who looks like hana bulling heejin through verbal abuse

Shows a girl like hana bullying heejin by abusing her

Here is what heejin had to say:

All of this is true hana had bullied me for the past 4 months for no reason

It started with verbal abuse but then turned into physical soon after

She also threatened me to not to tell anyone or she'll hurt me alot

I'm flad this finally came to light I hope she would stop bullying me now

Hana looked at her bestfriend shocked as her breath quickened and she shook her head repeatedly

"Y-yuna th-that w-wasnt m-me,I-I don't e-even k-kn-ow w-wha-t s-she i-is t-talk-ing about",the girl spoke desperately

Yuna hugged her bestfriend and tapped her back to make her calm down

"I know hana I belive in you",the girl spoke patting her back as hana calmed down


After about 10 minutes she finally calmed down

"Come on lets go to class",yuna said as hana hesitantly nodded

As they entered the class room the girl felt the same stares at her again making her feel small

Yuna held her hand thightly as both of them sat on their seats

During lunch the principal had called the girl

"Miss hana we are very dissapointed in you",the principal spoke

"But sir that wasn't-","save it",he cut her off

"Since you are one of the best students we won't do anything to your scholarship but you will get detention for 2 months",he spoke as hana opened her mouth to say something but he again cut her off "unless you want us to cut of your scolarship?",he spoke as the girl closed her mouth shaking her head a no

"You may leave",he dismissed her as she bowed amd left

The girl no longer had an apetite as she ran to the rooftop

She knew if she would be taking detention she would have to leave for work late the only thing,thankfully the owner of the shop was a nice family so they wouldn't mind it atleast that's what she hoped.

The girl cried at the rooftop for a bot before going to her class

"Yah whe- what happened?!",her bestfriend yuna asked as she saw her puffy eyes

The girl silently told everything that happened to her bestfriend as the girl was shocked

"What the fuck how could they belive all that?!"yuna asked herself and her friend as the girl could only get sadder


The girl was now in the last 3 minutes of her detention as she packed her stuff

As she was done writing I will never bully anyone again 1000 times

Her hand was sore as she packed her bag

She then submitted the paper to her teacher as she left

As if her life wasnt worse something would happen that would effect her more

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